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Thursday 17 May 2012

Should Drogba Stay or Go? -- Will Saturday Be His Final Game?

There is a distinct possibility that Saturday
will be the last time we see Didier Drogba
play for Chelsea Football Club.
This prospect leaves me confused as to
whether I want Didier Drogba to stay or do
I want him to go, I honestly cannot decide
as there are logical arguments for both
particularly if he has spurned a one year
The Drogba Factor
Both on and off the pitch Didier Drogba is
an enigma, on form he is a beast but he is
susceptible to mood swings and theatrics
that detract from what he represents as
both a player and an individual.
When he is in the mood he is unbeatable as
Liverpool, Barcelona and Tottenham have
found out to their expense in recent weeks,
however when he is not in the mood he is
about as useless as a chocolate teapot.
If he is unhappy on the pitch he will flounce
about, throw himself on the floor and
generally throw his toys out of the pram,
unfortunately over the whole season this
has been to common which explains why
his goal tally this season has been poor.
I have always had a love/hate conflict with
our Ivorian particularly with his never
ending hints at leaving only to profess how
much he loves the club.
In 2008 I went to a Champions League away
game and Didier Drogba was at his petulant
worst and I came back fuming with him
thinking that his time at the Bridge was over
but in true Drogba style he soon seemed to
be rehabilitated and back to his best.
As a footballer I love him, he has all the
attributes you want from a forward player
and he has been an integral part of our
recent success, particularly when appearing
at Wembley.
However it is his mental foibles and poor
management from his agent that give me
On recent form Didier Drogba deserves a
new contract, but I fear he may leave due to
his ego getting in the way after being only
offered a year.
At his age Chelsea should only ever be
offering him a year extension, yet this does
not sit well with Drogba who wants two
and I don’t know if the club should gamble
and ante up for the full two years.
So Long and Thanks For The Memories
If Didier Drogba does leave he will be one of
the greatest players to have played for us
and contributed so much in his 8 years at
the club.

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