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Tuesday 29 May 2012

BBA STARGAME:The Angolans Cause Division In DownVille.

News of the Angolan pair finally leaving the
game has divided the House into two solid
Seydou and Esperanca have decided to
start packing in preparation to exit
StarGame due to irreconcilable differences.
Seydou's love interest, Talia broke down
and uttered a series of slurs directed at
Esperanca for pulling the plug on her man
like this.
During her Diary session, Talia, who was still
in tears, told Biggie how unfair and selfish
Esperanca is. "She's just weak and can't
stand by herself on her own two feet," Talia
added. Though Tamara and Seydou are not
really in talking terms, she also felt
Esperanca's move was unfair on Seydou and
he didn't deserve that kind of treatment.
However, Jannette and Mildred told Biggie
that Esperanca's feelings about Seydou were
justified because they too hadn't seen him
do any chores in the House. "He just sleeps
all day but Esperanca also hasn't given
herself up to have fun in the House. We all
miss our families," Jannette said.
Eve told Biggie that Esperanca is like a sister
to her and she had been encouraging her
since she got into the House. She said some
Housemates had been accusing her of
pushing Esperanca to leave the House.
"I've been literally begging Esperanca to
hold on and be strong," Eve said. Edith
supported her sister and said she didn't
know what to say to Esperanca because she
had told them that her reasons for quitting
involved family. "Who are we to tell her to
ignore her child and her husband?," Eve
Heartache, broken hearted!
The mood in the House has been sombre as
Talia has been crying for over two hours
and counting. She has been locked in
Seydou's arms with her sister beside her
since Seydou broke the news to her.
Whose side are you on and why?

BBA STARGAME:Breaking News: Angolan Pair Packing Up!..FOR REAL?

Esperanca eventually pulled the plug on
Seydou and they have both told Biggie that
they are leaving StarGame.
During their Diary session, Esperanca
immediately stormed at Big Brother saying
she has had it with Seydou and wants to
leave in the next 24 hours.
"I don't need a psychologist, I don't need 24
hours, I just want to go Biggie," Esperanca
said while Seydou just sat there unmoved.
Esperanca complained about how Seydou
was not pulling his weight around the
House where chores are concerned and she
was tired of doing the duties on her own
whenever they were assigned to work as a
Seydou said Esperanca has been threatening
to pull out of the game way before they
entered the House. As early as Day 3 of the
game, Esperanca wanted voluntary Eviction
but Seydou managed to sweet talk her to
change her mind.
Seydou added that Esperanca wanted to
quit because her friends Eve and Edith are
up for possible Eviction this week.
Biggie suggested that Seydou show some
respect to Esperanca which could perhaps
help in changing her mind.
Biggie made it clear that if Esperanca leaves
then Seydou will have to go too as they
entered the game as a pair.
"I'm stepping out Biggie," Esperanca
insisted and it seems like Seydou has also
lost his patience and just before Biggie
completed their Diary session, he wanted to
know if he can start packing immediately to
which Biggie said it was entirely up to him.
What will happen of the Angolan pair
eventually? Do you think they will work out a
strategy and go on playing the game?

Monday 28 May 2012

Good samaritan charged with littering.

A US man has been charged with littering -
after he tossed a couple of dollar bills to a
beggar from his car.
John Davis was leaving a motorway in
Cleveland, Ohio, when he saw the beggar in
a wheelchair, reports Fox News.
He decided to try to help someone less
fortunate than himself and grabbed a few
dollars from his wallet.
"I have a brother that's paralysed," he said.
"My brother's in that same situation and
As Mr Davis approached the man, he rolled
up the money and stretched his arm out of
his car window.
He says the man took the cash but one of
the dollars fell to the ground. The man bent
over and picked it up.
Moments later, Mr Davis was pulled over by a
police officer who wrote him a ticket for
He faces having to pay out up to $500
including costs and plans to challenge the
ticket in court.
Cleveland police declined to comment but Mr
Davis says it will make him think twice about
helping those less fortunate in future.
"I'd like to do it again but I'm petrified I'm
going to get a ticket," he said.

Man survives being run over by train.

A Canadian man survived being run over by
a train when he passed out between railway
tracks after a drinking session.
The man, from Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, was
unhurt in the incident which happened
outside Elko, British Columbia.
He was spotted by a Canadian Pacific train
conductor who sounded the horn and hit
the emergency brakes, reports the Calgary
But the train couldn't stop in time and rode
over the man. By the time it stopped, 26
carriages had passed over him.
"The guy seemed to wake up and he got up,
grabbed his beer and headed on his way,"
said RCMP Sgt Dave Dubnyk.
"He's of fairly slight stature and the train
went completely over top of him.
"Amazingly, I don't know how you wouldn't
wake up even being that passed out drunk,
how you wouldn't wake up from that train
rumbling over top of you with the brakes
Canadian Pacific police are investigating but
no charges have been laid against the man.

Why GEJ Didn't Say Amen To Anti- Corruption Prayer.

Abuja– Spokesperson for President
Jonathan Ebele Goodluck, Mr Reuben Abati,
has responded to accusations that Jonathan
and members of his cabal refused to say
amen to at this weekend’s democracy day
Church Service when the preacher offered a
prayerful curse against corruption amongst
public officials.
Speaking to reporters, Mr Abati revealed
aspects of protocol that are not widely
known outside Government circles, and
which would explain why Mr President and
ministers didn’t say Amen to the prayer by
Most Reverend Peter Akinola, committing
corrupt politicians to the court of God.
According to him, it is a long standing
presidential protocol that during Church or
Mosque services, the President only offers a
fixed number of amens or amis, as the case
may be.
The Reverend had offered many prayers and
demanded many amens prior to the
contentious one, Abati explained, the result
of which was that the day’s quota of amens
had been used up.
“Why?” asked the spokesperson, “would
President not say amen to a prayer against
He advised preachers, pastors, imams etc, to
familiarise themselves with government
protocol and to also limit the length of their
prayers and sermons.
“It is the same people accusing the
President of not saying amen to anti-
corruption prayer that would be accusing
him of favouritism if he had broken with
protocol and said more amens than is
allowed by constitution,” Abati said.

Hmmm,so we now have Amen limit in our constitution...na God go help this nation.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Pilot who helped crash-land jet in 1989 dies..:Read how he did it.

CHICAGO — Airline pilot Denny Fitch was
hitching a ride home on a DC-10 in 1989
when he heard an explosion somewhere in
the back of the jet. He soon made his way to
the cockpit to see if the crew needed help.
Inside, he found three men desperately
trying to keep the giant plane in the air after
losing all hydraulic power needed to control
direction and altitude. Fitch took a seat in
the only space available — the floor — and
helped operate some of the only equipment
still working — the wing engines — to try
to land the aircraft carrying nearly 300
Fitch, who died Monday at 69, used
everything he knew about flying to confront
an emergency that engineers never
imagined could happen to a modern jetliner.
When the crippled plane crash-landed in
Sioux City, Iowa, more than half of the
passengers survived — one of the most
admired life-saving efforts in aviation
After the accident, aviation experts
conducted simulations in which test pilots
and trainer pilots tried to land similarly
stricken aircraft.
"I'm not aware of any that replicated the
success these guys had," said Mike Hamilton,
a United pilot who flew with Fitch. None of
the simulator pilots were able to make a
survivable landing.
"Most of the simulations never even made it
close to the ground," Hamilton said.
More than two decades later, the teamwork
of Fitch and the others on the flight deck is
still a model for the industry.
"To be one of those pilots, they are all
heroes, and he played in instrumental role in
saving all those lives," said Susan Callander, a
flight attendant on United Flight 232. "What
they all did, all working together as a team,
now for the rest of history will be part of the
training" of flight crews.
Fitch, who had suffered from brain cancer,
died at his home in the Chicago suburb of St.
Charles. His role began with a small,
seemingly meaningless decision he never
understood: to get on Flight 232 instead of
another flight scheduled to depart five
minutes earlier on July 19.
Sitting in a window seat in the last row of
first class, Fitch had just finished his lunch
and asked for a cup coffee.
Suddenly, the explosion spilled his coffee. As
an instructional pilot, he had just spent days
training fellow airmen for every conceivable
kind of problem — hydraulic failure,
immovable flaps, fires and more. He tried to
assure a worried flight attendant that
everything was going to be fine.
"She said, 'No, you don't understand, we've
lost control of the plane,'" Fitch's widow,
Rosa, said Wednesday.
The engine in the plane's tail had exploded,
sending chunks of metal into the jet's three
hydraulic systems. What the crew knew was
this: The only thing they could do was turn
right by using the engines to vary the
amount of thrust on each side.
So for more than 40 minutes, the aircraft
flew in circles as it aimed for the Sioux City
airport. Al Haynes, the captain who
understood as well as anyone the danger of
the situation, asked air traffic controllers to
keep the jet away from the city.
In an interview for a documentary about the
crash, Fitch talked about how his life,
anybody's life, can change in an instant.
"What makes you so sure you're going to
make it home tonight?" he said. "I was 46
years old the day I walked into that cockpit. I
had the world ahead of me. I was a captain
on a major U.S. airline. I had a beautiful
healthy family, loving wife, great future. And
at 4 o'clock I'm trying to stay alive."
High above the cornfields, the pilots knew
the difficulty of their task. Without the flight-
control systems, their landing would be
about twice the normal speed.
As the plane made its final descent, Fitch
recalled hearing and smelling everything.
"I've never been so alive in my life," he said
for a newspaper story marking the 15th
anniversary of the crash.
Just above the runway, the right wing
plowed into the ground, sending the jet into
a terrifying cartwheel and tearing the
fuselage into three chunks as it skidded
across the pavement into a cornfield — a
scene that was captured on video.
Most of those who were killed were in the
first-class area where Fitch had been seated
before he went to the cockpit.
Fitch suffered several broken bones, a
punctured lung and other injuries that
required nine operations, Rosa Fitch said.
The emotional scars were even deeper.
"To find out that 112 people didn't make it,
that just about destroyed me," he once said.
"I would have given my life for any of them.
It was a really tough time."
Fitch became a motivational speaker, who
advised others that they should let their
family and friends know how much they're
Fitch, whose first wife died of brain cancer
in the late 1990s, met Rosa in March 2000,
when the two were working — he as a pilot
and she as flight attendant — on an
overseas flight.
"When I got home, the phone was ringing
and it was him," she said. "He'd gone
through two years of recuperation from the
crash and two years of procedures for his
wife's illness, and he was looking for some
normalcy in his life."
Three months later, they were married, and
she said that her husband took his own
advice throughout their marriage.
"He couldn't pass me without hugging me
or telling me how much he loved me," she
Besides his wife, Fitch's survivors include
three grown children, two stepchildren and
10 grandchildren.

Baby saved with smallest artificial heart.

Italian doctors have saved the life of a 16-
month-old boy by implanting the world's
smallest artificial heart to keep the infant
alive until a donor was found for a
The doctors at Rome's Bambino Gesu
hospital said the operation was carried out
last month and made public this week. The
baby, whose identity has not been disclosed,
was kept alive for 13 days before the
transplant and is now doing well.
The baby was suffering from dilated
myocardiopathy, a heart muscle disease
which normally causes stretched or
enlarged fibers of the heart. The disease
gradually makes the heart weaker, stopping
its ability to pump blood effectively.
Before the implant, the child also had a
serious infection around a mechanical pump
that had been fitted earlier to support the
function of his natural heart.
"From a surgical point of view, this was not
really difficult. The only difficulty that we met
is that the child was operated on several
times before," he said.
Amodeo said the baby had become family
and his team wanted to do everything to
help him.
"The patient was in our intensive care unit
since one month of age. So he was a mascot
for us, he was one of us," the doctor said.
"Every day, every hour, for more than one
year he was with us. So when we had a
problem we couldn't do anything more than
our best," he said.

Friday 25 May 2012


Hahahaha....Scuffles in the house•Like Nigeria, Like Ukraine: Parliamentarians
in Ukraine fighting on the floor of the
parliament this afternoon.

American Idol Winner; Phillip Phillips Had Eight Operations During American Idol Run.

Imagine what Phillip Phillips could do if he
were 100 percent healthy.
The American Idol winner dazzled viewers
all season long, despite battling chronic
kidney problems – and having eight
separate surgeries – since the competition
began, his father told PEOPLE Wednesday
after an eventful finale.
The younger Phillips, 21, suffered with a
build up of kidney stones and underwent
multiple operations to remove them. In the
next few weeks, after another surgery to
reconstruct his kidneys, he is expected to
make a full recovery in time for the Idols Live
"The recovery's probably two to four
weeks," said his father. "He's healthy, he's
good. His kidneys are good. I can't wait for
America and the whole world to see him
[after his surgery], because he's a big cut-
up. He's going to have some fun."
The singer himself told reporters
Wednesday that the problems were a
struggle but that he had the support to get
through them.
"I'm going to get some surgery done, so I'm
going to get all better for the tour," he said.
"It was very tough [getting through the
season]. I had great doctors and great
people surrounding me [who] really helped
out, so it's just a blessing to be here."
Wow!...just speechless.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Nigerian Man Goes To China To Find 'American Dream,' Launches Social Network

Gbooza.com is Spartan Arinze's new social
network/news aggregator for Nigerians.
Spartan Arinze is pursuing the American
dream, in China. He's created a social
network for Nigerians and Nigerians living
in China called Gbooza! It's part Facebook,
part Huffington Post and completely devoted
to Nigerians. It's not a run-away success yet,
but Arinze is confident.
When Spartan Arinze landed at the
Guangzhou airport in southern China more
than a decade ago he had $300 in his
pocket and he didn’t speak a word of
Chinese but he felt destined to do
something big.
“I came to China with the hope of looking
for the American dream. You must have read
that on my profile,” Arinze said.
The online profile he’s talking about is on
gbooza.com — the website Arinze launched
two years ago. As for his dream, Gbooza is
“Some people dream of business, my dream
was media,” he said.
The connection between Nigeria and China
is built on trade. Arinze remembers
watching as more and more Chinese goods
flooded the marketplace near his home in
Nigeria’s Anambra State. At the time, visas to
China were relatively easy for Nigerians to
get. So Arinze decided to take his chances
and go to the source of all those goods,
where he hoped to make enough money to
start his own social networking website.
“That was the biggest risk in my life," he
Arinze spent his first few years in
Guangzhou doing whatever odd job would
keep him there – teaching English, exporting
purses to Nigeria – all the while researching
and planning for the launch of his own
social network. He studied sites like
Facebook and Yahoo. They weren’t quite like
the site that he hoped to create. But then
one day he was searching the Internet and
he accidentally came across a new website:
The Huffington Post.
“I said, ‘Wow, this is the kind of thing I want
to create,’ ” he said.
Gbooza! launched in 2010. The name
Gbooza, like Yahoo ends with an
exclamation point. It’s a Nigerian expression
meaning surprise or astonishment.
“It can mean a bang, explosion, something
like that,” Arinze explained.
The site is part social network, part news
aggregator and all focused on the Nigerian
community in China.
“I cannot create a news website for
Americans,” Arinze said. “I am Nigerian so I
have to create something for my people.
And being in China here, I want to create
something that will benefit my people and
benefit China. We feature Chinese news and
we feature events of Nigerians in China too.
Gbooza is no Facebook yet. The site has
about 2,000 members and gets around
5,000 pageviews a day. But Arinze is still
dreaming big. His next plan: making
gbooza.com the number one social news
network in Africa.

Monday 21 May 2012

BBA: UpVille First Nomination; Mampi Nominated Most.

Mampi was the common denominator
during the first Upville Nominations.
Everyone with the exception of gossip
buddy Maneta, put Zambia's Mampi on the
chopping block this week. This is not
surprising, considering the complaints in
the past week about her pre-disposition to
Maneta, on the other hand, has the second
highest number of Nominations, thanks to
her friendship with Mampi. Lady May told
Big Brother how the two have formed a
formidable gossip duo, while Roki did not
hesitate to put his fellow countryman up,
revealing how Maneta is "slowly fading into
Mampi." DKB, who is Head of House was
surprisingly put on the chopping block by
Prezzo, who he spends a lot of time with.
Prezzo's reason for Nominating the
comedian is that DKB is not real with himself
and is trying too hard to fit in. Mampi pulled
the trigger at him too, without so much as
batting an eyelid. "He has been stepping on
my toes the last week. He has such a big
head now that he is Head of House", she
Goldie garnered two Nominations, from
Mampi and Maneta respectively. Mampi
called Goldie a plastic pretender, while
Maneta called her "fake." Lady May and
Prezzo each got a Nomination apiece. Barbz
Nominated Prezzo, after assuring Big
Brother that it wasn't because of their past
issues. "He says Africa loves him, so this is
his chance to prove it", she said.
Roki and Barbz can rest easy. Mampi - 6
DKB - 3
Maneta - 3
Goldie - 2
Lady May - 1
Prezzo - 1
Barbz - 0
Roki - 0
No one
Nominated either of them.

Pictures Of Today's Suspected Sucide Bomber.

Police said they caught a suspected terrorist
at the proposed venue of a ministerial
conference Abuja today.
The person whose identity is
now known reportedly came to the Radio
House with high grade explosives and
rounds of ammunition.
The Radio House was to play host to three
federal ministers who were scheduled to
present their achievements in office in
preparation for the annual May 29th
"Democracy Day" ritual.

84 Lagos private hospitals to offer free services.

Private doctors under the aegis of the
Association of General and Private Medical
Practitioners of Nigeria have earmarked 84
private hospitals in Lagos State where
patients could get free health care services.
The state Chairman of the association, Dr.
Olayinka Oladosu, said on Sunday that the
move was to ensure that lives were not lost
while the state government negotiated with
its sacked doctors.
Oladosu explained that the hospitals were in
most parts of the state to ensure that
residents did not have to travel far distances
to get treatment.
He said the hospitals would offer free
treatment only to patients with general
hospitals cards.
Oladosu said the association had also
provided seven emergency centres in each
local government.
He said, “We cannot seat back and go
against the Hippocratic Oath that we have
sworn to.
“Our colleagues in dispute should be
assured that this move is not in any way to
scuttle their negotiation with the state
The National President of the association,
Dr.Anthony Omolola, said doctors in the
selected private hospitals would attend to all
cases while complicated ones would be
referred to consultants in the public
He added that the association took the step
to reduce the agony of patients who were
traumatised by the strike.
Some of the hospital are Maryland Specialist
Hospital, Nusamin Hospital, Ericon Clinic,
Havillah Clinic and St. Patrick Clinic.

Heroes welcome to The BLUES

A warm and sounding welcome, was giving to Chelsea Champs of Europe on their arrival into the city.

Friday 18 May 2012

Breaking News:Nigerian Contestants Chris and Ola Leaves BB StarGame!

In their Diary Session today, Ola and Chris sat
with heavy hearts, prompting Big Brother to
ask them what was on their minds.
Ola broke the ice by declaring that after
consultation with the House Doctor, he
would like to Voluntarily Exit the Big Brother
House. He said that he has thought about it
and since the medication he is on does not
seem to be taking well, would like to seek
medical attention outside of the Big Brother
A sombre-looking Chris added that he
understands completely. "Yes, this is a game.
However, we can’t play with our lives."
“Health is wealth”, Ola added.
The two were instructed by Biggie to leave
the Diary Room and speak to their fellow
Housemates, to explain the situation.
The two Nigerian Housemates have to leave
the House with immediate effect, seeing as
their Voluntary Exit has been prompted by a
serious medical condition that needs urgent
We now left with Goldie @ upville

Thursday 17 May 2012

Should Drogba Stay or Go? -- Will Saturday Be His Final Game?

There is a distinct possibility that Saturday
will be the last time we see Didier Drogba
play for Chelsea Football Club.
This prospect leaves me confused as to
whether I want Didier Drogba to stay or do
I want him to go, I honestly cannot decide
as there are logical arguments for both
particularly if he has spurned a one year
The Drogba Factor
Both on and off the pitch Didier Drogba is
an enigma, on form he is a beast but he is
susceptible to mood swings and theatrics
that detract from what he represents as
both a player and an individual.
When he is in the mood he is unbeatable as
Liverpool, Barcelona and Tottenham have
found out to their expense in recent weeks,
however when he is not in the mood he is
about as useless as a chocolate teapot.
If he is unhappy on the pitch he will flounce
about, throw himself on the floor and
generally throw his toys out of the pram,
unfortunately over the whole season this
has been to common which explains why
his goal tally this season has been poor.
I have always had a love/hate conflict with
our Ivorian particularly with his never
ending hints at leaving only to profess how
much he loves the club.
In 2008 I went to a Champions League away
game and Didier Drogba was at his petulant
worst and I came back fuming with him
thinking that his time at the Bridge was over
but in true Drogba style he soon seemed to
be rehabilitated and back to his best.
As a footballer I love him, he has all the
attributes you want from a forward player
and he has been an integral part of our
recent success, particularly when appearing
at Wembley.
However it is his mental foibles and poor
management from his agent that give me
On recent form Didier Drogba deserves a
new contract, but I fear he may leave due to
his ego getting in the way after being only
offered a year.
At his age Chelsea should only ever be
offering him a year extension, yet this does
not sit well with Drogba who wants two
and I don’t know if the club should gamble
and ante up for the full two years.
So Long and Thanks For The Memories
If Didier Drogba does leave he will be one of
the greatest players to have played for us
and contributed so much in his 8 years at
the club.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

GEJ Reacts To Buhari's Prediction Of Bloody 2015.

The attention of the Presidency has been
drawn to unfortunate statements in the
media made by former Head of State and
presidential candidate of the Congress for
Progressive Change (CPC), Major Gen.
Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) in which he
allegedly predicted bloodshed in 2015 and
labelled the Federal Government led by
President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, as
"the biggest Boko Haram".
But perhaps the most unfortunate part of
the statement was the portion in which
Buhari said that, " Since the leaders now
don’t listen to anybody but do whatever
they wish, there is nothing the north can
We find it very sad that an elder
statesman who once presided over the
entirety of Nigeria can reduce himself to a
regional leader who speaks for only a part
of Nigeria. We now understand what his
protégé and former Minister of the Federal
Capital Territory (FCT), Malam Nasir El’Rufai,
meant when he wrote in a public letter in
October of 2010, telling Nigerians that
Buhari remains "perpetually unelectable"
and that Buhari's "insensitivity to Nigeria’s
diversity and his parochial focus are already
well-known." Who can know Buhari better
than his own political associate?
Come to think of it, as the CPC presidential
candidate in the 2011 election, how many
states in the Federation did he visit to
campaign for votes? Buhari never bothered
to campaign in the southern part of the
country and consistently played up the
North-South divide to the chagrin of
patriotic and well-meaning Nigerians. As the
results revealed, Nigerians will never vote for
anyone who wants to divide the country. Is
Buhari going to continue to be a sectional
The Federal Government led by President
Jonathan is not Boko Haram. Boko Haram
means Western Education is sin. That being
the case, one wonders how a government
that devoted the largest sectoral allocation
in the 2012 budget to education could be
said to be Boko Haram. Between 1983,
when Buhari forcefully seized power from
the democratically elected administration of
President Shehu Usman Shagari, and 2012,
no other administration has committed the
same quantum of resources as the Jonathan
administration to education in the part of
Nigeria that has witnessed the most Boko
Haram-related insecurity.
Only on April 10, 2012, President Jonathan
commissioned the first of 400 Federal
Government Model Almajiri Schools,
equipped with modern facilities such as a
Language Laboratory, Qur'an Recitation Hall,
classrooms and dormitories as well as a
clinic, vocational workshop, dining hall and
quarters for the Mallams. As Nigerians read
this, more of such schools have been
We now challenge Major General Buhari
(rtd) to tell Nigerians what he has done,
whether in his capacity as the head of a
military junta or in his private capacity, to
bring education to vulnerable children. If
he cannot live up to this challenge,
perhaps he has to reassess who really is
Boko Haram.
Buhari claims that the Federal Government
does not listen. Such an accusation ought
not to emanate from a man overthrown by
his own hand- picked colleagues in the
military for refusing to listen to advice and
behaving as if he had a monopoly of
It is on record that the Federal Government
led by President Jonathan is a listening
administration hence its decision to pursue
all means of resolving the Boko Haram
insurgency including through dialogue.
When Buhari says that "if what happens in
2011 should again happen in 2015, by the
grace of God, ‘the dog and the baboon
would all be soaked in blood", we hereby
state that it is Buhari himself who does not
listen. He has obviously refused to listen to
the Nigerian People, the European Union,
the Commonwealth Monitoring Group, the
African Union and a multitude of
independent electoral monitors who
testified that the 2011 elections were free
and fair and "the best elections since Nigeria
returned to civil rule."
Indeed, such a reaction from Buhari is not
totally unexpected since he has become a
serial election loser who has never taken his
past election defeats graciously even when
such elections were generally acknowledged
to be free and fair.
Still on the issue of Boko Haram, we
wonder what locus a man whose party's
Secretary General, Buba Galadima, told
the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
in December, 2010, that the Federal
Government is underestimating the
support base of Boko Haram, has to
accuse a government that has been
threatened on camera by the leaders of
Boko Haram of itself being Boko Haram?
Major General Buhari (rtd) also boasts of his
knowledge of the Petroleum Industry
because of his time as Federal Commissioner
for Petroleum. We wonder why he did not
boast of the infamous scandal that occurred
in that ministry where under his watch
billions of Naira (in the 1970s) were
reported stolen, a matter which led to the
setting up of the Justice Ayo Irikefe panel.
Finally, we wish to make it known to Buhari
that given his reference to "dogs and
baboons", perhaps his best course of action
would be to travel to the zoo of his
imagination because President Goodluck
Jonathan was elected by human beings to
preside over human beings and it is human
beings who will determine what happens in
Nigeria at any material time not "dogs and
Special Adviser (Media & Publicity) to the
May 15, 2012.

Sunday 13 May 2012

BIG BROTHER STARGAME: Three Eliminated;see how Africa voted.

Here's how Africa voted this week (13 May
2012) - Hilda, Julio and Teclar were
Here's who which country voted for:
Angola: Julio
Botswana: Maneta
Ghana: Hilda
Kenya: Maneta
Liberia: Hilda
Malawi: Maneta
Namibia: Maneta
Nigeria: Hilda
South Africa: Maneta
Sierra Leone: Hilda
Tanzania: Hilda
Uganda: Hilda
Zambia: Maneta
Zimbabwe: Maneta
Rest of Africa: Maneta
Total: Hilda = 6; Julio = 1; Maneta = 8; Teclar
= 0 (Total: 15 Votes)

Friday 11 May 2012

BIG BROTHER STARGAME: There Is A Virgin In The House.

There's a virgin in Downville and it's little
Jannette. This transpired after Chris wanted
to know how many rounds of sex she could
take as they were chatting in the lounge late
at night.
Jannette shyly said "I'm a Holy Mary", which
she further explained to; "I've never had
intercourse before".
Ola couldn't resist joining in the
conversation while Chris insisted on asking
her if she would go for three or four rounds
but the blushing Jannette didn't know how
to deal with it.
His countrymate, Ola was curious about the
kind of man Jannette would give it up to, to
which she replied "Someone with swag, like
However, this was after Chris has whispered
to her to mention Seydou's name who
seemed freaked out to hear it.
It will be interesting to see how Jannette will
be treated in the House now that they know
she's still a virgin.

First Pill To Prevent HIV Infection Gains Support.

SILVER SPRING, Md. — The first drug shown
to prevent HIV infection won the
endorsement of a panel of federal advisers
Thursday, clearing the way for a landmark
approval in the 30-year fight against the
virus that causes AIDS.
In a move that could lead to a new
milestone for treatment in the evolution of
the worldwide AIDS epidemic, the Food and
Drug Administration advisory committee
voted 19-3 to endorse the drug's use for
controlling HIV infection among the highest
risk group - men who have sex with men.
The panel also approved Truvada's use for
the domestic partners of HIV-infected
people and others at risk for sexual
transmission, but several members said
there should be more data on the drug's
efficacy to justify its use in the wider
Dr. Lauren Wood of the National Cancer
Institute said she voted against all
preventive applications because clinical
studies did not measure the dangers of
drug-related renal problems among black
people, who are among the hardest
impacted by HIV infection and the most
susceptible to kidney problems linked to
AIDS drugs.
"I don't think that is adequate when you're
talking about the population that is most at
risk," she said.
Studies showed Truvada to be more than 90
percent effective at preventing HIV infection
among test subjects who took the drug as
prescribed, but only 44 percent effective
among test populations that included
intermittent use.
Some witnesses expressed concern that
Truvada's $14,000 a year price tag could
encourage the healthy to treat it as "a party
drug" for weekend use, raising the danger
of increasing HIV drug resistance and
making the treatment harder to obtain for
people who are infected with HIV.
FDA officials also said restrictions could be
easily circumvented because the drug is also
sold to HIV infected patients.

Senate slashes costs of number plates, driver’s licence.

The Senate Committee on Federal Character
and Intergovernmental Affairs has slashed
the price of the new vehicle number plate
and driver’s licence to N8,400 and N4,000
respectively. The reduction is contained in
the report which the committee submitted
to the Senate after its two-day public
hearing on the price of the new number
plate and driver’s licence that was fixed by
the FRSC.
The committee, chaired by Sen. Dahiru Kuta
(PDP-Niger), also said that the suspension
placed on the issuance of the new driver’s
licence and vehicle number plate had been
lifted. It, nonetheless, advised the FRSC to
ensure strict compliance with the price
The Senate at its plenary session on 29
February considered a motion on the
hardship inflicted on citizens because of the
price of the new number plate and driver’s
licence.The Senate described the price as
high and directed the FRSC to suspend the
implementation forthwith.
In the report, the committee conceded that
the new number plate and driver’s licence
was laudable but stressed the need to
reduce the price.
“The Committee recommends that
motorcycle plate number and rider’s licence
should revert to the old rate of N1,500 and
N750 respectively, as the majority of the
motorcyclists are poor.Similarly, the sum of
N8,400 is being recommended as the price
of standard motor vehicle number plate
instead of N15,000, while the price of the
driver’s licence should be reduced from
N6,000 to N4,000.’’
The committee, however, recommended
that FRSC should extend the deadline given
for the procurement of the new number
plate and driver’s licence by another six
“The committee notes that the FRSC has
given a timeframe of September 2011 to
August 2012 for motorists to renew their
licences and number plates. We ask that this
date be extended from August 2012 to
February 2013.’’
It urged the FRSC to embark on massive
enlightenment campaigns to educate the
people on the advantages and other security
details of the new scheme.
The committee, however, called for the
harmonisation of some functions of the
police, the Vehicle Inspection Office (VIO)
and FRSC, adding that some overlaps existed
in the activities of the three agencies.
It also directed the VIO to stop its E-coding
scheme and the collection of N2,000 per

70-year-old virgin says she wants a tall, dark handsome millionaire.

Pam Shaw is one real-life woman that has
managed to stay a virgin up to her
70th birthday.

“I’ve never really been intimate with a
man, just a bit of kissing. I had a sexy
stage name and dressed sexy but that
was all for my career,” Shaw told Yahoo
She added that “Now’s the time. I’m
ready to take the plunge for the right
bloke…My standards are still very high,
though . I’m hoping to bag a tall, dark
and handsome millionaire.“

Shaw says she doesn’t believe in sex
before marriage and has been too busy
with her career as a cabaret dancer to
settle down. “I feel I am ready to give
marriage a go and maybe go to bed
with a man,” she said. “You are never
too old for anything”.
says she lived with her mother until she
passed away at the age of 97 in 1995.
Ironically, Shaw says men have often
made incorrect assumptions about her
sex life, or lack thereof, because of her
career in the entertainment industry.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

BIGBROTHER AFRICA: Nigerian Star Contestant; Goldie Under Attack.

Roki's potty-mouth lands him in hot water
with feisty Goldie.
The drama never ends! This afternoon,
Starmate Goldie threw her toys out of the
cot and verbally attacked Zimbabwean
Housemate Roki for what she termed
Goldie flew out of the house like the
proverbial bullet and fired off a verbal fist to
the jaw.
Between sobs, the Nigerian Housemate
threatened to leave and go back home
because Roki does not know how to talk to
"He always picks on me and says I have fire
inside, then uses vulgar language around
me", she complained.
Roki didn't seem moved and instead
brushed her off, telling her to "Shut the eff
up". He then swiftly backed-pedaled and
apologised, after realising Goldie was not
taking any of this lying down. DKB and
Prezzo scrambled to her side and tried to
calm her down, to no avail.
DKB scooped Goldie up in his arms, like a
groom taking his bride over the threshold
and managed to calm her down.
When Roki tried to push for a chance to
apologise, the boys advised him to let it go
and apologise later.

BIGBROTHER AFRICA:Esperanca Finally Opens Up To Partner.

Esperanca finally built up the courage to
break the news that she is leaving the game,
to her partner Seydou.
After initially running around in circles
avoiding the issue, she grabbed Seydou by
the hand and found a private spot in the
garden. Voice breaking, Esperanca laid all
her cards on the table, shocking Seydou,
who clearly never saw it coming. "You can't
do that. It’s only been four days", he said.
After recovering from the initial shock,
Seydou quickly set about trying to convince
the other half of the Angolan pair to re-think
her decision to exit the House.
He pleaded with Esperanca, telling her she
was not a quitter and needed to be strong.
"It's not about us now, it's about Angola",
he said. Esperanca tearfully listened to
Seydou, who spent a good 30 minutes
trying to convince her to change her mind.
At some point, Esperanca broke into a smile
in the middle of their conversation.
Seydou pleads with Esperanca
We are not sure whether this is an
indication that Esperanca has decided to
toughen up and stay put. Check back soon
for more, as this story develops.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Capsules containing powdered flesh of dead babies seized.

The South Korean government revealed
Monday that it recently seized
thousands of capsules filled with the
powdered flesh of dead babies.

Reportedly, some people believe the
powder has medicinal purposes and
was created in northeastern China.
South Korea has reportedly been
reluctant to criticize China directly over
the incident, out of fears of creating
diplomatic friction with the country. But
the process by which the powder is
allegedly created is one of the most
disturbing stories imaginable.
According to the Korea Customs Service,
the bodies of dead babies are chopped
into small pieces and dried on stoves
before being turned into powder. The
customs officials have refused to say
exactly where the babies come from or
who is responsible for making the
China has already been in the spotlight
over activist Chen Guangcheng, whose
work involves protesting the
government’s sterilization and forced
abortion policies. It was recently
reported that China is working to
“soften” its one-child policy slogans,
though not the actual policy itself.
Last year, Chinese officials ordered an
investigation into the manufacturing of
drugs made from dead fetuses or
newborn babies. Nonetheless, South
Korean officials said in a statement they
have discovered 35 smuggling attempts
since last August, during which 17,450
capsules labeled as “stamina boosters”
were discovered. Rather than containing
any inherent medicinal properties, the
capsules are said to contain dangerous
bacteria and other harmful, unspecified
Amazingly, none of the smugglers have
been arrested in the various
confiscations because the South Korean
customs officials said the amounts of
human flesh contained in the capsules
were too small and were not intended
for direct sale. The smugglers claimed to
have no knowledge of the human flesh
content, saying they believed the
capsules were ordinary stamina-
boosting pills.

Monday 7 May 2012

Nollywood Loses Another.

Nollywood has been thrown into
mourning again as they lose yet
another act in the soap opera field
Cassandra Gabriel.

The late Cassandra was a popular face of
the soap opera “Face2Face”where she
played the role Sisi Carol.
The unfortunate incident happened on
Saturday, after battling with breast
cancer for over a year.
Late Cassandra who hails from Igueben
local govt area in Edo State left behind a

Friday 4 May 2012

Iced Rainfall In Abeokuta.

the Ogun state capital, south-west of
Nigeria, on Thursday recorded an
unusual rainfall laden with ice falling,
also known as hailstorm.
Hail is a form of solid precipitation. It
consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice,
each of which is referred to as a hail
Residents witnessed ice blocks, the size
of gravels falling from the sky leaving the
very apprehensive when solid blocks
started falling on rooftops, road and
vehicles, making very loud unusual
According to reports, the ice storm
started during the heavy rainfall which
started around 5.42pm, lasting about 27
minutes with strong winds.
Wind shields of three vehicles were
reportedly broken by the ice at Ake, the
heart of the ancient town.
Similar ice storm were experienced
other parts of the city such as Panseke,
Kuto and at the MKO Abiola Stadium.
A witness who wrote his experience on
a social media platform stated that “I’m
presently driving somewhere around
Kuto, in Abeokuta and there’s massive
hail storm here. It’s so strong; it’s got
people leaving their cars for shelter. To
give you an idea, it’s like having gravel
poured on the roof of your vehicle from
a four storey building.”

Could this be emergence of snow fall in western Nigeria?

Thursday 3 May 2012

Video Of Thisday Newspaper Attack.

Cut and paste to watch how Thisday Newspaper was attacked.........www.saharareporters.com/video/video-chilling-last-minutes-thisday-newspaper-suicide-car-bomber

Monday 30 April 2012

AY survives tragic car accident.

A-list comedian, Ayo Makun, popularly
known as AY of the AY show was on
Sunday, April 29 involved in a car crash
in Abuja.
According to reports, the accident
occurred between This Dome and Nitel
at the central district Abuja, involving a
Peugeot 406 and Sienna.
AY was reportedly resting at the front
seat in his car after a church event at
Hilton Hotel, Abuja, when the auto-
accident with a 406 Peugeot car
His manager has confirmed the accident
stating that AY is alive and that no
serious injuries occured.

Another Unsinkable Ship AKA "Titanic" Under Construction.

An Australian billionaire announced plans
on Monday to build an “unsinkable”
version of the Titanic, 100 years after
the original sank after hitting an iceberg.

Titanic II is expected to make its maiden
voyage from England to North America,
the old Titanic route, in late 2016.
“It is going to be designed so it won’t
sink,” mining and tourism tycoon Clive
Palmer told reporters. “It will be
designed as a modern ship with all the
technology to ensure that doesn’t
The original Titanic, the largest liner in
world when it was launched and
dubbed “virtually unsinkable” at the
time, sank after hitting an iceberg on
April 15, 1912, killing 1,517 passengers
and crew.
Palmer said his new shipping company,
Blue Star Line Pty Ltd, had signed a
memorandum of understanding with
the Chinese state-owned company CSC
Jinling Shipyard to build Titanic II. The
original ship was operated by the White
Star Line.
The design work had started for the
new Titanic, which will have the same
dimension as its old version with 840
rooms and nine decks.

Wife Of Former IGP.Mrs Okiro Dies In Her Bathroom.

Wife of former Inspector General of Police,
Sir Mike Mbama Okiro, has died after she
slipped and fell in her bathroom.
Hera Okiro, the woman named in a bank
loan controversy shortly after Mr. Okiro
stepped down as IG died after a freak
accident in her bathroom. Family sources
said Mrs. Okiro could not be reached on time
after she fell on her head in a bathtub in the
former IG's home last Thursday.
She was sixty one.
A banker by profession, Hera was named in
a bank loan fraud in 2009 shortly after her
husband retired as IG, she was named in
her capacity as the managing director of
Hekiro Nigeria limited, a company used by
the former IG to secure contracts from AGIP/
ENI oil company and bank loans from the
defunct Lead Bank of Nigeria.
In July 2009 the Nigeria Deposit Insurance
Corporation (NDIC) accused Mrs Okiro of
borrowing a total of N166. 597 million
between 2000 and 2001 from the defunct
Lead Bank, the bank loan was never repaid
according to the NDIC.
Family sources said Mrs. Okiro is survived by
several children mostly members of the
former IG's family business, Hekiro Nigeria

Bomb Explosion Rocks Ministry of Finance Building In Taraba State.

Militants have bombed a the state
government ministry of Finance in Jalingo,
Taraba state as terror campaign spreads in
Nigeria's north.

Updates coming Soon.....

Sunday 29 April 2012

Explosion rocks Bayero University Kano (BUK)

At least eight people have been killed,
after an explosion hit the Bayero
University Kano in Kano State Nigeria’s
North-West Region.

According to the eyewitness accounts,
the explosion started at about 8am this
morning, when the attackers hit
theatres 2&3 where Christians normally
conduct their services.
Unconfirmed reports say about seven
people carried out the attack, sporadic
gun shots were also heard at the
Kabuga junction near the entrance to
the University.
The Kano State Commissioner of Police,
Mr Ibrahim Idris says
although eight people have been
confirmed dead but the death toll might
increase in the course of the day.

Friday 27 April 2012

Ramsey Nouah Quits Acting.

One of Nollywood’s vibrant actors,
Ramsey Nouah has disclosed that he is
quitting acting after being in the field
for about two decades.
The actor said that he has reached his
prime and wants to say a bye-bye to the
movie industry.
“I think I’ve had my fair share,” he said.
“To my fans and loved ones, I know
they’ll always want to see me on screen,
but as they say, it’s best to leave when
the ovation is loudest.

I want to leave a very strong legacy.
“I believe I have left a very strong
imprint in that line. There’s no possible
way you can mention ‘Nollywood’
without mentioning Ramsey Nouah.
“I only want to be associated with the
kind of movies that are poised to take
the industry to another level, which is
where we are headed now. Plus, I want
to focus on working behind the scenes.
“I started a project at one point in time,
but due to circumstances I wasn’t able
to see it through, so it didn’t see the
light of day, but I’m working on that
now and getting the resources together.
Like I said, I grew up not having much,
so I know the pains. Sometimes you
want to help, but greedy people hijack it
and in the end, the people who really
need the help don’t get it.”
Ramsey has starred in several movies
such as Private Storm, Dangerous Twins,
Figurine which won him an award as
best actor in a leading role at the AMAA
He said that he is not abandoning the
movie industry entirely.

Why Thisday Was Attacked,And Others Soon.

The Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati
Wal-Jihad, popularly known as Boko
Haram, said yesterday that it attacked
Thisday newspaper’s offices in Abuja
and Kaduna to send a strong message to
the media that it would no longer
condone reports misrepresenting it in
the press, or blaming it for acts it knows
nothing about.
Abul Qaqa, spokesperson for the sect
told Premium Times, in an exclusive
interview, that his organisation was fed
up with the deliberate misinformation
being peddled about it in the Nigerian
and foreign media.

“We have repeatedly cautioned reporters
and media houses to be professional
and objective in their reports. This is a
war between us and the Government of
Nigeria; unfortunately the media have
not been objective and fair in their
report of the ongoing war, they chose to
take side,” Mr. Qaqa said.
He identified three instances where he
claimed his group was deliberately
misrepresented by the media. The first,
according to him, was the rumour of his
capture by the Nigerian intelligence
“Some reporters are aware that I am
Abul Qaqa, they know my voice through
our long interactions and they also know
the role of Abu Darda who heads the
enlightenment committee and
sometimes facilitates interviews; yet they
(media) go by the unsubstantiated view
of government that Abul Qaqa is in
custody and I am the new spokesman or
number two,” he said.
Premium Times had continuously
reported that Abul Qaqa was not
arrested contrary to reports and that it
was Abu Darda, another member, that
was arrested.
The second misrepresentation,
according to Mr. Qaqa, was the reporting
on the kidnappings of foreigners in the
Northern part of Nigeria.
“Another issue was the recent
kidnappings in the north; we were clear
with our position as a group during a
teleconference with reporters but we
were shocked the next day when
newspaper headlines added a lot of
things which I never said during that
The third example, Mr. Abul Qaqa said, is
the mistranslation of the video the group
posted recently.
“Another example is the recent video
posted on YouTube by our Imam; I
challenge every Nigerian to watch that
video again. There is no place our imam
either said he will crush President
Jonathan or issued an ultimatum to the
government in Nigeria; but nearly all
papers carried very wrong and
mischievous headlines.”
When asked why ThisDay appeared
specifically chosen for the attack, Mr.
Qaqa said ThisDay’s “sins” are more
“It is not only THISDAY that has been
engaged in negative media campaign,
fictional stories and constantly
promoting fake stories by the JTF to give
an impression that they are making
headway against us yet there is no time
the media investigated further as an
objective and responsible bystander in
this war.
“But the sins of THISDAY are more,” he
“They once insulted the Prophet
Mohammed in 2001 and we have not
forgotten. They recently said our Imam
executed me which is false. Here I am
speaking to you, I am alive and healthy.”
Expect more media attacks
The group’s spokesman further warned
of more attacks on the media.
“We have just started this new campaign
against the media and we will not stop
here, we will hit the media hard since
they have refused to listen to our plea
for them to be fair in their reportage,”
he said.
Mr. Abul Qaqa also said his group would
give further information on biases by the
“In the coming days we will give details
and instances where the media have not
been fair to us and why we are going to
attack them as well.”
Media should be neutral
“The media in Nigeria are not a problem
to us if they will do their job
professionally without taking sides,” Mr.
Abul Qaqa said.
“But each time we say something, it is
either changed or downplayed. But
when our enemy says something even
without logical proof, it is blown out of
“We have repeatedly asked some
reporters to retract some stories or even
give us the right of reply but none of
these requests were given to us.”

Thursday 26 April 2012


A bomb blast near Thisday newspaper's
Kaduna office has killed at least 10 people.
The attack, a second one on the newspaper
today, occured along Kontagora road by
Ahmadu Bello way in Kaduna. The suspected
bomber was arrested.

Two die as blasts hit newspaper
offices in Abuja and Kaduna
At least people have been confirmed
dead in a bomb blast at the Thisday
newspaper office in Abuja, according
to Segun Adeniyi, Chairman of the
paper’s Editorial board, while a second
explosion that affected the same
company, the Sun and the Moment
newspaper offices went off in the city
of Kaduna.
The explosion in Abuja occurred around
11:30am on Thursday at the offices of
Mr Adeniyi who confirmed that the
incidence in Abuja was a suicide
bombing said that two men disguised
as visitors had drove into the Thisday
premises in and and detonated the
bomb before the security officers could
suspect or stop them.
He said five other person who sustained
injuries from the incidence are been
treating in a hospital in Abuja.
An official of Nigeria’s National
Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)
said the explosion in Thisday office
Abuja was caused by a bomb planted
inside the newspaper’s office.
“It’s true there was an explosion at Jabi
(district),” NEMA official, Yushau Shuaib
“NEMA officials are on the ground,” said
he. “They are trying to move those
injured to the hospitals, but we don’t
have any information on casualties yet.”
The agency in an initial statement had
said that it did not believe it was a
suicide bombing.
Police and paramilitary were on the
scene and had surrounded the offices
where the blast had taken place. An
Associated Press new agency reporter
who heard the explosion said it was
very large.
Witnesses said another blast in the city
of Kaduna hit the Sun newspaper office
Response from Government
The Deputy President of Senate, Ike
Ekweremadu has condemned in strong
terms the bomb attacks on Thisday and
Sun Offices in Abuja and Kaduna.
Mr Ekweremadu who described the
attack as a grievous affront on the
Nigerian people urged Nigerians to
unite in their resistance against all acts
of terror.
He said: “The Nigerian media industry
has distinguished itself in not only
fighting for and entrenching the current
democratic dispensation, even at very
high sacrifices, but has as well stood out
as a bastion of our unity and the moral
voice of our society.
“An attack on the media is therefore an
attack on the very fabric of the
conscience of our society and the
fulcrum of our unity, democracy, and
good governance which every Nigerian
must stand up against”
The Deputy President of Senate who
added that the attack was “dastardly,
anti-cultural, and anti-Nigeria”, urged
the media not to be cowed, but speak
up against all acts of terrorism as
Nigerians were in solidarity with them.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Scientists unveil mind-controlling avatar.

Swiss scientists on Tuesday unveiled a
robot that can be controlled by
paralyzed persons through thoughts
alone, a step they hope will one day
allow immobile people to interact with
their surroundings through so-called
The team at Switzerland’s Federal
Institute of Technology in Lausanne
carried out their demonstration by
using only a simple head cap to record
the brain signals of Mark-Andre Duc (a
paralysed man), at a hospital in the
southern Swiss town of Sion.
Duc’s thoughts — or rather, the electrical
signals emitted by his brain when he
imagined lifting his paralyzed fingers —
were decoded almost instantly by a
laptop at the hospital. The resulting
instructions — left or right — were then
transmitted to a foot-tall robot scooting
around the Lausanne lab.
Besides making paraplegics mobile,
neuroprosthetics could be used to help
patients recover lost senses, researchers
Professor Stephanie Lacour and her
team are working on an “electric skin”
for amputees, a glove fitted with tiny
sensors that would send information
directly to the user’s nervous system.
Eventually, researchers say they hope to
create mechanised prosthetics that are
as mobile and sensitive as a natural
hand, Lacour said.
Other researchers at Lausanne are
working on enabling paraplegics to
walk again with electrodes implanted in
their spinal cords.
“The goal is that after a year of training
with a robotic aide, the patient will be
able to walk without a robot. The
electrodes would stay implanted for life,”
said Professor Gregoire Courtine.
He said he is currently setting up clinical
trials and hopes to run tests at Zurich’s
university hospital within a year.
But the technology has its limits, the
brain signals can be scrambled if too
many people are gathered around a
wheelchair, for example.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Sucide Bomber Attempted In Lagos..

IKORODU—An attempt by a 26-year-old-
suspected suicide bomber to blow up a
church in Ikorodu area of Lagos was
foiled, yesterday, following his arrest.
The development threw residents into
panic as news of alleged infiltration of
the Boko Harm’s sect into Lagos spread.
The suspected suicide bomber later
identified as Olasunkanmi Ismail,
reportedly scaled through the fence into
Methodist Church at Ita-Elewa area of
Ikorodu about 7.30 am.
Suspecting his movement, some curious
neighbours reportedly alerted the
church’s securitymen, who subsequently
apprehended Olasunkanmi, who was
clad in a yellow T-shirt and a black
When searched, a can covered with a
paper on which was scribbled ‘open in
case of emergency’ was found in his
During interrogation, Ismail, who
claimed he was sent to plant an
explosive on the church’s premises,
refused to disclose the identity of the
A mob which gathered in front of the
church attempted to lynch him, but was
prevented by the church’s presbyter, Rev.
Mathew Ogunsiji,who invited policemen
from Ikorodu Division.
Men of the Anti-Bomb Squad later arrived
the scene where a search was
conducted round the church’s premises
and the suspect whisked away by
policemen from Ikorodu Division. Rev. Ogusiji said the suspect was found hiding
somewhere near the graveyard, adding
that his attempt to escape was foiled by
the church’s securitymen.
He said: “We were scared when he said
he was sent to plant a bomb in the
church. We then contacted the
Commissioner of Police, who sent a team
of anti-bomb squad to a search the
premises but said they did not discover
any bomb. This has sent a signal to us to
improve on our security system which
we hope to do.’’
So they now av plan to start bombing the west!?...hmmm

Chelsea beat Barcelona to reach Champions League final.

Chelsea Football Club are into the
Champions League final after goals
from Ramires and Fernando Torres
secured a 2-2 draw for 10-man Blues
who beat champions, Barcelona at the
Nou Camp with Messi missing a
penalty for the Spanish champions.
The Spanish side took the lead through
Sergio Busquets, who tapped home
from close range in the 30th minute.
Things got worse for the Blues less than
two minutes later when John Terry was
sent off for kneeing Alexis Sanchez from
Barcelona surged further ahead through
Andres Iniesta’goal but then Ramires
produced a magic moment in stoppage
time of the first 45 minutes with a deft
chip over the keeper.
Barca was awarded a penalty in the
early minutes of the second-half but
Lionel Messi, who has had a
disappointing week so far, slammed into
the crossbar.
And with seconds remaining, goals
drought Fernando Torres rounded
Victor Valdes to make it 2-2 on the night
and 3-2 on aggregate.
Roberto Di Matteo’s side will now face
the winner of Real Madrid v Bayern
Munich which takes place at the
Bernabeu on Wednesday night.

Up Chelsea FC......UP Blues!!

Man Beheads Lover.

The Oyo State Police Command, Eleyele in
Ibadan have paraded two suspects who
allegedly killed a 42-year old woman, Mrs.
Sekinat Emiola.
One of the suspects, Asimiyu Ayantayo
the lover of the deceased allegedly
beheaded her and cut off her two hands
after making love with her.

PARADE: Asimiyu Ayantayo, who
allegedly beheaded his lover, Mrs.
Sekinatu Eniola, (right) and his alleged
accomplice, Isiaka Akalei, at the Eleyele
Police Headquarters, Ibadan,
But the suspect claimed that the
deceased died as a result of the killer
charm(magun)that was placed on her by
another man.
According to him, after love-making with
the deceased, she, possibly, under the
spell of magun, somersaulted and died.
But, when asked why he beheaded her
after killing her, he said he never wanted
to use her for rituals but to make it
impossible for residents in the area to
identify her.
He said: “She was my mistress. I
contacted magun on her during love-
making. She wanted to summersault but
I helped her. Then she started vomiting
after the act and she fell down from the
chair and died. It was then I beheaded
her and cut off her two hands. I don’t
need the body parts for anything and I
did nothing with it.”
His accomplice, Mr. Isiaka Akanbi, also
denied involvement in the act, saying his
friend only sent him to buy a sack for
him but did not know the purpose for
which he needed it.
The parade of the suspects attracted
many sympathisers at Eleyele area who
thronged the State Police headquarters
to catch the glimpse of the suspect and
the gory picture of head and the hands
that were severed by the suspects.
Speaking with newsmen on the incident,
the Oyo State Police Commissioner, Mr.
Tambari Mohammed the neighbor of the
deceased alerted the police about a
headless body dumped in the area.

Friday 20 April 2012

Girl born without hands wins penmanship award.

WEST MIFFLIN, Pa. — A Pittsburgh-area girl
born without hands has won a penmanship
award — and $1,000 — from a company
that publishes language arts and reading
Zaner-Bloser Inc. recognized 7-year-old
Annie Clark at Wilson Christian Academy in
West Mifflin on Wednesday with its first-ever
Nicholas Maxim Award.
Nicholas was a Maine fifth-grader born
without hands or lower arms who entered
the company's penmanship contest last
year. His work impressed judges enough
that they created a new category for
students with disabilities.
After the ceremony Wednesday, Clark
demonstrated her ability to write by
manipulating a pencil between her
forearms. Asked whether she was nervous
about the attention, the girl said, "Not really,
but kind of."
The girl's parents, Tom and Mary Ellen Clark,
have nine children — three biological and
six adopted from China, including Annie.
Annie is one of four of the adoptees who
have disabilities that affect their hands or
arms. The Clarks also have an adopted child,
Alyssa, 18, and a biological daughter, Abbey,
21, with Down syndrome.
"Each time, we weren't looking to adopt a
special-needs child, but that is what
happened," said Mary Ellen Clark, 48, of
McKeesport. "This was the family God
wanted for us."
Annie has learned to paint, draw and color.
She also swims, dresses, eats meals and
opens cans of soda by herself, and uses her
iPod touch and computers without
assistance. She hopes to someday write
books about animals.
"She's an amazing little girl," said Tom Clark,
49, who owns an automotive dealership.
"It's a shame because society places so
many rules on how people should look, but
the minds of these kids are phenomenal."
Mary Ellen Clark hopes the award
encourages her daughter "that she can do

Bishop Oyedepo Faces N2 Billion Lawsuit For Slapping.

Flamboyant Nigerian Bishop Oyedepo
Faces N2 Billion Lawsuit For Assaulting
Female Church Member

Popular pastor and founder of the Living
Faith Christian Church International, David
Oyedepo, will face a legal action for slapping
a young lady during church service, last year.
Robert Igbinedion, a Lagos based lawyer,
confirmed to Premium Times Friday that he
had filed a suit, on behalf of the young lady,
at the Ogun State High Court for the
enforcement of the lady's fundamental
rights to freedom from inhuman and
degrading treatment, human dignity, fair
hearing, and freedom from discrimination.
Mr. Igbinedion is seeking an award of N2bn
as 'general and exemplary damages' against
Mr. Oyedepo.
"If a wrong is done to the young lady, she is
bound to receive justice for that wrong,"
said Mr. Igbinedion, a Solicitor at Salus
Populi Chambers.
In the suit, Mr. Igbinedion said that the
young lady, while answering an "illegal" alter
call, was trying to explain herself when the
pastor gave her "a dirty and thunderous
"The respondent (Mr. Oyedepo) made the
alter call for witches to come out, he did not
make a similar call for other categories of
sinners like illicit drug dealers, contract
inflators, fraudsters, adulterers, and
fornicators in the church," read the suit.
Mr. Igbinedion, who represented the victims
of the celebrated Pastor Emeka Ezeugo
(popularly known as Reverend King) at the
Magistrate court, in 2006; stated that cases
of violence in the place of worship if not
nipped in the bud could escalate into
'uncountable' dimensions.
Furthermore, he said the calling out of the
young lady (and others) as witches are
illegal, unconstitutional, and a breach of
Section 34 of the Constitution of Nigeria,
African Charter on Human and People's
Right, and United Nations Universal
Declaration on Human Right.
The suit asked the court to compel Mr.
Oyedepo to issue a self-signed public
apology to be published in two national
dailies and one international satellite
television station.
It also wants the respondent to issue a
similar alter call for drug dealers, corrupt
government officials, bribe-giving
contractors, and other category of sinners
who are members of the church.
In December last year, a video of Mr.
Oyedepo viciously slapping a teenage girl
during church service for saying she is "a
witch for Jesus" appeared on popular site
You Tube.
Though later removed, the video went viral
within days with the pastor, fondly called
Papa, receiving a lot of stick from outraged
viewers and members of the public.
One viewer described the act as "unbiblical,
barbaric, and a disgrace."
Days later, another video surfaced in which
Mr. Oyedepo tried to justify his action saying
"it is my ministry to slap" and that the fact
that the witch, rather than going to court,
apologized showed his superiority.

Accidental missile discharge hits building in Port-Hacourt.

A missile from a Nigerian Air Force jet
accidentally hit a building in the Woji
area of Port-Harcourt, the Rivers State
capital on Friday.
The explosion which occurred early in
the morning, led to panic in the busy
The Rivers state police commissioner,
Mohammed Indabawa, confirmed the
incidence saying the missile was
accidentally-fired from an Airforce jet on
routine maintenance at the Airforce
mechanic hangar in Port Harcourt.
According to the police boss, the
misfired missile hit an uncompleted
building three kilometers from the jet,
resulting in a blast that sent residents
So far, no death or injuries have been

Pics:Surgeons sucessfully reduce baby’s six legs to two.

Doctors at the National Institute of Child
Health (NICH), Karachi, have successfully
operated on the Pakistan baby born
with six legs.
“A team of five experienced doctors
have successfully separated the extra
legs and limbs from the baby today
(Thursday). He is very much safe and
secure…the doctors are examining the
infant to plan for necessary treatment
to…ensure he lives a normal life,” the
director of NICH, Jamal Raza said.
The baby’s father, Imran Shaikh, who
lives in Sukkur, says he is grateful that
his son has being treated. “We are a
poor family. I am thankful to the
government for helping us treating my
baby,” he told the media. Imran Sheikh
also asked well-wishers to pray for the
complete and early recovery of his son
from the disease.
Meanwhile, the Prominent gynecologist
and President Pakistan Medical
Association Dr Samrina Hashmi has said
the abnormality in the baby could be
because of several factors, including
improper medicines taken by the
pregnant mother and contaminated
“In every 10,000 child births one baby is
born with an abnormality such as a hole
in the heart,” she said. “Then there is a
possibility that several eggs were
fertilised instead of one,” she said.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Obama ordered To Return Michael Jackson Crystal Studed Glove.

The Obama administration has been
ordered by a Californian court, to
return the white Swarovski-crystal-
studded glove previously worn by the
late king of pop Michael Jackson.
According to a Hollywood reporter, the
Obama administration acquired $71
million in seized assets from Teodoro
Nguema Obiang Mangue, the son of the
president of Equatorial Guinea, in
October after he indulged in a celebrity
memorabilia splurge in the U.S.
Included in the plethora of prized
possessions is $1.8 million worth of
Jackson memorabilia — including the
coveted white glove worn by the late
King of Pop during his Bad World Tour
in the late 1980s.
He also added a brief history of Nguema
‘s wealth, Nguema moved to the U.S. in
1991 to attend Pepperdine University.
According to the government, his
expenses at the time were paid for by a
U.S. oil company operating in his

The emigrant had enormous wealth, so
he spread it around, moving assets in
and out of the country. In 2010, after
Jackson died, Nguema is said to have
acquired a treasure trove of Jackson
memorabilia, including one of the
singer’s famous gloves.
Other items in Mangue’s collection
include yachts, cars, jets and a $30
million mansion in Malibu.
Mangue has not been charged with any
crime in his homeland or in the states,
the federal court in California has
objected to the seizure.
The judge says the U.S. government
must show Mangue accumulated great
wealth via a manner illegal under his
country’s laws.