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Tuesday 31 January 2012

New Month Best Wishes.

This is start of month, and i wish may you
be happy always the upcoming time.
May this month be a good new bearer for
you, May all your problems be solved.
May your dreams come true this month, May
all your wishes be fulfilled.
What time is passed, has already passed. so
it is of no use to mourn on past, thinks
ahead. Life is waiting for you.
Just Like the Eagle,
You’ll fly Like Gold,
You will be Valued Like
the Sun,
You shall shine bright
Like the river,
You shall flow
unlimited Like the Palm
You shall Flourish and
like Money, You shall
be Useful
Happy New Month ...
Our God is a mighty God
He is the God of each
God over weeks and God
over year This February
He will make everything
work for you
He will surprise you
and give you the best
of Happiness
Happy New February .
Silence isn’t ignoring
sometimes it shout and
tyme it whispers if u
u’ll d voice of my
silence saying
how’re u? & api new
May u be highly
favoured dis month ...
This is start of month,
and i wish may you be
happy always the
upcoming time.
Happy New Month…
May this month be a
good new bearer for you
May all your problems
be solved.
Happy New Month…
May your dreams come
true this month,
May all your wishes be
Happy New Month
I love to talk to you
at this moment,
before the start of new
month. Now i am sure,
my month will be very
good. You are always
lucky to me.
Happy New Month…
May all of your
previous failures
turn into success this
Happy New Month…
Wishing you fabulous
new month,
a month with new
experiences waiting for
Happy New Month…
May each day of coming
month bring
many reasons of
celebrations for you.
Happy new month
May your new month be
Good Will
All kinds of success.
Happy New Month!
Hope this month
will bring
a lot of change
in your life
This change will be as
good as you are.
Enjoy your new month
with all of your
and your loved ones.
Happy New Month!
Try to make your new
as bright as moon
as gay as butterflies
as colorful as rainbow
as lovely as flowers
as happy as birds.
So enjoy your new month
at full extent.;)
happy New Month!
In busy life,
We dont have
enough time to
enjoy and spend
time with each other.
At the start of this
month, I wish and hope
to spend some time
with you.
Share all the good
memories of our love
Happy Lovely New Month.
“Matt and I have set a
Matt and I will tie the
New Months Day in the
town of Swampscott,
Reserve your hotel
rooms now.
I will be having a gay
Ben Affleck
“A New Month’s
resolution is something
that goes in one month
and out the other.”
“I made no resolutions
for the New Month.
The habit of making
of criticizing,
sanctioning and molding
my life,
is too much of a daily
event for me.”
Anais Nin
“Drop the last month
into the silent limbo
of the past.
Let it go, for it was
and thank God that it
can go.”
Brooks Atkinson
“For last month’s words
belong to last month’s
language and next month
’s words await another
T.S. Eliot
“The only way to spend
New Month’s Eve
is either quietly with
friends or in a brothel
Otherwise when the
evening ends and people
pair off,
someone is bound to be
left in tears.”
W.H. Auden
“Cheers to a new month
and another chance
for us to get it right.

Oprah Winfre y

Woman rock climbing with baby strapped to her back causes controversy, for some reason.

A single mother from Wales has caused
somewhat of a firestorm by posting a photo
of herself rock climbing with her two-year-
old daughter strapped to her back
. They’re pretty high up a rock face, and the
woman is wearing a helmet — but not the
kid. Take Your Daughter to Work Day?

Our Mom of the Year is Menna Pritchard, 26,
and she has a perfectly logical explanation.
From the London Daily Mail:
“I can appreciate if you didn’t realize how
safe the environment I was in, it could be
worrying, but I was top-roping which
means if you fall you don’t fall any further
than where you came off.
“It is the safest form of climbing you can do.
I was also in a beach environment
surrounded by experienced climbers. Health
and safety legislation and the sue and blame
culture mean so many people are nervous,
so afraid of getting into trouble, and taking
small risks. Life is all about risks, whether
that’s something as simple as getting in
your car every day or climbing up a rock
Yes, that damn “sue and blame culture.”
They ruin everyone’s fun.
I can’t help but look at that photo and think
of the Popeye cartoon in which Sweet Pea,
the baby, gets out of the house and is
crawling across girders being swung by a
crane several stories up at a construction

N38B LOAN SCAM: Court Frees Bankole, Nafada.

An Abuja High Court presided over by Justice
Suleiman Belgore on Tuesday absolved the
embattled former Speaker of the House of
Representatives, Dimeji Bankole and his
erstwhile Deputy, Bayero Nafada, of any
crime by obtaining N38 billion loan from
UBA for the payment of an enhanced
package and running cost for members of
the House of Representatives.
Bankole’s lawyers led by Chief Adegboyega
Awomolo, a senior advocate of Nigeria, in an
application brought before the court on
behalf of the former Speaker and his Deputy
for the quashing of the charges slammed
against them by the Economic and
Financoial Crimes Commission, EFCC, had
argued that an account number issued by a
bank cannot be said to be a property to be
owned or entrusted as alleged in the charge
for which Bankole and Nafada are being
He stated that an account number cannot be
subject to ownership.
In quashing the charge, Justice Belgore
noted that the record increment in
members’ allowance by obtaining the N38
billion loan was immoral, wrong and
condemnable, especially given the abject
poverty to which a great majority of
Nigerians have been forced to exist under,
but went on to hold that Bankole and
Nafada had committed no crime.
The court further held that the the House of
Representatives has power to use its funds
in ways it deemed fit whether as running
costs or enhancement of welfare package
and that such discretion exercised by the
House over its funds does not amount to a
Justice Belgore also maintained that
constitutionally, the Speaker had nothing to
do with the accounts of the House of
Representatives and rapped the Clerk of the
House whose function it is to manage the
Accounts of the House for allowing the
Speaker to usurp the powers of his office.
He further noted that it is the Clerk, not
Bankole and Nafada, who should be
charged with securing and disbursing the

Female Bomber Arrested In Abuja.

Abuja — What could have been another
Boko Haram tragic incident this year, was
averted over the weekend, by staff of a
private security firm, Encouragers Security
company Limited, thwarted attempt by a
female suicide bomber, suspected member
of the deadly Islamic sect, Boko Haram from
gaining entrance into the complex of the
Federal Capital Territory Administration
(FCTA) with explosives.
The incident which happened on Friday, last
week, during working hours , send fears
into the spine of thousands of workers who
were aware of the development making
them to hurriedly close from work before
the usual 4 pm official closing hours
Daily Champion learnt from reliable sources
that the slim fair -in complexion lady in her
20s who hails from Alkaleri Local
Government Area of Bauchi State, where the
FCT minister also hails from was arrested by
the security men at the gate with two
explosives items.
The FCTA complex which the sect had
attempted bombing houses the offices of
the FCT Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed;
Minister of State FCT Oloye Olajumoke
Akinjide and Minister of Agriculture and
Rural Development Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina
as well as thousands of other workers.
According to the source, the fairly looking
leady had arrived at the area 11 around
noon from Dei-Dei a suburb of the FCT
where she passed a night upon arrival in
the FCT.
She was said be a first time visitor to Abuja
and could not locate the FCTA therefore, had
to a hire a taxis that brought her to the
When she arrived, she found the security
arrangement hard to penetrate and she
quickly contacted her co travelers in the ill
fated project but she was told to wait then,
she decided to be loitering waiting for the
next instruction from her sponsors.
Daily Champion further gathered from
source that the plot by hers sponsors was to
keep her till their expected arrival from Kano
after the 2 pm Jumat prayers would have
been over and then, instruct her to fellow
the crowd that usually prays outside the
premises inside unchecked, to pave way for
them to effectively detonate the bomb.
According to the source when the next
instruction from her sponsors delayed in
coming, the visibly worried attempted in
entering the complex through the gate
meant for only motorist then she was asked
by the private guard where she was going.
She could not satisfy the guard about her
mission with her poorly spoken English
which made the security man to suspect her
She was said to have managed to inform the
security man that she was waiting for her
brother, at this point the guard ask her to
identify herself and she said she was
coming from Kano this made security guy
curious as the bomber was quickly arrested.
Our source told us that the lady confessed
that when the JUMAT ended she actually
became unhappy and afraid that she was
going to kill so many Muslims who came out
from the FCTA premises to pray.
Our correspondent further learnt that when
the FCT Minister heard about the incident he
ordered that the lady be brought to his
official residence where he was at the
moment and upon confession of the
planned attack the female bomber was
handed -over to the Police Special Anti-
robbery Squared (SARS).
While she was being detained at the SARS
office in Guzape, District, her sponsors gut
wind of it and made attempt to bomb the
SARS office in order to prevent her from
revealing important information.
All attempt by our correspondent to speak
with the FCDA Divisional of Police Officer as
well as the Special Assistant to the FCT
Minister on security proved abortive as
several calls put across to the DPO phone
were not answered.

Driver Kills Teenager Inside School Bus While Trying To Rape Her.

The police in Lagos State, Southwest, Nigeria
have arrested a private school bus driver for
allegedly killing a 16-year old girl for
refusing to allow him have sex with her
inside a school bus.
The driver, identified as Godwin Etute,
allegedly murdered the teenager called Tolu
Gbadamosi, dumped her by the road side
and drove off.
The 26-year old suspect was arrested by the
police at Ikotun Division on a tip-off by
someone who saw him when he dumped
the victim and drove off.
The incident happened at Egbe in Alimosho
area of Lagos State where both worked in a
popular private school (name withheld).
We gathered that Etute was employed
as the school bus driver, while the late
Gbadamosi also worked as auxiliary teacher
who also assisted the driver to take school
children with the bus to and from school.
Sources said her problem started when
Etute attempted to woo her to have sex with
him several times but she refused and told
him that he had not tried sex with any man.
She insisted that she can only do that when
she gets married.
She reported her encounter with Etute to
her mom and few of her friends.
It was gathered that on the day of the
incident, Etute drove the school bus to pick
children to the school with Gbadamosi in
the morning.
While only two of them were in the bus as
they set out to pick the pupils, he alleged
parked the bus by the roadside and
attempted to forcefully have sex with the
victim inside the school bus.
“When she refused, he grabbed her and
tore her underwear, but the girl resisted
him. And Etute started beating her,” an
eyewitness said.
In anger, Etute allegedly brought out a
screw driver and stabbed Tolu. She
collapsed and died inside the school bus.
The police were later contacted and they
arrested Etute.
The incident has thrown the management
of the school and the family of the deceased
into mourning.
When visited the school, the
owner of the school was said to have gone
to the police station in respect of the matter.
While at the Ikotun Station, a police source
confirmed the incident and added that the
matter will be transferred to State Criminal
Investigation Department, SCID, Panti Yaba,
Lagos after their preliminary investigation at

Sultry Actress, Omotola Jalade Now A Police Officer.

In the past, some celebrities have left the
profession that got them fame and go into
other professions they have conviction to do
so as to better the society.
Examples of Chris Okotie, who left the music
scene to become a Pastor; Pat Attah, who
also moved in the same direction of Chris
Okotie; Kanayo O Kanayo, who became a
politician; Okey Bakasi, RMD also in the line
of Kanayo, etc.
But can you figure out Omo Sexy, as
Omotola is fondly called by fans, being a
police officer? This warning by Omo T, as
she is also called should not be taken lightly
as she wants to take the Nigeria Police to
the next level to make better.
She has also sounded a note of warning to
those who will not want to take her serious.

Dying Steve Jobs kept Bill Gates letter by his bed

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were frenemies, as
many know, but when Jobs died last fall, the
mutual respect between the two tech titans
was quite strong: By his bed, Jobs kept a
letter Gates had written the Apple co-
founder in his final months.
Gates said on his last visit with Jobs, in the
months before he died, "We spent literally
hours reminiscing and talking about the
future.” He made the remarks in an
interview with The Telegraph recently.
And despite their business battles over the
years, "There was no peace to make. We
were not at war. We made great products,
and competition was always a positive
thing. There was no (cause for)
forgiveness," said Gates, co-founder of
After their meeting, he wrote Jobs a letter,
telling him "how he should feel great about
what he had done and the company he had
built. I wrote about his kids, whom I had got
to know.”
The relationship between Jobs and Gates
was detailed in Walter Isaacson's biography
of Jobs — with Jobs quoted as saying Gates
is "basically unimaginative" and would "be a
broader guy if he had dropped acid once or
gone off to an ashram when he was
younger." The biography was published
shortly after Jobs died in October.
Steve Jobs' wife, Laurene, called Gates after
the book came out, to let him know how
much his letter had meant to Jobs.
"She said; 'Look, this biography really
doesn’t paint a picture of the mutual respect
you had.’ And she said he’d appreciated my
letter and kept it by his bed," Gates said.

Monday 30 January 2012

BREAKING NEWS: AG IGP Abubakar Loses Wife: - Mohammed-Dikko-Abubakar-300.jpg Mohammed Dikko Abubaka AFP The acting Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Dikko Abubakar’s wife, Hajiya Maryam, is dead. She died after a brief illness on Monday morning at a hospital in Kano. She was buried according to Muslim rites at noon

~Trailer crushes student to death few days to matriculation~ Samuel Atoyebi, who recently gained admission for a two-year diploma course in Business Administration at the Kogi State University, had looked forward to his matriculation this week. But that is not to be as he was crushed to death by a trailer last Wednesday. His father, Evangelist Joel Atoyebi, had sent him along with the driver of one of his business associates to pick some wares at Oko Olowo area of Ilorin, Kwara State, on the fateful day. As Samuel and the driver were heading back along the Ilorin-Jebba Expressway, the front tyre of their truck burst. The driver lost control and the vehicle had a head-on collision with an oncoming trailer. Samuel was crushed to death on the spot, while the driver sustained severe injuries and was later taken to an undisclosed hospital where he is recuperating. Samuel’s death devastated his parents. His father said he regretted sending Samuel on the errand. “I wish I had not asked my dear son, Samuel, to go on that errand. If I knew that such a fate will befall him, I would not have asked him to accompany the driver to Oko Olowo for the wares,” Atoyebi said. Samuel’s mother, Ruth, said she had a horrible dream few weeks ago. She added that if she had understood that the dream would translate into Samuel’s death, her son might not have died. Ruth said, “Few weeks ago, I had a dream, I saw a corpse covered with plain white clothe. I also saw my husband peeping through a window. Later, I saw the face of the corpse and it was my son. “Usually, if I have a nightmare, I would fast and pray about it and with faith I will trust God that nothing evil will happen, but this one came as a rude shock. I know that God understands but it is painful.” Meanwhile, a driver of a Honda Accord with registration number AE 09 FUF on Saturday at the Post Office Flyover, Ilorin, collided with a motorcycle, leading to the death of the cyclist. The state Secretary, Kwara Special Marshals, Mr. Samson Adeoti, in an interview with our correspondent shortly after the accident, advised motorists and cyclists to be mindful of other road users. He said the accident might have been caused by dangerous overtaking. Adeoti said, “We were on duty at Murtala Mohammed Road and we heard a sound which indicated that an accident had occurred at the overhead bridge. On getting there, we met a corpse. The young man who drove the vehicle sustained internal injuries. We alerted our office and we took immediate action and evacuated the corpse to a mortuary. We also removed all obstructions and broken down vehicles on the bridge for easy movement. “Those plying the bridge should be watchful. Overtaking on the bridge could be dangerous. That could be the cause of the accident. We have been recorded this type of accident many times on this bridge.

~Songstress, Omawumi Re-Brands. Becomes Pastor~: If what we are getting from the grapevines are anything to go by, then, Nigerian singer and ‘Idols West Africa’ runner up, Megbele Omawumi, who is popularly known as Omawumi, may have decided to become a pastor in the household of God. The mother of one, who is well known for her skimpy and sexy dress style, which sometimes exposes her upper body parts, especially her twin tower, may have decided to change those her dress style and go the way of dressing like some conservative female pastors. The law graduate from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma in Edo State came into limelight after her Idols’ days with her hit single, In The Music’. She has since then taken her stand in the A-list category in the game. Is this a case of "If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new? 2Corinthians 5:7" Congratulations Omawumi.

~Boko Haram Plans To Attack Ojukwu Burial - Apostle Timothy Nwabunwanne~: PLANS are being perfected by Boko Haram to strike at the burial ceremony of late Biafran warlord and leader of Ndigbo, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, a prophet credited with several successful predictions in the past has warned. Apostle Timothy Nwabunwanne, Founder and Senior Pastor of Holy Call Assembly, Lagos, told The Moment on Sunday yesterday: ‘God revealed to me that Boko Haram has reached an agreement to come over to the east, and their target is to destabilise the burial of the late warlord.’ Fondly called “a prophet to the nations” by his admirers, Nwabunwanne was ordained a minister in 1992 and went into full-time ministry in 1999. Among the prophecies credited to him was the Ikeja Military Cantonment bomb blast of January 2002. Another was the Sosoliso plane crash of 2005, in which he would have been a victim but for the revelation he had. Nwabunwanne told The Moment on Sunday that he was at Abuja to inform Aso Rock about the impending death of the then Head of State, General Sanni Abacha, but was refused entrance.

Sunday 29 January 2012

~Brad Pitt: My Kids Aren't Allowed to Google Me~: Brad Pitt is well aware that an Internet search of his – or his partner, Angelina Jolie's – name yields hundreds of millions of results. But their kids would never know it. "On all the kids' computers we had our names blocked," the actor, 48, told Germany's Bild. "They can't Google their mom and dad. I don't want to make myself dependent on what other people think." Pitt adds that he and Jolie, 36, aren't exactly searching for themselves either. "We don't even notice all the noise," he said. The same could be said for his stance on aging. Despite being just two years away from the big 5-0, the actor says he enjoys getting older. "I love becoming an older man. Your thoughts get clearer." Those thoughts may include a wedding in the works. The actor told The Hollywood Reporter that he and Jolie "would like to marry." "It seems to mean more and more to our kids," he added.

~Anti-bomb Squad Detonates A Bomb In Port Harcourt~: The nation was saved another tragedy on Saturday in Port Harcourt as an explosive was uncovered in the Rivers State capital. It took the timely arrival of a bomb disposal squad to foil the bid to waste innocent lives. The killer object was said to have been found in the densely populated Diobu area of the capital city by residents. It was gathered that an unusual sound from a can in a spot in Ojina Street about 5pm around Iloabuchi by Abel Jumbo axis of Diobu attracted the residents. Sensing trouble, the residents alerted the police to the strange object. A bomb disposal unit later arrived the scene and took the object away. The fear of the residents was confirmed when the object was found to have an electronic gadget attached to it. Efforts to get police reaction before press time drew blank. However, a dependable source confirmed that the police were “examining what looked like an explosive.”

Saturday 28 January 2012

~9ice Gets Cow As Birthday Gift Rapper, Vector~: singer, Abolore Akande Adigun, who is well known as 9ice, celebrated his 32 years on earth. For those who were at the birthday party, it was an swell time celebrating with the Gongo Aso crooner, as he made guests present have a nice time. For his birthday gift, 9ice got an unsual gift from colleague and collaborator in the hit single, Angeli, a song by Vector but features 9ice. 9ice got a cow as a birthday gift from Vector. 9ice took to twitter to make this announcement on January 25 when he tweeted, I just received the most surprising gift for my birthday from Vector. Can u guess what it is? Na Cow!!!(It is cow) Thank you Vector!!!!

~ Shocking! Boy Born With 7 Limbs (PHOTO BELOW) This Octo Boy from india has his own twins in his wombs. well it's really weird, maybe this is the first case in the medical history of the twins in the wombs. Kumar Paswan has a difference with the other boys in his ages. Kumar Paswan has his twins inside his wombs. but unfortunately the miraculous twins that lays on Kumar's Wombs has stopped developing, To some in his remote Indian village he is a living version of India 's multi-limbed God Lakshmi and worshipped every day as holy. To others eight-year-old Kumar Paswan is a monster, is stoned on sight and forced to hide away his astonishing medical condition. But all the tragic youngster wants is to be normal and has launched an appeal for the thousands of pounds needed for an operation to remove his parasitic twin. The twin stopped developing in the womb before it separated fully from Kumar and has left him with seven limbs. "When he was born the doctors said he wouldn't live long but here he is and apart from how he looks he is very healthy," said his dad Veeresh Paswan, of Bihar, eastern India . "I am tired of being different. I just want to live normally," added the youngster. These photos are of eight year old Kumar Paswan from a remote Indian village who has an astonishing medical condition. He was born with a parasitic twin. The twin stopped developing in the womb before it separated fully from Kumar and has left him with seven limbs. He has launched an appeal for the thousands of pounds needed for an operation to remove the parasite

~Spatacus 'Vengeance' Lucy Lawless-(pic below); plays Lucretia on "Spartacus: Vengeance." By Randee Dawn "Swords-and-sandals epic lovers arise and claim your show": “Spartacus: Vengeance” slashed its way back onto the Starz network on Jan. 27 with a new season of battles, escapes, affairs and intrigue. But there will be one major difference: Spartacus himself has been replaced. Fans of the show are familiar with the untimely death of character originator Andy Whitfield, who portrayed the rebellious slave in “Spartacus: Blood and Sand” in 2010 before being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. “It’s a horrifying thing to get everything you ever wanted – a wife, two children, your big break – and after one year, a horrifying diagnosis,” Lucy Lawless, who stars as Lucretia, said “We thought he’d go into treatment, we’d execute a prequel and he’d come back. But that never happened.” advertisement Well, the prequel, "Spartacus: Gods of the Arena" did happen, but Whitfield did not return. Enter Liam McIntyre, an Australian actor who some may have spotted in HBO’s “The Pacific,” but who is mostly unknown. “(Whitfield) wanted the show to continue,” Lawless said. “He requested that they replace him quite early on, and even rang Liam to encourage him and congratulate him. He was a big man, and we remember him fondly for that. The tragedy was really his family’s, and our loss is nothing compared to his.” McIntyre slips easily into the role, but he’s more than just a new face, said Lawless. “He’s a great morale leader on the set, which is what you need when you’re leading 100 dudes in their underpants around without much to do for long periods at a stretch. They can get a bit ... distracted. They’re totally nice, but you need someone to help focus on the work, and Liam has that kind of charisma.” And the recast works in the story, she added, because Spartacus is a different man now. “There was a natural change thematically in the story,” she said. “The last we saw Spartacus was with Andy leading a great rebellion; they’re on the run, this band of rebels. So having the prequel may soften people's memories a bit.” Over the years, Lawless has gotten used to being a familiar face in epics. She made her name on syndicated hits such as “Hercules” and “Xena: Warrior Princess” in the 1990s, and kept her geek/genre audience cred by appearing on “Battlestar Galactica” in the new century. Making “Spartacus” without her would seem somehow amiss. “I don’t pick this stuff, it picks me,” she said. “But it seems to like me a lot – and it’s fun to play bad-girl roles, where you can bring some humanity to them. Otherwise, it might be Cruella de Vil. I wanted to make Lucretia a real person you can understand.” She doesn’t have any scenes with the new Spartacus in the new series – remember, he’s on the run – but she knows McIntyre is the man for the role. Not just because he can control 100 underpants-wearing actors, but, as she noted, “He’s good at yelling, which Spartacus has to do – a lot.”

~Access Bank Sacks 1,500 Intercontinental Employees, Shuts Branches~: As a result of the completion of the acquisition of Intercontinental Bank Plc by Access Bank Plc, the bank on Friday terminated the employment of about 1, 500 employees of Intercontinental Bank. Also, it was gathered that the bank shut down some branches of Intercontinental Bank nationwide. A visit by our correspondent to two of Intercontinental Bank’s branches in Ibafo Area and Ikeja confirmed the report. The branches were shut with only security personnel talking to customers. When asked why the bank did not open, one of the security personnel told our correspondent that the network was down and directed our correspondent to another Intercontinental branch. It was learnt that the sacked employees were served with their disengagement letters on Friday. When contacted, the Head, Corporate Affairs Department, Access Bank, Mr. Austin Edoja, confirmed that some branches had been shut down, but declined to give further comment, saying, “We will issue a release on that later.” Our correspondent learnt that the action was taken by Access Bank with an eye to reducing overheads. Access Bank and Intercontinental are expected to fuse into one entity by March 2012, and the closure of some branches of Intercontinental Bank is seen by analysts as a step in that direction. Already, Intercontinental Bank branches are being rebranded in Access Bank colours, in preparation for the completion of the merger process in March, which will leave Access Bank as the surviving entity. According to a statement by Access Bank to the Nigerian Stock Exchange in December, Intercontinental Bank Plc will cease to exist by March 2012. The statement said the merger of business would be effected through a Scheme of Merger pursuant to Part XII of the Investments and Securities Act (No 29) of 2007. Access Bank said it had earlier envisaged that the merger process would take between 18 and 24 months, adding that it was able to fast-track the process due to a number of factors ranging from the pre- merger integration process and the support of stakeholders. The statement read, “We are pleased that this acceleration has been made possible by the success of our pre-merger integration processes leading to the achievement of key milestones well ahead of initial target dates. “This has been assisted by the high level of cooperation and support received from all stakeholders to date. The acceleration has also been necessitated by the successful completion of change of control at the parent as well as subsidiary levels of Intercontinental Bank.” “To ensure that the momentum is sustained and that value is preserved, Access Bank has decided to accelerate the merger timetable in line with the progress of integration. This is particularly important as some critical aspects of the integration exercise such as customer and product integration will only be completed subsequent to the legal merger of both banks,” it added.

Friday 27 January 2012

~Supreme Court sacks 5 Nigerian governors~: A seven- man panel of the Supreme Court in a unanimous decision this morning sacked Governors Liyel Imoke, Murtala Nyako, Ibrahim Idris, Wamako and Temipre Silva of Cross River, Adamawa, Kogi, Sokoto and Bayelsa states from office. The court in Abuja held that the tenures of the governors started to count from the time they took their oath of office after emerging winners in their respective state governorship elections in 2007 and not from the period they took their second oaths of office after emerging winners of the re-run elections when there initial elections were nullified. A Federal High Court had earlier held that their tenures of office started to run from their later oaths of office and oath of allegiance which they took upon their emergence as winners of their respective re run elections. The apex court held that the trial court as well as the Court of Appeal erred in law when the considered the actions taken by the respective governors before their elections were nullified by the various Election Petition Tribunals as valid on one hand while discounting the time they spent doing those valid actions from their constitutionally prescribed tenure of office. 180. (1) subject to the provisions of this Constitution, a person shall hold the office of Governor of a State until - (a) When his successor in office takes the oath of that office; or (b) he dies whilst holding such office; or (c) the date when his resignation from office takes effect; or (d) he otherwise ceases to hold office in accordance with the provisions of this constitution. In reaching their decision, the Supreme Court relied on section 180 (2) of the Constitution wherein the tenure of office of Governors were prescribed and held that that section did not envisage any form of elongation of occupants of the office of the Governor of the state as well as that of the President. The section reads: 180 (2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the Governor shall vacate his office at the expiration of period of four years commencing from the date when - (a) in the case of a person first elected as Governor under this Constitution, he took the Oath of Allegiance and oath of office; and (b) the person last elected to that office took the Oath of Allegiance and oath of office or would, but for his death, have taken such oaths. The court held that the provisions of that section of the Constitution will stand violated if the tenure of office of the Governors is calculated from their second taking of Oath of Office and the Oath of Allegiance and stated that their tenure started counting from their first Oath of office which they all took after they were declared winners of the April 2007 elections and that they are entitled to four year terms from that date.

~Man Refuses to Give iPhone to Robbers, Shot in Back~: Police are searching for two suspects accused of shooting a man when he refused to turn over his iPhone during an attempted robbery in the University Heights section of the Bronx last week. The victim, a 23-year-old man, was walking on West 190th Street between Aqueduct and Grand avenues with a friend at about 6:30 p.m. when the two suspects approached him, police said. One of the suspects demanded the victim's iPhone, according to police. When the victim refused and attempted to run away, the suspect pulled out a gun and shot at the victim, striking him once in the back. Both suspects fled the scene, police said. The victim was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital where he was treated for his injury.

Thursday 26 January 2012

~Another Bomb explodes in Kano~ Kano northwest Nigeria panicked this afternoon when a bomb exploded beside two luxury buses, wounding five persons. The incident has increased the fear of non- natives in the ancient city. Many are leaving the city. According to eyewitness account, the explosion occurred at about 12 noon today. All vehicles inside the park were moved out as security agencies barricaded the road. A retired naval officer who witnessed the incident said that the explosives were concealed in brown sacks, “they were three explosives wrapped in brown sacks. When they were loading the buses, I discovered a wire and tried to find out the content of the bags. “Then one of the sacks exploded wounding five peoples and shattering the windscreens of two luxurious buses. I called the police and the prompt response of the anti-bomb squad led to the quick detonation of the remaining two bombs,” the naval commander who does not want his name on print said. Windscreens of Ezenwata Luxury bus with registration number XX449JJJ and Gobison bus with registration number XJ600NSA were shattered by the explosion. Security has been beefed up within Sabon Gari as travelers were relocated to a space at New Road near Ado Bayero square where they are boarding but with anxiety. Shops within New Road closed down as residents were seen discussing the development in hush tunes. Mr. Nnaemeka Obi expressed fear that residents of Sabon Gari are no longer safe, “you can see that one is no longer safe in this Kano. What happed today confirmed the rumour that they planning to attack non-indigenes in here. “I must tell you that God is answering our prayers. I wonder what would have happened if the three bombs had exploded. I think the best thing one should do is to pack and leave this town,” he said. One of the hospitals within Sabon Gari, one of the victims, Lawrence Nwanyi who was still conscious could only mutter, “I thank God for my life.”

~TREACHERY IN THE HOUSE OF GOD: REDEEMED PASTORS BACKSTAB GENERAL OVERSEER ADEBOYE~: General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God,Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye has every reason not to be too happy at the moment with some of his pastor.The reason may not be unconnected with some acres of land meant for church expansion that had been acquired behind him by some of his aides for personal use. According to source,the land which is over 50 acres(300 plots,since six plots make an acre) has led to a face-off between the amiable clergy and some of his pastors numbering about 100. According to our source,some landowners whose names we couldn’t ascertain as the time of filing the report came to Pastor Adeboye few months back(in 2011) ,requesting him to buy some of their land near the Redemption Camp along Lagos/ Ibadan Expressway. We learnt that Daddy G.O,as Pastor Adeboye is fondly called,told them he was interested in the land which is worth about N100 million.However,he asked that they should give him sometime because he had his hands on so many projects-and they all accepted his position. We scooped he informed some of his aides at the church council about the development.Sadly, we learnt he got the shock of his life few days back when he approached the landowners for payment- but was told the land had been bought.When he enquired from them who bought the land,he was informed some of his pastors approached them behind his back and negotiated for the pieced of land. A spokesperson for the ministry confirmed the tale Yes,it’s true that Daddy G.O had a meeting with the church pastors on Saturday,January 7,2012,where he stated categorically that those pastors who have acquired certain parcels of land meant for the ministry to either donate them to the church or quit the land....na God go punish all dis BAD pastors dem.

~ Another Popular Actor Dead~: Olalekan Oladipupo a.k.a. Lekkinson is dead. Lekinson Oladipupo died yesterday at the Ladoke Akintola University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Osun State. Investigations revealed that the man died of a heart related ailment. His health was said to have relapsed yesterday and he was rushed to the hospital where he was confirmed dead at about 5.30 p.m. The former president of Association of Theatre Arts Practitioners of Nigeria, ANTP, Prince Jide Kosoko and a one time Governor of the Lagos State Chapter of the Association, Rammy Shitta-Bey confirmed the death of the star actor. Aged 50, the late Olalekan Oladipupo, a Muslim, may be buried today in Osogbo, Osun State. Jide Kosoko described the death of Lekkinson as a colossal lost to the entertainment industry. Lekkinson is the third actor Nollywood has lost in the last two weeks. The two others are David Ihezie and Isaac Onuzzu.

BAUCHI—A Baby Without Limbs: (pics below) :A baby, girl, without hands and legs, has been born in Sandigalua village in Zaki Government Area of Bauchi State. The baby, named Fatima, was born to the family of Ahmadu Didda, a peasant farmer and wife, Rukaiyya, on January 13. Fatima’s father, Didda, however, expressed gratitude to God for giving them the child, describing her as a beautiful baby. Didda said Fatima was delivered at home and that both the mother and the baby are healthy. Father’s plea He said: “This is a gift from God. But it won’t be easy for us to raise Fatima because without legs and hands, she needs special care and attention. We feel sorry for her but with assistance from government and individuals I know that she will live a good life.” The couple, however, appealed to both government and well-meaning individuals to come to their aid in order to care for the child. Fatima Didda Also, in a special appeal, a blind man who is the Chairman of Physically- Challenged People in Sakwa, Mr. Abdullahi Gindi, said: ‘’It is the duty of society to ensure that Fatima is not discriminated against as a result of her condition. “She (Fatima) needs to be assisted. We are grateful that she was born a healthy child. She sulks normally and so we need to protect her. ’’But her parents are poor and that is why we are calling for assistance so that Fatima would live.” Doctor’s opinion A medical practitioner, Dr. Cletus Eze, has said that a woman can have a deformed baby if she takes certain drugs at the early stages of her pregnancy. Dr. Eze, who spoke in a telephone interview lamented that Nigeria was one of the few countries in the world where even a university graduate would buy drugs from the shelf and swallow them without even reading the leaflets accompanying such drugs. According to him, a woman can give birth to a deformed child like Fatima if she takes drugs like flagyl within the first three months of her pregnancy. Self-medication He said: ‘’Nigeria is the only country where people buy drugs from non- professionals and administer same on themselves. There must be laws to regulate some of these bad practices because of the harmful effects of certain drugs. “The mother of Fatima must have taken certain drugs, which she would not even remember having taken at the early stages or within the first three months of her pregnancy. ’’The worst thing is that she might not even be able to sue anybody, because such drugs were not prescribed by qualified people and she must have forgotten the particular drugs she took or where she bought them. “The authorities must continue to educate the citizens on the bad effects of self medication,” he added.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

~Big Brother Africa Gets Bigger This Year! ( New conutries 'n' Bukky Cha$h)~ As preparations for this year’s edition of Big Brother Africa, the continent’s hit reality Television series begin, M-Net Africa, the show’s producers has pulled off another huge surprise. This season, entrants coming into the reality show’s house will have to double up to compete. In a statement announcing the commencement of the season 7 of the show, Biola Alabi, M-Net Africa Managing Director, said in another bold change to the format of the show, anyone interested as a contestant must partner with another person to enter as a pair and both ready to take the journey of a lifetime together. “In the past, we’ve seen a natural and continuous cross-over between individuals and their families, their friends. So this year, we decided to include that as part of the game. It will definitely make a dramatic addition to the series. So we urge people to enter and experience what will be a uniquely different Big Brother Africa. So whether you enter with your best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, brother, sister, boss, husband, wife, neighbour, hairdresser, whomever… you must just make sure that you enter as a pair. And remember you may have to spend a long time with them in the house,” Alabi said. She added that this season’s new cash prize has been upped to a whopping sum of $300 000, in addition to the admission of two new countries-Liberia and Sierra Leone-to the Big Brother house for the first time ever. This time around, Ethiopia has bowed out of the game and Mozambique will take on a new role that will be announced at a later stage of the show. “We are thrilled to be offering a huge, new $ 300,000 cash prize and to include two new countries that were chosen to participate based on their ongoing interest in the series and their growing DStv audiences,” Alabi explained, adding that “While Ethiopia won’t have a housemate this year, we’ll look to include them and other non-housemate countries in other ways if the opportunity arises, as we do every season. “We are and have always been proudly committed to making this a truly African show. And as for Mozambique, they will be included with a housemate – but that’s all we are saying at the moment.” Nextvoice gathered that to participate in this year’s show, hitting the screen on 6 May but starting with a registration on 5 February, entrants and their partners must be citizens from one of the following participating countries: Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe....CLICK FOLLOW 4 up to date News.

~Inspector General of Police Hafiz Ringim Resigns~: The embattled boss of the Nigeria Police Force has finally left the office, with speculations that Assistant Inspector General, AIG MD Abubakar has been scheduled to take over as the new Inspector General of the Nigerian Police. Hafiz Ringim. The circumstances of departure of Ringim who was originally scheduled to retire in March this year remains hazy as of the time of filing in this report. But a source in Police Affairs Commission said that Ringim was asked to proceed on retirement leave, preparatory to his final pull out from the law enforcement agency. There have been speculations that Ringim may be forced to quit early following the escape of Kabiru Sokoto, an alleged Boko Haram chieftain from the custody of the Police on Sunday 15, January. The suspect who was arrested in Abuja had escaped from a team of Policemen led by Commissioner Zakari Biu in Abaji, Abuja. Caleb Olubolade, the Police Affairs minister told journalists last Wednesday that Ringim has been queried over the issue. He added that if the Police Inspector General is found culpable, appropriate punishment will be meted out to him. Last Friday, the minister also told journalist that the Police Chief has replied the query and that government has set up a committee to probe the escape of the Boko Haram suspect. Ringim was at Aso Rock presidential villa yesterday, but refused to speak to journalists. Before he was forced to quit today, there have been calls for the sack of Ringim over his inability to curb the spate of insecurity, especially attacks by Boko Haram members in parts of the Northern Nigeria and Abuja. Significantly, the dreaded Islamic sect had last year bombed the Nigeria Police, Abuja headquarters in response to a statement made by Ringim in far away Borno State that he is going to wipe away the group within some weeks.

~Man Docked For Raping Teenager ~: A man has landed himself in trouble in Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria, after he took his 19-year old lover (name withheld) to a hotel and allegedly raped her. The incident has torn the lovers apart as they are now fighting a legal battle at a Lagos court. The 28-year old man, Sunday Ogunsakin, was arrested by the police and charged before Ikeja Magistrate’s court sitting in Ojokoro for allegedly raping the victim in a popular hotel room at Iyana -Ipaja, Lagos. He had taken her to the hotel to have some fun. Ogunsakin was, however, sexually pressed and was alleged to have forcefully had sex with the girl against her wish. Nextvoice gathered that the defendant allegedly tricked the victim to the hotel and after entertaining her, he paid for a chalet. When they got into the room she changed her mind and declined to have sex with Ogusakin. This did not go down well with him. He reportedly pushed her on the bed and pulled her underwear and forcefully had sex with her and hurriedly left the place. Sources said that in the process of forcing her for sex, he injured her in her private part. She went to Iyana- Ipaja police station and reported that Ogunsaki raped her.Nextvoice gathered that Ogunsakin escaped but was later arrested and charged to court. The polce said the offence he committed was contrary to section 358 of the Criminal Code Cap 17 vol 2 Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2003. He pleaded not guilty. The presiding magistrate, Mr. K. O. Ogundare granted him bail in the sum of N100,000 with two responsible sureties in like sum. The matter was adjourned till 7 March, 2012.

~Robbers Kill Youth Awaiting NYSC Call-up~: A 26-year old Higher National Diploma graduate from the Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, Jacob Abiodun, has been shot dead by robbers. The victim, who read Accountancy at the polytechnic resided with his parents at 7, Lasisi Street, Agbebi Estate, Honda, Onipanu area of Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria, before his death. Investigation revealed that Abiodun received a phone call from Mrs. Iyabo Akala (Mama Bacit) to come and see her at about 8pm on the fateful day. He left shortly afterwards. But while returning to his parents’ home, robbers riding on two motorcycles (okada) accosted him and later shot him. As he was being rushed to a hospital, he died on the way. According to the deceased’s father, Mr. Kuye Abiodun, “when I returned from work that day I was told by his younger brother that Mama Bacit phoned and asked him to see her urgently. He went and saw her but never returned home. He was shot dead on his way back. “He was a brilliant young boy with a promising future. I am a mechanic and from the little money I got with the support of his mother, he was able to complete his education at the Kwara State Polytechnic. “Most times he would starve to buy books. He was expected to go for his NYSC in March.” A woman who claimed to be an eye witness said: “On Saturday I and my daughter were in front of our house and suddenly I saw two okada riders and as they rode recklessly into Samuel Idowu Close, I told my daughter we should go inside the house. A few minutes later, I heard gun shots and the cry of Mama Bacit. “When the robbers fled I came out alongside other people and we saw her (Mama Bacit) beside the deceased weeping profusely and we rushed him to the hospital where he was confirmed dead. The okada robbers were three and they rode on separate motorcycles.” Mrs. Iyabo Akala from Iganna, Oyo State, was arrested by the police as the prime suspect. According to her, “I am a Muslim and I sell local herbs (agunmu), while my husband is a welder and we reside at 3, Samuel Idowu Close, Agbebi Estate. “May Allah save me from this trouble. I am close to the family and the deceased to the extent that my husband once suspected that I was dating him which was not true. On Saturday he came to my house with N6,000 and told me he wanted to buy a laptop computer that and I should help him to keep it. After that I left to sell my wares. “When I returned in the evening my children told me that Jacob came to look for me and I immediately flashed him and he came; while I was trying to cook for my children. He asked if I could lend him N2000 and I said I didn’t have money and he left with the N6000 he had earlier kept with me. “And I bid him good night. Unfortunately, he was shot on the way and on street where I live. I rushed out when I heard him shouting for help. I did not plot his killing as people are alleging. God will judge.”

LATEST: ABOUT TONTO DIKEH’S TEMPORARY SICKNESS~: Top actress Tonto Dikeh sounds very brilliant and intelligent in movies that have been edited before hitting the shelves. Little do people know that this sexy actress panders to temporary amnesia, as she pretends not remember some things at will. We will inform you authoritatively that whenever it pleases her,Ms. Dikeh does not even know her telephone numbers and will claim she does not remember the figures that make up her telephone number. The intelligent actress has never mentioned her telephone number to anybody when asked,rather she will quickly tell the individual to call his or her number while she will readily dial it for the person to get her number. Aside this,it has been revealed by eyewithness....dats too bad!

~STEPHANIE OKEREKE AND RITA DOMINIC RESUME THEIR HOSTILITY~ If information at our disposal is anything to write home about, then the relationship between two actresses Stephanie Okereke and Rita Dominic has got messier. The two beautiful and sexy actresses,we gathered have resumed their hostility. The lastest issue is on who will be the spokesperson at Aso Rock,the city of power of Federal Republic of Nigeria. We gathered that the two actresses clashed recently when it was reported that for any actor or actress to gain access to the Presidency,the person must go through Stephanie Okereke. This did not go down well with Rita Dominic,who felt insulted that such a high post should be given to Stephanie. Whoever thought of such made a mistake."How can I go through her before getting to the Presidency?" Rita was said to have fumed.

~Nigerian Population On Facebook Grows By 100% —: The population of Nigerians on the social network, Facebook, grew by more than 100 per cent as it rose from 2,180,900 on December 31, 2010 to 4.369, 740 as at December 31, 2011. This shows that a total of 2,188,840 Nigerians logged to the social network within a period of one year. Precisely, Nigerians within the Facebook loop grew by 100.36 per cent between 2010 and 2011. On a population estimate of 156,062,142, the Facebook penetration rate is put at 2.8 per cent. This means that for every 100 Nigerians, 2.8 persons are within the Facebook network. Although the population of Nigerians on other social networks such as tweeter and linkedin has been growing, Facebook remains the largest virtual community that Nigerians are hooked to. The growth of Nigerians on the Facebook might not be unconnected with the increasing penetration of mobile communications networks as well as that of Third Generation platforms and devices. Globally, Facebook and other social networks have been recording phenomenal increase in subscription. As at December 31, 2010, a total of 799.09 million had signed on to the Facebook network. With the world population put at 6,930,055,154, Facebook has achieved a penetration rate of 11.5 per cent. This means that out of every 100 persons in the world, 11.5 of them have Facebook account. With 233 million subscribers, Europe has the largest number of Facebook users in the world. The region has a penetration rate of 27.4 per cent. Northern America has the largest Facebook penetration rate, 50.3 per cent, indicating that one out of every two persons in America has a Facebook account. Africa with 37,376,640 Facebook subscribers and a population estimate of 1,037,740,877, the continent has the least penetration rate of 3.6 per cent. Nigeria penetration rate of 2.8 per cent is less than Africa’s penetration rate even though its Facebook population is among the largest in the continent. The rise in the importance of Facebook to Nigerians could be seen in the last protests against fuel subsidy removal as they resorted to the social network to vent their anger and mobilise participants. The network has also become important to Nigerian politics. President Goodluck had first officially announced his ambition to contest the presidential election on the Facebook network.

~9-Year-Old Girl Thwarts Kidnapper by Calling 911~ When 9-year-old (Calysta Cordova pic below) went missing last week in Colorado, it was her family's worst nightmare. But little did they know that their daughter was listening when they taught her what to do in an emergency. Calysta dialed 911 from a convenience store in Colorado Springs last Friday after a man allegedly kidnapped her, police say. Police responded and arrested Jose Humberto Garcia, 29, for investigation of abducting the girl. Garcia appeared in court Monday and was being held on $250,000 bond. "Her mother always taught her to call 911 and to fight, fight, fight," police spokesperson Barbara Miller said. "She saw this as her only opportunity to get away." The ordeal began on Jan. 19 when Calysta never arrived at her Colorado home after school. As that Thursday afternoon turned into evening, Cordova's stepfather Steven Ryno began to imagine the worst. "We must find her," says Ryno, who recalled the evening on Good Morning America. "It is getting late, it is getting dark, it is getting cold and I know my baby is hungry." An Amber Alert was issued and all that Ryno and Cordova's mother Stephanie could do was wait. 'She Saved Herself' The next morning, Cordova and her alleged kidnapper, Garcia, were spotted walking along the road after his car broke down. A passerby took them to a nearby convenience store. "She asked the clerk for a phone and called 911," Miller said. "She saved herself." A witness told local reporters that Cordova was in bad shape, with bruises covering her face. When Garcia walked in behind her, police say she yelled, "I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm waiting for my mom." Realizing that she had called 911, Garcia ran out of the store and was arrested...smart gurl!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

8 WAYS ON HOW TO IMPRESS A GIRL~How to impress a girl and make her fall in love with you is the next question that crops up. It seems a tough task at first, especially if you are a little shy and introvert, but it isn’t as tough as rocket science either. 1. The mantra to success here is to be your self. Remember, girls like guys who do not try to be like someone else or pretend to be over smart just to impress others. Such things can easily put off girls and could end your quest even before beginning. After all, first impression is often the last impression. 2. The key here is not even trying to think about impressing the girl when you are actually trying to do so. The reason for this being that guys often lose their originality and go out of the way when trying to impress girls and end up being labeled as mere show-offs. The best way, thus, to go about the job is to be your own self and let things happen on their own. 3. Another big mistake that guys often make is to think that girls are impressed by money. However, the truth is that if a girl is with someone because the guy has money then she is only interested in the money and not the guy. More than money and material things, what girls look for in a guy is a caring attitude, the way he talks and presents himself as well as a good sense of humour. Having these qualities can easily overshadow the lack of money. 4. Girls come across numerous men who try to impress them with all that they’ve got. But the sad part is that most end up losing their originality and are put in the same category and labeled as losers. There is a huge possibility that you too may end up in the same category unless you are different than the others. 5. Try to kick start a conversation, which in turn may and often does lead to the start of a relationship. But to be able to talk something that makes sense, you would have to be intelligent and know about various interesting things. The mantra to become knowledgeable is to read a lot and try to keep up-to-date with the events around you. 6. Another thing that most guys are usually careless about is personal hygiene. Try to dress smartly and comb your hair properly as an untidy looking person can be a put-off for anybody. Try to be a little humorous but refrain from being too outspoken as it may offend the other person. 7. Respect the girl and give her some space so that she does not feel like wanting to get out of the place quickly. A good way to break the ice is to start by asking her the time and praise her watch. 8. If you are going to a restaurant, remember that the boy is expected to pay the bill.

~158 Islamist Militants Arrested In Nigeria Kano Bombings~-- A joint military task force in Nigeria arrested 158 suspected members of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram, security sources told CNN Tuesday, three days after a spate of bombings and shootings left more than 200 people dead in Nigeria's second-largest city. Some suspects resisted arrest and exchanged gunfire with the task force in the city of Kano, said security sources who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak to the media. No casualties have been reported so far, they said. The arrests come as community leaders said the number of dead from the Kano bombing and gun attacks has risen to at least 211. Government officials declined to confirm the number of victims. They previously put the death toll at 157. President Goodluck Jonathan toured the city Sunday after the attacks there left the police headquarters and other government buildings in charred ruins Friday night. "The message I had for the people of Kano is the same message I have for all Nigerians: A terrorist attack on one person is an attack on all of us," Jonathan said in a post on his official Facebook page after the visit.

~How books, puzzles may help ward off Alzheimer~ By MyHealthNews: Doing puzzles and reading books have been linked with a decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease, and a new study may explain why — it reduces the accumulation of harmful proteins in the brain. In the study, older adults who said they engaged in mentally stimulating activities throughout their lives had fewer deposits of beta-amyloid, the hallmark protein of Alzheimer's. The findings were true regardless of the participants' gender or years of education. The findings suggest that cognitive therapies that stimulate the brain may slow the progression of the disease, if applied before symptoms appear, said study researcher William Jagust, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley's Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. advertisement The researchers note Alzheimer's is a complex disease that likely has more than one cause.

~Nollywood actor John Okafor (Mr. Ibu’s) 2- year-old son dies~ wrote: "We’re in great shock, as we just learned that Nollywood comic actor John Okafor’s son died on Monday night. Nollywoodgossip was informed that the toddler named Mandy — who is just 2 — may have died from poison. Our heart is breaking. We can’t stop crying at the office. This man has done nothing but give us happiness. Why this? Why him? We spoke with John Okafor and we couldn’t stop the tears as the always happy and cheerful man sounded sad and broken. We never want to see John like this. Our hearts go out for him and his family. In a short conversation, the actor fondly known as Mr. Ibu confirmed the death of his beloved son. He told Delia Innoma (Live Online With Delia) : “Yes, it’s true. My son died last night. He has been sick for four days now. Delia, he is only 2 years plus. It is a long story and I don’t know where to start.”"

~WE ‘RE ON NORTHERN GOV.'s PAYROLL~ – Boko Haram —The Boko Haram sect has cited the stoppage of its monthly financial support for the recent attacks on northern states, claiming that the group was until recently being bankrolled by some northern governors. The claim by the group came as it also alleged that former President Olusegun Obasanjo was in its firing range last September but was spared because of his tolerance of the sharia Islamic code during his presidency. An unnamed high ranking official of the group alleged that the Ibrahim Shekarau administration in Kano made a monthly N10 million donation to the group while the Bauchi Governor, Alhaji Isa Yuguda besides financial commitments was also an admirer of the military prowess of the group. The group has, nevertheless, dismissed any personal grouse with President Goodluck Jonathan, alleging that the problems with the administration were carryovers from what it claimed to be the callousness of the Yar‘Adua administration in waging war against the group. The allegations were made by a high ranking official of the group to the online publication 247ureports.com. Mr. Michael Ishola, Chief Press Secretary to the Bauchi State Governor, Alhaji Isa Yuguda, however, debunked the claim as a “very, very strange allegation.” The newly appointed Special Adviser (Media) to the Kano State Governor, Mallam Halilu Dantiye on his part, claimed ignorance of any monthly payment to the group by the Ibrahim Shekarau administration which the present administration succeeded as he claimed that there was no such issue contained in the handover note. Noting that the attacks on Kano and Bauchi arose from the stoppage of the financial support to the group by some northern governors, the official in the disclosures to the publication said that the entire northern governors have ongoing relationships with the group. “Most of them pay us monthly to leave their states alone”. It was alleged that the Shekarau administration reached an agreement as far back as 2004 to be paying a monthly support of N5 million to the group which was later raised to N10 million sometime in 2009. The agreement also reportedly included infrastructural support. The support was, however, allegedly stopped at the inception of the Kwankwaso administration in May 2011. The publication alleged that the Kwankwaso regime also turned against the group dismantling its infrastructure in the state. “We warned the Governor of the consequences. We concluded on Kano in December 2011,” the source said. Shekarau’s spokesman, Sule Yau did not respond to the allegations yesterday as he did not respond to a text message sent to him. Mallam Dantiye Special Adviser to Governor Kwankwaso claimed ignorance of the alleged support saying that nothing like that was contained in the handover note received from Shekarau. On Bauchi, the publication reported that Governor Yuguda reached a similar agreement with the leadership of the group for the payment of N10million monthly to the group alongside the provision of training grounds on the many mountains scattered in Bauchi State. The governor it was reported also promised to give them security against arrests by the federal government. The agreement was supposedly reached in June 2008 but mid 2011, the governor reportedly stopped the disbursement of the funds. Mr. Michael Ishola, Chief Press Secretary to Governor Yuguda also refuted the allegation against Governor Yuguda. “It is a very, very strange allegation, because the Isa Yuguda I know cannot be involved in such an allegation. We in Bauchi have been living in peace. We are not involved in that,” he told Vanguard yesterday.

~Massob Vows To Retaliate Killing Of Igbos!~ The Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) has vowed to fight back on any Igbo killed again anywhere in the country, particularly in the North. MASSOB leader, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike said the decision was taken after the group’s emergency meeting in its office on January 15, which had in attendance several Igbo sons and daughters. “ The Igbo nation shall no longer sit by and allow the killing of Igbo sons and daughters who trade or transit in/through northern Nigeria or indeed anywhere, nor shall we permit our sons and daughters to be in any way disturbed by threats and ultimatums to leave their place of business,” he said. Consequently, Uwazuruike disclosed that his group had decided to take steps in that regard and would remain proactive in safeguarding and protecting Igbo lives and property. “We insist that the murderers of our innocent men and women be unmasked and be made to face the full wrath of the law or if this cannot be guaranteed, that they be handed over to us. In the event that the security agencies are not able to fulfill this responsibility within a reasonable time, we shall have no other option but to find them ourselves and appropriate punishment meted out to them. Enough is indeed enough,” he said. He regretted that the attack on the Igbo was coming at a time both Ndigbo at home and in diaspora were still mourning and preparing for the burial of the Igbo leader, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu. “Even as we mourn and grieve, Nigeria is brewing in crisis, whilst the insensitivity and callousness visited on the Igbos have continued unabated even with the lopsided socio-political structure of the country,” the MASSOB leader said. Uwazurike pointed out that while other parts of the country witnessed widespread protests and civil disturbances in the wake of the removal of fuel subsidy, the South-east was calm and still remained calm due largely to his group’s intervention. “Conversely, there has been sustained but unprovoked, unwarranted and senseless killing of innocent Igbos across the length and breadth of northern Nigeria. “Sadly and regrettably, the Boko Haram sect has acknowledged responsibility for these cold blooded murders of our people and the same Boko Haram is indirectly being encouraged by the Borno State government with payments of huge sums of money to relatives of Boko Haram members without bothering about the Igbos who have been killed in large numbers,” he pointed out, adding that the state by the act had encouraged and rewarded violence.

~Boko Haram Bombings: Igbos Flee Kano~(pic below) Following Friday’s coordinated bombings of parts of Kano, which left over 160 people dead, southerners, especially Igbos, living in Sabon Gari area of the city have besieged a motor park in their bid to flee to their home states. Madu Nmeribeh As early as 8.30 a.m. today, luxury buses were seen loading Igbo passengers at motor park in Sabon Gari area of Kano. Unlike before, when such buses depart in the evening, the buses are billed to leave in the afternoon today. Many travellers were seen milling around the park as they tried to book for their trip to the eastern part of the country. Men who have unfinished businesses or project in Kano have decided to send their families back to their home states. The majority of passengers on board the buses were women and children. And because of this, business activities within Sabon Gari, Kano, have become slow. Those travelling said at the park their regret for being compelled to leave Kano because they no longer felt safe after last Friday’s bomb explosions by Boko Haram. According to them, if the Boko Haram Sect could wreak such havoc on security agencies, it then means that their safety cannot be guaranteed. When reminded one of the travellers, Mr. Emeka Odoh, of the president’s promise to beef up security, he fumed: “How long will Mr. President continue to promise us? It has happened in Maiduguri, Yobe, Kaduna and look at what happened in Kano last Friday, where many people were killed; including my own brother whose corpse cannot be identified yet. “Also, remember what happened on Christmas Day at a Catholic Church in Niger State where parishioners were killed and later the suspect was caught. But what they told us was that he escaped. We can no longer wait, let us go to our home.” Though non-indigenes are afraid of what may happen next, soldiers have already taken over security in Kano. They have been deployed to strategic locations and some are on patrol even as tension is still high. Condemnations have trailed the bombings of Friday. The national president, Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola and the Speaker of the Lagos House of Assembly, Adeyemi Ikuforiji have all decried the attacks. They have also called for concerted fight by all Nigerians against insecurity. Oritsejafor condoled with families of the victims and those injured in the bombings. “I condemn in the strongest terms possible the continued killing of innocent Nigerians for no justifiable reason whatsoever. The blood of these innocent citizens will surely cry out for justice.” On his part, Fashola condoled with the government and people of Kano State as well as the management of Channels Television over the unfortunate loss of lives which occurred as a result of the violent and mindless explosion of bombs in the state on Friday. He asked all well meaning Nigerians to rise up together to find a path of peace for our nation, while urging all aggrieved persons to seek dialogue first rather than as a last resort. Also speaking, Ikuforiji condemned the Kano bombing and condoled with families of the victims, especially the gruesome murder of Channels TV Correspondent in Kano. The Speaker, in a statement said it is very sad, regrettable and most ungodly for any group by whatever name to have killed the journalist in that manner while carrying out his constitutional duties. Former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, has rained curses on the sect’s members calling down the spirit of God upon them and their sponsors. Also, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, has urged all Nigerians to respect the sanctity of human life while voicing their grievances, saying last Friday’s multiple blasts that rocked the ancient city of Kano calls for greater concern and sober reflection. Such an act, the Speaker noted in a statement made available , will send wrong signals to the international community that the country is not safe for investors. According to him, the surest way to resolve any differences is through dialogue.

Monday 23 January 2012

~Nigerian excretes 86 wraps of heroin in US~ A Nigerian, Michael Ayodele, has excreted heroin pellets he swallowed while being questioned by federal agents at the Washington Dulles International Airport. Ayodele of Queens, New York, arrived at Dulles on January 16 on a flight from Zurich, Switzerland, according to a criminal complaint charging him with importing a controlled substance. According to the The Examiner, Ayodele was referred to Customs and Border Protection agents for a secondary inspection. He told the agents that he was returning from Nigeria, where he had been visiting his family. The complaint said he(Ayodele) asked to use the bathroom. Agents thought they heard items being dropped into a toilet and learnt that Ayodele was expelling the swallowed heroin pellets, according to the complaint, which was filed in Federal Court in Alexandria. Authorities said the pellets field-tested positive for heroin. Ayodele is in custody pending further court proceedings. A detention hearing is scheduled for Wednesday. The pellets weighed about one kilogramme, the complaint said. According to CBP, heroin generally has a street value of about $70,000 per kilogramme. Officials say drug-smuggling through Dulles is a growing concern, fueled in part by more flights between the airport and high- trafficking nations in Africa and Latin America. Earlier this month, another man was nabbed after allegedly swallowing about a pound of heroin pellets, according to court documents. And last week, the leader of an international smuggling ring that targeted the mid- Atlantic by sending heroin in suitcases with couriers who flew into Dulles pleaded guilty. An airport security officer in Ghana has also been charged in connection with the operation.

~Girl, 13, Forced Into Prostitution, Pays Employer N150,000 Monthly~ The police in Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria, have rescued a 13-year old girl in a hotel room at Otta, Ogun State, where she was forced to sleep with men and thereafter paid N150,000 monthly to her employer, Rosemary Udoh. Udoh, 33, and the hotel manager, Fatai Ahmed, 46, have been arrested and charged to Ikeja magistrates’ court sitting in Ojokoro for abducting and forcing the little girl into prostitution. The victim confessed to the police that she slept with at least 10 men daily in order to raise the N150,000 for her employer and payment for the hotel accommodation. She said that men paid her N500 for a round of sex and the hotel collects all the money, deducts some for the hotel room and keeps the rest for her madam who usually comes in the morning to collect it. She was rescued after spending six months in the hotel where her madam, who lives at 16, Aderupoko street, Ahmadiya, on the outskirts of Lagos, took her for prostitution.Nextvoice gathered that Udoh had gone to her home town in Akwa Ibom State and brought the girl to Lagos under the false pretence of sending her to school. She had told the girl’s parents that she wanted to help them train the girl and send her to school in Lagos. But not quite long after she brought her to Lagos, Rosemary started preparing her for prostitution. She reportedly bought her sexy wears and body cream before taking her to the hotel and handing her over to Ahmed, the manager. Nextvoice gathered that while she was in the hotel, she was not allowed to have contact with any of her relations. Luck ran out on them when police raided the hotel and discovered that she was under aged. The girl told the police what happened. Udoh and the manager were immediately arrested and charged to court for abducting and forcing the little girl into prostitution. They pleaded not guilty. The presiding magistrate, Mr. K. O. Ogundare granted them bail in the sum of N100, 000 with two responsible sureties in like sum.

~Hungry Man Sent To Prison For Stealing N20 Onion print A 33-year-old man~ Opeyemi Ayomide, has been arrested by the police in Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria and later charged before the Ojokoro Magistrate’s Court with stealing onion worth N20. Ayomide was alleged to have gone inside Oke-Odo market near Iyana Ipaja, Lagos on 14 January this year during the fuel subsidy strike and stole the onion, eggs and a tuber of yam. When the trader selling the onion, Bala Adamu, accosted him, he was still holding a knife and he forcefully took the onion from Adamu’s table. The trader raised an alarm and his colleagues apprehended opeyemi who claimed he needed the onion to fry his eggs to eat yam. But during police investigation, it was discovered that Opeyemi had stolen the yam tuber and egg in the same market in like manner that he had stolen the onion.Nextvoice gathered that Opeyemi gave the same explanation to the police that he did not steal the egg, yam and onion but he was hungry and need to eat. Police ignored his explanation and charged him to court. According to the police prosecutor, the offence Opeyemi committed is contrary to sections 285 and 238 of the criminal code laws of Lagos State of Nigeria. When the charge was read to him, Opeyemi told the court that he did not see himself as a thief. He said he took the items because he was hungry and he pleaded not guilty. The presiding magistrate, Mrs A.F. Adeeyo, admitted him to bail in the sum of N20,000 with one surety in like sum. The matter was adjourned till 10 February, 2012 for mention. Opeyemi was remanded in prison custody as no one came to stand surety for him.

MAIDUGURI—THE Boko Haram sect has given reasons for its weekend attacks, which led to the killing of about 162 people in KanoState, saying it was to avenge the persecution of its members.Spokesman of the group, Abul Qaqa, madethis known in a telephone interview withnewsmen in Maiduguri, yesterday.Claiming responsibility for the attacks andmultiple bombings on police stations, StateSecurity Services, SSS, and passport officebuildings in Kano metropolis, Qaga said:“Last night’s (Friday) attacks and bombingsof Kano city followed our warnings in the second week of December, 2011.”‘We warned Kano stakeholders’Besides, Qaqa also referred reporters to an e-mail message in which Imam MuhammadAbubakar Shekau, Spiritual Head of the sect,threatened that: “Unless urgent steps aretaken, the group will launch endless and violent attacks on Kano and its environs because of arbitrary arrest and persecutionof his members."Nextvoice learnt that in the said e-mail,Shekau said the group had written an open letter to the people of Kano, including theEmir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero; GovernorMusa Kwankwaso, Alhaji Aminu Dantata andKhalifa Sheikh Isiaka Rabiu on recent happenings in the ancient city.Shekau revealed that but for the intervention of some prominent scholars inKano, his group would have made the city ungovernable a long time ago.Alleges persecution Qaqa said: “The message here is thateverybody knows that a lot of our people were killed in Kano State, especially in Wudiltown. We had perfected plans to take revenge but some notable scholars intervened by pleading with us.“They also assured that our members would never be persecuted again and we took them by their words. Unfortunately,however, about five months ago, securityagencies began trailing and arresting ourmembers who are carrying out their legitimate businesses, alleging that they are all thieves and armed robbers.“Again, we perfected plans to attack the city of Kano but the scholars pleaded that we should not. They advised that we should write a formal letter of complaint to some notable people. We agreed and sent letters to the Emir of Kano, Wamban Kano, DanMasanin Kano and the governor of KanoState.“We also posted the open letter on the internet, but nothing was done to stop the persecution of our members.“Recently, security agencies launched a freshonslaught on some of our members in Kano city in which even women and childrenwere not spared. Many houses were raided and a pregnant woman was manhandled.‘We respected Kano’“Some of our members were tortured with electric shock. All these things happened inKano, a city that we hold in high esteem.“We have varied opinions about Kano,including the option of launching endless campaign of violence, but the scholars that have been talking to us are still persuading us to tarry a while.“We are compelled to write this open letter so that the world will know what is happening.

~Blackberry Maker RIM CEOs Mike Lazaridis And Jim Balsillie Resigns~ « » Quote Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie, the co-chief executives of Research In Motion, have resigned following months of investor pressure for a change at the helm of the struggling BlackBerry maker. Chief operating officer Thorsten Heins was named president and CEO of the Waterloo, Ontario-based RIM, which has been steadily losing market share to Apple's iPhone and handsets powered by Google's Android software. Heins, 54, joined RIM from German industrial giant Siemens in December 2007 and served as senior vice president for hardware engineering before becoming chief operating officer for product and sales in August 2011. "There comes a time in the growth of every successful company when the founders recognize the need to pass the baton to new leadership," Lazaridis said in a statement on Sunday.He said RIM was "entering a new phase, and we felt it was time for a new leader to take it through that phase and beyond." Barbara Stymiest, 55, was named chairman of the board, a post previously also held jointly by Balsillie and Lazaridis, who founded RIM in 1984. Stymiest, who has been on the RIM board since 2007, has held senior positions at the Royal Bank of Canada and was chief executive of TSX Group Inc., operator of the Toronto Stock Exchange. The management shakeup follows a series of setbacks for RIM including a costly delay in the launch of the BlackBerry 10, the commercial failure of the PlayBook tablet computer and an embarrassing email outage.

~Top 10 Tips on How to Flirt with a Guy~: Flirting with a guy is not difficult for girls as girls are born with charming qualities. Even than, girls should carefully use their charm to flirt with any guy otherwise it can cause difficulties to them. So, if you want to flirt with a guy use the below given tips on how to flirt with a guy. 1. First and foremost, dress nicely and beautifully for flirting. So, that any guy falls for you with just a look. 2. You can also start flirting with soft and tantalizing gestures like smile, repeated eye contact, hair flip and twirl casually. 3. Ensure that you should be alone while meeting him. Don’t stay in group to meet him. This will help you to interact with him comfortably. 4. Pay full attention while talking to him especially in group. This will surely send right signals to the right guy. 5. Compliment him for his attitude or dressing sense. Remember boys too love being appreciated by someone. 6. Girls can also use another way of flirting that is touching while talking to the guy. This will show your affection towards him. This is the most irresistible way to flirt with guys. 7. While talking, discuss your common interests and share experiences. Be good friends immediately. 8. Most important, be confident. Guys love confident girls so act and talk smartly. 9. Do not look or sound cheap. Carry yourself delicately, don’t be a tomboy. 10. Accept help or support gladly whenever he offers you. Move closer to him while talking. You can also pass your mobile number to the guy you want to flirt with. These above tips on how to flirt with a guy will definitely help you to flirt with any guy. And the most interesting part of this kind of flirting is that it never ends on rough patch.

~Girlfriend’s GSM Exposes 11 Robbery Suspects~ The Police in Lagos have arrested 11 members of a robbery gang, through the mobile telephone number, given by a randy member of the gang to his girlfriend. A reliable police source said on Sunday that the detectives arrested the robbers through the randy suspect. The randy suspect was traced through the GSM number which he gave to the housegirl, after the gang robbed the household the girl was serving. The source explained that the suspected robber, who was expecting a call from the girl, whom he instantly fell in love with, was picked up, leading detectives to arrest 10 other member of the gang. Two dismissed policemen were said to be among the robbery gang members arrested. “The GSM number we got from the girl actually helped us,” said one of the detectives. He said that the robbery, which took place at 4, Akin Aioko Bakari Close, Langbasa in Ajah, a suburb of Lagos, was masterminded by a security guard (names withheld) in the house. “The 32-year-old guard, who is an indigene of Kebbi State, invited the dismissed policemen to rob his employer,” the source added. He disclosed further that the ex-policemen thereafter invited a gang of seven suspected armed robbers, who carried out the operation. According to the source, a commercial motorcycle operator who is a brother to the guard also assisted the gang in carrying out the operation. The source also alleged that the suspects went away with N17,000 cash, some property and a luxury car, all estimated at N8.3 million. The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Samuel Jinadu, confirmed the arrest of the suspects, adding that detectives recovered two pistols used in the operation from the dismissed policemen. He said that the suspects would be charged to court as soon as investigation on the arrest was completed.

~Man Catches Girlfriend Enjoying Threesome, Kills All~scroll down for pic:: A man in Brooklyn murdered his girlfriend and two other men after he caught them having a threesome. The 50-year-old has admitted he committed the crime and threw the dead bodies of the two men at some place in New Jersey. “He made statements implicating himself in the deaths,” the New York Post quoted NYPD spokesman Paul Browne, as saying. The convict had found his 51-year-old girlfriend having sex with the two men after midnight in her apartment at 1518 Eastern Parkway in Brownsville. He later left a voicemail with a friend saying he had killed all three of them. When cops reached the house, the suspect was found hovering over the woman’s dead body in a back bedroom. However, it has not been confirmed if the three victims were shot or beaten to death. Regine Nole, a neighbor, said the man “didn’t look afraid or upset” when police took him away. “He just put his head down and went into the police car,” Nole said. Referring to the dead woman, she added: “She was dating more than one guy and just moved into this apartment three weeks ago.” Another neighbour Lulu Facey, said she had heard someone yelling ‘Help! Help!’”, but had assumed somebody was scared of dogs barking at another apartment.

Men dressed in Police/Army Uniform. Two bomb-laden cars found . Death toll reaches 250~ Fresh witness accounts of the Kano carnage reveal how a team of about 50 men in Police and Army uniforms stormed the Bompai barracks and shot dead nearly everybody there during the chaos immediately after coordinated bombings in the city on Friday. A female police officer who survived the shootings at the barracks said the unidentified assailants invaded the place and conducted “systematic killings” shortly after a bomb detonated at the nearby state police command. She said the operation appeared to be well- timed, as it was executed at a time when people were scampering for safety following the explosions. “They just came into the barracks in mobile police uniforms soon after the explosions at the police command and took the advantage of the situation shooting every person they saw running for safety,” she told Daily Trust yesterday. “These men deceived us by wearing mobile police uniforms and giving impression they were only there for a rescue mission; they took us by surprise when they started shooting every person they saw,” the officer said. After the indiscriminate shootings in the open, the men then went house-to-house in the barracks killing people including those who took cover inside toilets, she said. “The following day dead bodies littered all over the place. It was a sad day indeed; we will never forget this day in life,” she added. Police Corporal Aliu Abdullahi also told Reuters news agency he saw men in Police uniform shooting people indiscriminately. “We were in the mess when we saw people running and heard gunshots from the gate, I saw them shooting. You could not differentiate the Boko Haram members from our Police Mobile Force men because they wore the same uniform,” Aliu, who survived multiple gunshots, said. “They were more than 50. As I tried to run a bullet hit me on my left hand and another shot hit me on my chest I fell,” he added. Another witness said he saw close to 50 assailants when they attacked the police barracks and “killed every person inside except women and children.” He said began to climb the wall before they saw him and fired, hitting and injuring him. The witness, who declined to give his name, said “all of them were dressed in either Mobile Police uniforms or Army camouflage. They also wore black cloth under their service caps. They appeared were more professional in the operation than the military.”

~Arrested Boko Haram Bomber Dies (escapes) In Delta~ Just recently, Mallam Kabiru Sokoto, the most prominent member of the Boko Haram group presently involved in distabilising plot against the country through sectarian killings, escaped without a single shot being fired. Now Tanko Buzu, who bombed Hausa Quarters has taken valuable intelligence information with him as he escaped by dying. Has Boko Haram infiltrated hospitals as well?The Suspected Boko Haram member, who bombed the Main Mosque, Hausa Quarters in Sapele, Sapele Local Government Area of Delta State on December 10, 2011, Tanko Buzu, is dead. Buzu gave up the ghost a few days ago following the failure of the medical team at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) to save his life after weeks of medical attention. Nigerian Tribune gathered that the medical team at the teaching hospital battled to save the life of the victim who was a prime suspect in the mosque’s bomb blast, but could not save him because of the degree of injuries, he sustained. “The UBTH team battled to save the victim but all their efforts failed. The victim died a few days ago. We thought we would be able to get information on how he came about the explosive used then, but that plan failed”, a security source confided in the Nigerian Tribune. A bomb had exploded the main mosque at Hausa Quarters in Sapele on December 10, last year injuring Buzu who was alone in the premises as early as 5.10 a.m. The incident was suspected to have been masterminded by a Boko Haram member but security agents tried to under play the incident. Delta State Police Public Relations Officer, Charles Muka, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), refused to pick his mobile phone when the Nigerian Tribune, called on Sunday but a senior security officer confirmed the development.

~The Emir of KANO in Tears~—The pomp of royalty was set aside, yesterday, as the revered Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero broke down in tears as he recounted the loss of human lives that followed last Friday’s Boko Haram attack on the ancient city before a visiting President Goodluck Jonathan. Right in front of his subjects while receiving President Goodluck Jonathan, the octogenarian monarch could not hold back his tears, while reflecting on the level of carnage and the hundreds of innocent souls who had been killed from bomb blasts by the Boko Haram sect. The president’s visit was to commiserate with the Emir over last Friday’s bomb blast in the ancient city that reportedly left about 162 dead and several others injured. President Goodluck Jonathan signs Condolence Register at the Palace of the Emir of Kano Alhaji Ado Bayero (Right) during his visit to Kano State. It took the monarch almost half an hour to read through a two-page prepared speech in Hausa as he broke down intermittently shedding tears and on each occasion, palace guards had to form a ring around him before wiping off his tears. In his speech, Alhaji Bayero told the visiting President that the emirate deeply appreciated his visit and complained that Kano, a city of over 9 million people, is under-policed and appealed to the president to beef up security in the city. Alhaji Ado Bayero told the visiting president that the emirate will support current effort by the federal Government to combat terrorism in all its ramifications, adding that Kano ‘deeply appreciate the courtesy of Mr. President.” Bayero told the President the need to increase the number of police and other security agents in the state, noting that the current arrangement where 8,000 policemen serve the state of over nine million people calls for urgent review. “It is a far cry that a city of kano’s size and status is being policed by 8,000 men, and we appeal to the authority concerned to have a rethink on the current situation in the overall peace and stability of the state”, Bayero stressed. The monarch described the Friday attack as ‘unfortunate, ugly and violent” and tasked people to fear Allah in what ever they do, adding that Kano emirate will intensify prayers for Almighty to intervene in the security challenges. To underscore the security situation of the period, tanks were deployed around the palace with armed soldiers. Thousands of residents also lined the streets to welcome the President as crowd of onlookers waved in appreciation of the visit. This was President Jonathan’s first official visit to the Northern part of the country since the increased activities of the Boko Haram insurgency. We will not rest until terrorism is wiped out— GEJ In his speech, the president assured that the Federal Government will not relent until terrorism is wiped out in the country. Sporting Black caftan (long gown) and black shoes to match President Jonathan stated that those behind the ‘dastardly act are not spirit and they are people that live with us”, stressing that the hallmark of their activities call for increased security consciousness by Nigerians’. President Jonathan who was accompanied on the visit by the National Security Adviser, General Patrick Azazi; Defense Minister, Dr Bello Halilu; National Chairman of PDP, Kawu Baraje among other top Federal Government functionaries explained that the security challenges call for concern of everyone, saying “we need to know as well that an attack on one is an attack on everyone of us”. Said he: “Those who perpetrate this dastardly act are not spirit, they live freely with us in the society and the security challenges they pose have now made it incumbent on us to be extra vigilant on what our next door neighbor does and by so doing, we will overcome the evil forces,” he said. The Commander-in-Chief declared before the Emir and his council of chiefs that in view of Kano’s importance in the region and sub Saharan Africa, the state would not be neglected” and promised increased security to the town and other hot spots in the federation. The President noted that his visit to Kano was to build the confidence of the people of the state in the ability of the government to tame the Boko Haram insurgency, adding “they will never succeed”. The President during his two hour visit, also visited the military hospital, Zone 1 Office of the Assistant Inspector General of Police before jetting out to Abuja and said that the Federal Government in concert with the state government will explore ways of assisting victims of the multiple bomb blast.

~Oyedepo Sends God’s Judgment Missiles Into Boko Haram Camp « on:~ Following the unabated spate of bombings in the country, the Senior Pastor of Living Faith Church Worldwide (a.k.a Winners Chapel), Bishop David Oyedepo, has released God's judgement missiles into the camp of Boko Haram. In his sermon on Sunday at Canaanland, Ota, he said:"Everyone connected with the escape of the Boko Haram kingpin, would soon face the wrath of God. He declared his readiness to lead a revolution against jihadists, who continue to terrorise Nigerians and threaten the unity the country through their activities "God has anointed me to lead a revolution against jihadists. Enough is enough of their activities," he said Speaking further, Bishop Oyedepo said, "if it is the wish of God for the country to break up. God, break it now." He also warned that, "If the church should arise, Nigeria will no more be a nation."

Sunday 22 January 2012

American woman traveled around the worldto meet her 325 Facebook friends, NEWSMENhas learned.Prior to the trip, 51-year-old ArLynn Presserhas never left her town, in fact, she hardlyleft her home. She spent most of her timeonline chatting with her Facebook friends.But on 31st of Dec, 2010, she made a NewYear’s resolution to meet all 325 of herFacebook friends in person. She called herproject “Face to Facebook”For a person who was terrified of flying andcould never get on a plane before, this wascertainly a daunting task. In the end, she dida great job, traveling over 13 countries andtaking over 39 flights.By the end of 2011, she had met 292friends, about 90% of what she hadintended to. ArLynn had been to Taiwan,Korea, Philippines, Dubai, Italy, Malaysia,Ireland, England, Germany and four othercountries.A few of her Facebook friends weren’t keenon her idea of meeting them, so theyunfriended or blocked her, 18 peopleignored her repeated requests to meet, twowere profiles of pets, and five people hadpassed away.

~We Wont Call Off Strike Until Our Demands Are Met - ASUU President ~(Why ASUU Won’t Call Off Strike) – ASUU President The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has said it is not going to suspend its ongoing strike as speculated by government, unless its demands are met. The Minister of Education, Prof. Ruqayyatu Rufai, after a meeting with the various university vice-chancellors in Abuja told reporters that ASUU would call off its three- month strike on Monday, following the cooperation and assurances she got from the university dons . But ASUU President, Prof Ukachuchwu Awuzie yesterday, in a telephone interview with LEADERSHIP SUNDAY noted that, ASUU was not a member of the Association of Vice Chancellors, and as such, could not call off the action until government implemented its agreements with ASUU. He stressed that the lecturers’ body, would not abide by the Association’s call to end the strike. “It’s all government’s propaganda! ASUU won’t call off its strike so long as government shies away from the issue of effective funding of the universities”, Awuzie said. The union leader who however expressed the union’s appreciation to the Senate for its efforts, especially in passing the bill for the extension of the retirement age of lectures from 65 to 70, but which is awaiting the president’s assent to become a law, said, “The year of retirement is just one of our demands, the funding is the cardinal,” he stressed. On a positive note, Awuzie said, “Mr. President has scheduled a meeting with ASUU on Monday, If government accepts to implement our demand, that is when we will think of calling off the strike. “Even at that, the National Executive Committee of ASUU will have to meet and have series of meetings to agree on when to call off the strike. “However, with the intervention of Mr. President, I believe the solution will come faster than expected” Awuzie stated .

~Tension in Onitsha over ejection of Yoruba, Hausa traders~: TENSION is mounting in the commercial city of Onitsha, Anambra State following ejection order on Hausa and Yoruba traders along the Bridgehead market. The traders, who described the state government’s directive as biased and ethnically motivated, argued that they are legitimate tenants to the Federal Ministry of Housing adding that they have valid receipt of payment that will expire by 2014. The spokesmen of the group, Chief Lateef Balogun and Tanimu Ibrahim, alleged that the state government had concluded plans to lease the plot of land to a major transporter in Onitsha , adding that they were not given any alternative site to relocate to. The duo, stated that the move to throw them out of the place of business they have occupied for over 40 years without plan for compensation or relocation is a subtle way of sacking the Yoruba and Hausa communities in the state. According to them, “What they are planning to do is to subtly sack us from the state but as Nigerians we have the right to live and do business in any part of the country without fear of intimidation. We shall resist any plot to stampede us out of the market by agents of government over a flimsy excuse”. However when contacted the Special Adviser to the governor on Parks and Market, Chief Sylvester Nwaobualor, said that the move to eject the traders was not political or motivated by ethnic considerations but a strict measure to clean up and beautify the Bridgehead which serves as the gateway to the state and the entire Southeast.

Friday 20 January 2012

Pls is Unedited:Some pics of Kano Bomb Blast.

The Kano Bomb Explosion.....i heard that the Boko Haram av claimed responsibility and are circulating English Translation of their Massage.

BREAKING NEWS » Multiple explosions have rocked Kano, the biggest city in northern Nigeria.~ The BBC's Yusuf Yakasai in the city says there is pandemonium with people running all over the place and plumes of smoke rising into the sky. One of the blasts hit the federal police headquarters in the city and two other police stations, he says. No-one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but Islamist militants have been behind a recent campaign of violence in the mainly Muslim north. Our reporter says there is also a shoot-out going on at the police's state head office in the east of the city. The blasts targeted different neighbourhoods of the city. So far he is aware of explosions at the federal police headquarters in the west of the city, one police station in the centre, and another police station in the south. A reporter for the AP news agency said one of the explosions was powerful enough to shake his car several miles away from the blast. The Islamist Boko Haram group, whose name means "Western education is forbidden", wants to establish Sharia (Islamic law) in Nigeria and started to stage drive-by shootings in 2010 on government targets in its base in the north-eastern city of Maiduguri. It has stepped up its attacks in 2011, attacking the headquarters of the police and the UN in the capital, Abuja. In recent weeks, southerners, who are mostly Christians or animists, living in the north have been the targets of deadly attacks.

Nollywood star actor dead

The Late David Ihezie.

The Enugu-based Actor Late David Ihezie last night.It was said that before his death,he has been going in and out of th hospital not untill he finally met his death.It have said by the Nollyfilm that the Late David Ihezie Will be highly missed especially his Fatherly contributions.His death came barely two weeks after the popular Nollywood Actor RMD hard a ghastly motor accident.

~Indian woman Zarzoliani jailed for 7 years for stabbing a Nigerian boyfriend Victor Okon Efflong to death~ An Indian woman Zarzoliani was on Tuesday jailed for 7 years for stabbing to death her live-in Nigerian boyfriend, Nextvoice has learned. She was also ordered to send N2.2 million to the victim’s family in Nigeria. 28-year-old Zarzoliani was convicted for killing Victor Okon Efflong, 28, in 2008 as she did not approve his withdrawing.

~Solar blast heading our way~NASA: The sun has unleashed a blast in Earth's direction, and that should cause brighter- than-normal auroral displays this weekend. Skywatchers won't be the only ones monitoring the storm: The folks in charge of power grids and orbiting satellites will also be on guard to make sure the disturbance in the (geomagnetic) force won't be disruptive. Word of today's blast, technically known as a coronal mass ejection or CME, comes via SpaceWeather.com's Tony Phillips. NASA says the outburst sparked an M3.2-class solar flare, as well as a stream of electrically charged particles that is due to interact with Earth's magnetic field on Saturday. "Viewers can be on the lookout for increased aurora," NASA says. M-class flares are capable of causing brief radio blackouts near the poles as well as minor radiation storms, but it's unlikely that this one will disrupt communication or power transmission networks. The forecast would be different if it were an X-class storm heading our way. As the sun approaches the peak of its 11-year activity cycle in 2013 or so, we can expect to see more powerful solar outbursts. To keep tabs on the prospects for northern (or southern) lights, check SpaceWeather.com as well as the University of Alaska's Aurora Forecast website. The higher your latitude, the better your chances of seeing the lights. If you miss them, never fear: SpaceWeather.com will surely update its January aurora gallery over the weekend.

~Save Nigeria Group Disowns Pastor Bakare~« » Quote:Less than a week after the strike over removal of oil subsidy, the Save Nigeria Group (SNG), one of the civil society organizations that partnered with labour to fight the Federal Government may be heading for crisis. The group yesterday dissociated itself from its Convener, Pastor Tunde Bakare, saying that the cleric’s views during the weeklong strike were his and not that of the SNG. In a statement by its National Coordinator, Benedict Ezeagu and Public Relations Officer, Olabode Francis, the group regretted rumour in the media and government circle that SNG called for ‘regime change’ during protests against hike in fuel prices. The group said it respects the rights of Bakare to express his political views within the ambit of the law but that whatever views he (Bakare) may had expressed on the fuel price hike controversy were his and had nothing to do with the SNG. “Pastor Bakare was suspended as a member of SNG in June, 2010 when he tried to railroad the organization into partisan politics without the consent of its founding members and has not been re-admitted since then. “So, it is very wrong and a disservice to SNG for the government, the media or any member of the public to insinuate or hold that the views of Pastor Tunde Bakare who is an opposition politician, a card-carrying/ active member of CPC and the running mate to its presidential candidate are those of SNG,” it said. It recalled that SNG and Lawyers of Conscience as harbingers and defenders of democracy led Nigerians to the streets in January 2010 to enforce constitutionalism by successfully demanding for the swearing- in of President Goodluck Jonathan as the acting president of Nigeria during the crisis that followed the late President Umaru Yar’Adua’s sickness. The group also noted that while condemning the unwarranted harassment and murder of innocent Nigerians by Boko Haram and overzealous security agents during the anti-fuel hike protests, SNG re-affirms its solidarity with the people and their fundamental human rights. “The SNG also laments the increasing deployment of religious bigotry, ethnic prejudices and partisan sentiments as instruments for resolving the National Question and therefore warns that such actions represent nothing but an invitation to and recipe for fratricidal war in the country, which is an ill-wind that blows no one any good. It is a threat to the corperate existence of the country, and a disservice to Africa and the impoverished Nigerians who may eventually be murdered if this brewing national turmoil is not immediately nipped in the bud,” the group said

Thursday 19 January 2012

The Federal Government through the AssetsManagement Corporation of Nigeria(AMCON) has given Capital Oil owned byIfeanyi Uba 60 days to pay back N5 Billionbeing rogue proceeds he made fromKerosene subsidy or risk arrest andprosecution.Capital made N22.4 Billion from petrolsubsidy.Sources told Pointblanknews.com thatNNPC allocated to Uba’s Capital Oil 75% ofkerosene supplies to distribute to theentire country at N50 pump price.But the cheapest of the product at thedepot is N120 per litre & N135 at thefilling stations while Capital Oil makesmore than N70 on each litre of kerosenesold.Pointblanknews.com learnt that Uba illegallymade over N60 billion from payments fromkerosene subsidy with his Capital Oil as themajor player in the kerosene deals.Sources hinted that Uba who made apayment plan of N2 Billion with AMCONreneged severally and started playing hideand seek anytime the Mustapha Chike Obiled agency approaches him to pay up hisdebts.Capital Oil is one of the firms which receiveddodgy payments running into billions ofnaira from the Petroleum Products Pricingand Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) on kerosene,petrol and diesel subsidy.Government paid a total sum of N3.655trillion to beneficiaries of fuel subsidybetween 2006 and 2011, while amountjumped to a whooping N1.426 trillionbetween January and August last year.Investigations reveal that Uba, one of themost notorious subsidy scammers, hasseveral collaborators at the NigeriaNational Petroleum Corporation (NNPC),and Petroleum ministry, with the arrowhead being, Petroleum Minister, DezianiAllison-Madueke.Pointblanknews.com learnt that Uba alsobenefited immensely during the tenure ofOdein Ajumogbia.He was later invited tofund the Jonathan/Sambo campaignorganization by Deziani Allison-Madueke.President Goodluck Jonathan who isinsisting that there must be no sacred cowsis spearheading the Hunt for all those whohave defrauded Nigeria through subsidy.Sources hinted that some members ofJonathan's kitchen cautioned that goingafter the subsidy cabal could hurt hisPetroleum Minister, but the Presidentmaintained that whoever was involvedshould be taken down.

The Federal Government through the AssetsManagement Corporation of Nigeria(AMCON) has given Capital Oil owned byIfeanyi Uba 60 days to pay back N5 Billionbeing rogue proceeds he made fromKerosene subsidy or risk arrest andprosecution.Capital made N22.4 Billion from petrolsubsidy.Sources told Pointblanknews.com thatNNPC allocated to Uba’s Capital Oil 75% ofkerosene supplies to distribute to theentire country at N50 pump price.But the cheapest of the product at thedepot is N120 per litre & N135 at thefilling stations while Capital Oil makesmore than N70 on each litre of kerosenesold.Pointblanknews.com learnt that Uba illegallymade over N60 billion from payments fromkerosene subsidy with his Capital Oil as themajor player in the kerosene deals.Sources hinted that Uba who made apayment plan of N2 Billion with AMCONreneged severally and started playing hideand seek anytime the Mustapha Chike Obiled agency approaches him to pay up hisdebts.Capital Oil is one of the firms which receiveddodgy payments running into billions ofnaira from the Petroleum Products Pricingand Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) on kerosene,petrol and diesel subsidy.Government paid a total sum of N3.655trillion to beneficiaries of fuel subsidybetween 2006 and 2011, while amountjumped to a whooping N1.426 trillionbetween January and August last year.Investigations reveal that Uba, one of themost notorious subsidy scammers, hasseveral collaborators at the NigeriaNational Petroleum Corporation (NNPC),and Petroleum ministry, with the arrowhead being, Petroleum Minister, DezianiAllison-Madueke.Pointblanknews.com learnt that Uba alsobenefited immensely during the tenure ofOdein Ajumogbia.He was later invited tofund the Jonathan/Sambo campaignorganization by Deziani Allison-Madueke.President Goodluck Jonathan who isinsisting that there must be no sacred cowsis spearheading the Hunt for all those whohave defrauded Nigeria through subsidy.Sources hinted that some members ofJonathan's kitchen cautioned that goingafter the subsidy cabal could hurt hisPetroleum Minister, but the Presidentmaintained that whoever was involvedshould be taken down.

~25-yr-old Corps Member Arrested For Swindling Visa Applicants~...Detectives attached to the Special Fraud Unit (SFU), Ikoyi, Lagos, have nabbed a 25-year- old youth corps member, Aliyu Ajobola, over an alleged fraud. Crimewatch had earlier published the report of one Fred Makanjuola (at large), who fraudulently packaged programmes and invited interested Nigerians, who wanted to live and work in Canada to apply. Makanjuola had always told his victims that the programme was free of charge but our checks revealed that applicants were expected to sign bond to pay back, double what he spent in the process. This scam was said to have been going on before the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons (NAPTIP) bust the racket. It was gathered that to further convince and confuse his teeming victims, the suspect organised a symposium at the University of Lagos (UNILAG), invited some ‘resource persons’ he claimed to have been drawn from the banking sector, Nigeria Immigration Service, among others, to lecture the victims how to travel to Canada to actualise their dreams without tarnishing the image of Nigeria. Among other guests invited to the symposium was one Barrister Odion, who claimed to be the representative of GT bank.he has been charged to court ..

Wednesday 18 January 2012

~Alliance Of Igbo Youths Accuse Fg Of "toying" With Ndigbos Lives~...... Barely 48 hours after the nationwide anti- subsidy removal protest ended, President Goodluck Jonathan may need an urgent and concrete action to douse the tension brewing in the South East geo-political zone. The people in the area have resolved to give back fire for fire in the event of any further killing of their kinsmen in the North. Yesterday, an umbrella of the youth organizations in the zone, Alliance of Igbo Youths (AIY) rose from its general assembly in Awka with a decision to take the destinies of Ndigbo in their hands, warning that the zone would not tolerate any further killing of any Igboman or woman by the Boko Haram or any group in Nigeria. AIY stand coincided with the stand of the International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law (Intersociety) which in a letter to President Goodluck Jonathan, copy of which was made available to Daily Sun yesterday, noted that 510 Igbo Christians had been killed by Boko Haram in the last 12 months, describing it as, “a systematic ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.” Briefing newsmen after their general assembly, Mr. Emeka Moneme and Johnbosco Muozoba, secretary general and president respectively of AIY, said President Jonathan’s government was toying with the lives of Ndigbo as it had shown insincerity in its dealings with the people of the South- east. They said: “You are aware of our meeting last Thursday in Abuja with the Minister of Defence and subsequently with the National Security Committee at the NSA’s office, over the brutal killing of Ndigbo in northern Nigeria. “Today we have briefed the general assembly of the Alliance of Igbo Youths on the outcome of that visit and the general consensus is that this government is toying with the lives of Ndigbo. It has not shown sincerity in dealing with the Igbo question.” Meanwhile, in the letter of Intersociety to the president signed by its chairman, Board of Trustees, Emeka Umeagbalasi, the body chronicled the killings of Ndigbo in the North from January to December 2011 and demanded that the president takes a concrete step to end further killings of Igbo Christians anywhere in Nigeria.

~Woman Pays Prophetess N2.7m For Deliverance~ A business woman, Mrs. Folashade Giwa is now counting her losses after she was made to part with about N2.7m for deliverance by a Lagos based prophetess, Christiana Ajibola, 60. The prophetess whose church is located at 36, Odewale Street, Alagbado, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria, has been taken to Ojokoro magistrate’s court for fraud and stealing. Apart from allegedly defrauding Giwa to the amount, the prophetess also initiated her to serve a godless which the police described in the charge sheet as a man-made-god. Nextvoice gathered that Giwa had gone to the prophet to seek prayers for the fruit of the womb. The prophetess told her that before she could bear a child, she will undergo deliverance and she will be purified.We learnt that the prophetess also told her that the currency she pays will determine how speedily her prayer will be answered. She told her that if she paid in pounds sterling or dollars, her prayers will be answered faster. But if she paid in naira, her prayers will be answered but not as fast as dollars and pounds sterling. The woman paid in pounds sterling and dollars so that she could have her own child. She made payment of £4,500 and $10,000 and cash of N289,000. The total naira equivalent she paid was about N2.7m million. The prophetess reportedly took her and initiated her into a man-made god and placed her under several oaths that she should not tell to anyone about her experience. When her desire to have a child did not materialized as the prophet promised, failed and she could not get her money back, she went to Alagbado police station and reported what transpired. The prophetess was arrested and charged to court. The offence she commited, according to the prosecutor, Mr. Thomas Nurudeen, was contrary to section 419, 390 and 210 of the criminal act, cap 17 vol. 2 law of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2000. She pleaded not guilty. The presiding magistrate, Mrs. A.F. Adeeyo granted her bail in the sum of N500,000 with two sureties in like sum. The matter has been adjourned till 21 February, 2012 for hearing.

~Escape Of Boko Haram Suspect: Zakari Biu Faces Dismissal, Jail~ Controversial Police Commissioner Zakari Biu who was suspended yesterday over the escape of Kabiru Sokoto, a suspected Boko Haram chieftain from a team of investigators he led to investigate the accused, faces dismissal from the Force and possible imprisonment, Nextvoice gathered this morning. •Zakari Biu The alleged Boko Haram member is suspected of being the mastermind of the bombing of St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Madalla, a suburb of Abuja which claimed over 40 lives last Christmas day. The Police Commissioner who was in charge of investigations at Wuse Zone 7, Abuja Police Command, had led a team of 10 policemen to Abaji, a suburb of FCT to search the residence of Sokoto who was arrested at Borno State Governor’s Lodge in Abuja on Saturday. But it was gathered that a gang of youths had confronted the police team after the conclusion of the search of the residence of the accused, thus facilitating his escape in the confusion that followed. In a statement in Abuja yesterday the police authorities confirmed the escape of the suspect and suspension of the Commissioner, though the officer’s name was not mentioned. “The Nigeria Police Force wishes to confirm that a suspect was arrested in a successful police operation and was rescued from a team of policemen detailed to carry out further investigation in the matter,” force Public Relations Officer, PRO, DCP Olusola Amore, said in a statement. “The police view this development as a serious negligence on the part of the Commissioner of Police and have since been queried and suspended him from duty. If a criminal case is established against him and his team, they will be prosecuted,” the police spokesperson said while explaining the circumstances surrounding escape of the accused.Nextvoice cannot confirm if Biu has been arrested and detained as at the time of writing this story. “All the information that could have been released have been given in the press release.when asked if the police have taken Biu into custody this morning. P.M.NEWS however gathered that the police officer will be made to face an orderly room trial after which he may be dismissed from the Force if found culpable. From there, he will face trial in a court of competent jurisdiction and possibly jailed if found guilty. From there he will face trial in a court of competent jurisdiction and possibly jailed if found guilty Members of the public continue to express outrage over the bungling of the arrest of the Boko Haram suspect by the police. Many were also surprised that Biu, who was recently promoted commissioner, the notorious Police officer connected with the death of Bagauda Kaltho, the Kaduna-based correspondent of TheNEWS magazine during the Sani Abacha dictatorship and clampdown of the press, is not only still in the Police, but has been enjoying steady promotion. Some members of the public who spoke this morning also queried the wisdom of putting Biu who is also from Borno State as the accused in charge of the investigation. “I think the Inspector General of Police himself should be sacked. Why did he put Biu in charge of the investigations when he knew the kind of person he is?” said Chimezie Nwoko, an Abuja-based lawyer. Many also said the escape of the accused confirmed the confession of President Goodluck Jonathan at a church service in Abuja about two weeks ago that members of Boko Haram had infiltrated his government and all arms of the security agencies.....all of them na the same poeple!

~Subsidy Fraud Exposed As Diezani Allison- Madueke & Custom Chief Disagree~..Petroleum minister Diezani Allison-Madueke and Comptroller General of Customs Abdullahi Dikko Inde yesterday gave conflicting testimonies over petrol imports and subsidy payments during a hearing by a House of Representatives committee in Abuja. The committee was holding its second day of public hearing to determine the extent of alleged multi-billion naira corruption on the fuel subsidy regime. Allison-Madueke was the first to speak, saying that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation no longer imports petrol and that only private importers were involved. She also said part of the fraud in the system was smuggling out of petrol on which government had already paid subsidy. But when it was his turn to speak, Inde, who was represented by the Deputy Comptroller General in charge of Accounts and Tariff Julius Ndubuisi Nwogu, said contrary to the minister’s assertion, NNPC was still importing petrol because he had possession of a manifest that showed that the corporation brought petrol into the country in December. The Customs official displayed a copy of a document showing that NNPC imported petrol for December 2011 which was discharged at Calabar port, “and was solely imported by NNPC but we don’t know the country of origin but was brought through Cotonou off shore.” Inde also said rather than “smuggling” as mentioned by the minister, what was happening was “diversion” because large vessels importing fuel supposedly to Nigeria do not reach the country’s shores but were kept in territorial waters of Benin or Togo while smaller vessels ferry only a fraction of the fuel to Nigeria. The Customs chief said apart from petrol, NNPC also imports crude oil to the Kaduna refinery. “Kaduna refinery runs on imported crude not domestic and no duty is paid on that till date. NNPC imports it through Warri port and move it straight to Kaduna refinery,” he said. He said the then president Olusegun Obasanjo used presidential fiat and granted import waivers on all petroleum products since 2002 as a result of which all imported fuels are exempted from duty taxes. He said oil importers including the NNPC perpetrate fraud by keeping the “mother vessels” on Benin or Togo territorial waters and using smaller vessels to bring in the petroleum products. Earlier, Mrs. Allison-Madueke said contrary to the popular belief, there was no group of oil importers who constitute themselves into a cabal. “I am under oath therefore it will not be proper for me to speculate of the existence of cabal in the oil sector. It is not proper to criminalise certain group with one fell swoop just as we cannot criminalise the actual policy of subsidy itself. “They are bona fide marketers even though there have been manipulations in the sector and we are looking into it aggressively, as we have made certain changes since last year, until we are able to rout out those who corrupted the system to their advantage,” she said. The petroleum minister however, could not name those involve in “corrupting the system” when asked by House committee chairman Faruk Lawan (PDP, Kano). On why subsidy funds rocketed from the budgeted N245 billion to N1.3 trillion, the minister said the N245 billion was only meant to service subsidy for the months of January- February 2011 as the government had planned to end the subsidy regime in March 2011 but was pressurised to shelve that. The petroleum minister also said the government was yet to arrive at exact amount of money spent on subsidising petrol as “we are still grappling with the figures.” She added that it would take at least four months to finish the computation.

~Resign Now, Senator Tells Alison-madueke~ « » Senator Gbenga Obadara yesterday called on the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs Diezani Alison-Madueke to resign or be redeployed to another ministry to allow the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) free hand to investigate the payments of N1.3trillion subsidy on petrol and kerosene last year. The call is sequel to the letter by Mrs. Alison- Madueke inviting the anti-graft body to probe all imports subsidy payments on fuel and kerosene. Obadara, who represents Ogun Central Senatorial District on the platform of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) in the Red Chambers spoke in Abuja in an exclusive interview with The Nation. According to the Senator, Mrs. Alison- Madueke ought to step aside to allow for “decency”, “probity” and “transparency”. Obadara said: “The way forward is what they have just started and I can tell you, the Minister of Petroleum cannot approbate and reprobate. “She is not supposed to be on that seat while that investigation is being done by the EFCC. “Morally, she is supposed to be removed to another Ministry if the President still wants her to be a part of his government. “In that, there would be probity. In that, Nigeria will see that for the first time we have taken the bull by the horn. We must take the bull by the horn. “Let a fresh blood be injected into that Ministry. Believe me, if you have character, even elected and appointed people, we should have character to say no when we are being confronted on things that bothers on national issues. “It means the President must have done much. It is like who comes to equity, goes with clean hands. If this has been there for these very good months and nothing was done until when this issue of subsidy removal came up and you are writing on the 12th of January to EFCC as if she just resumed that office last week. “And mind you, it was during her tenure N1.3trillion was spent as subsidy. No! She should be able to have decency to step aside and let a clean job be done.” Earlier, Senator Obadara bemoaned the huge economic loses that attended the one week labour strike and street protests saying they could have been avoided through wise counsel.

~Joint Task Force-detonates bombs in maiduguri arrests 6 boko haram members~The Joint Task Force (JTF) on Operation Restore Order in Borno State has commenced the detonation of five Improvised Explosive Device (IED), which it uncovered at Kaleri ward of London Chiki in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital. Speaking on the issue, the Field Operation Officer of the JTF, Colonel Victor Ebhaleme, advised residents to temporarily vacate the area and come back after the detonation. He also urged residents of Maiduguri not to panic as a result of the ongoing detonation. The Field Operation Officer also said that the task force had arrested six high-profile suspected members of the Boko Haram sect, following tip-off by residents of the area, adding that, the arrest was a great achievement in recent times and an evidence that the people had started cooperating with the security outfit to fish out those terrorising Maiduguri and its environs. A resident who did not want his name in print told the Nigerian Tribune that they had been living in fear in the past two years while killing and maiming of innocent citizens by Boko Haram members continued unabated. He stated that while many people had been forced to relocate to safer areas, they had been emboldened to give information to JTF, leading to the arrest of some of the assailants.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Breaking News:~Apparent smoke bomb tossed at White House~The White House is on "lockdown" after a "smoke bomb like device" was thrown over the north fence.Someone threw what appeared to be a smoke bomb over the White House north fence Tuesday night, according to the Secret Service. The White House was locked down while authorities investigated. The incident took place at the same time a rally was going on outside the White House. About 1,000 protesters from the Occupy DC movement marched from Capitol Hill to the White House, Secret Service public affairs officer was at the scene and described a flash of light just inside the White House grounds. "People scurried away but someone quickly said it was nothing and everyone returned to what they were doing," she said. "It did smell bad like sulfur," she added. advertisement The crowd largely dissipated later in the evening, he said. No arrests were reported.

~Hospital mistakenly sends man $ 44 million bill~ 'I almost had an asthma attack,' N.Y. doorman, who is currently unemployed, says of seeing invoice error — Patients don't normally get sick once they've returned home from the hospital, but one New York resident said he almost became ill when he received a whopping $44.8 million bill from the Bronx- Lebanon Hospital Center. “I almost had an asthma attack,” Alexis Rodriguez, 28 said. Rodriguez, a doorman who is currently unemployed, is one of several hundred patients getting billed for tens of millions of dollars because of a computer error at the New York City hospital. He thought the bill was legitimate because he had received a large bill last spring when he was hospitalized for pneumonia for three weeks — although that bill was in the tens of thousands of dollars, not millions. This hospital visit, again for pneumonia. The $44,776,587 bill should have amounted to no more than $300. The error occurred beceause the company that prepares the bills had mistakenly put the invoice number in the space where the invoice amount should go. "We are sending an apology letter to everyone who received" the multi-million dollar bills, PHY Services representative said, adding that the company will send out corrected invoices. The hospital didn't immediately respond to requests for comment on Monday, The Associated Press reported. Rodriguez told said that while he was glad he wouldn't be charged more than his actual bill, he was still upset with the company's carelessness. “I think they should have somebody look over the bills before they send them out," he said. “I understand manpower may be down, but to send out a lot of bills with numbers that big — someone could have had a heart attack.”...if na for Nija,......i wonder waiting go happen.

~Apple Attacks Samaung in Lawsuits~Apple seeks ban on Samsung phones in Germany, these patent lawsuits aren't slowing down anytime soon. The latest comes from Apple, which filed a lawsuit this week against Samsung Electronics in Germany. Apple is seeking to ban the sale of Samsung smartphones in the country, according to a report. The lawsuit is part of a broader legal war between Apple and Android partners, with Samsung being a particularly fierce opponent. The companies have multiple lawsuits filed against each other in numerous countries and courtrooms around the world. A spokesman for Samsung wasn't available to comment on the newest lawsuit.

R.m.d Survives Ghastly Car Accident~«» Foremost Nollywood actor, commissioner for Culture and Tourism in Delta State, Richard Mofe Damijo, this morning survived a ghastly car accident in Warri, Delta State, that left his SUV damaged beyond repair. The actor was rescued from the vehicle and taken to the hospital where he's currently receiving treatment. But those who have managed to speak with him since the accident say his injuries aren't life threatening and will soon be discharged.

Sunday 15 January 2012

~Police Arrest Boko Haram Suspect In Borno Gov’s Lodge ~« » THE Police appear to have recorded a breakthrough in their investigation of the Christmas Day bombing of St.Theresa's Catholic Church, Madalla, near Abuja. They arrested yesterday a man suspected to be the mastermind of the attack in which over 40 people died. The Islamic Sect,Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the bombing. His arrest was effected in an unlikely place:a Governor's Lodge-that of Borno State in Abuja. The suspect, Kabir Sokoto, was picked up in the company of a serving military officer whose name was not immediately disclosed. The duo were being quizzed, sources told The Nation last night. Also facing police inquisition in Abuja are two men accused of attempting to smuggle arms into Nigeria from Ghana. Scores of worshippers and passers-by were injured in the Madalla bomb blast. Some of them are still receiving treatment in 12 hospitals in Abuja , Madalla, Suleija, Zuba, Kwamba and Kubwa. Investigation by our correspondent confirmed that Kabir Sokoto was arrested at the Borno Governor’s Lodge in Asokoro District after weeks of trailing him . It was gathered that the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Hafiz Ringim, has briefed President Goodluck Jonathan on the breakthrough. A reliable police source said: “Following a tip-off, the suspect was arrested early on Saturday morning while in hiding at the Liaison Office in Abuja . He was said to be in transit to London . “For weeks, we have been working on clues that the suspect was one of the masterminds of the Christmas Day bombing. “He is being interrogated by a special team of senior officers on how St. Theresa’s Catholic Church bombing was perpetrated. “The interrogation may also involve other security agencies since a serving military officer was with him when he was picked up. “The IGP has submitted a preliminary brief to President Goodluck Jonathan on the latest arrest. The suspects are being kept in a police detention facility. Another reliable source said: “The suspect left Maiduguri on Friday via Kaduna . On getting to Kaduna , he sought the assistance of a military officer to provide him escort to Abuja to catch a flight to London . “Aware that the security agencies had been on his trail, he could not get a safe place to sleep. He decided to go to Borno Governor’s Lodge to seek assistance to sleep overnight as an indigene of the state. “Oblivious to the fact that he was a Boko Haram member, the Permanent Secretary in charge of the lodge decided to be magnanimous to give him free accommodation for a night. “But intelligence agents trailing the suspect on the phone succeeded in tracing him to the lodge through a GPRS device. “This led to the storming of the Lodge in the early hours of Saturday leading to the arrest of the serving military officer and some staff on duty. “But after interaction with the staff of the Lodge, they were released by the police on bail pending the conclusion of a comprehensive investigation.” A police source Saturday said Force Criminal Investigation Department is already handling the quizzing of the suspects.” Kabir's arrest came against the backdrop of police investigation of a serving governor in one of the northern states over alleged sponsorship of Boko Haram. Security agencies have already raised a panel to confront him with the facts at their disposal. But he is said to be evading contact with security operatives as he keeps citing one official engagement or the other. Several other top politicians from the north are also said to be under security watch over their relationship with the group. Some of them have reportedly fled to Niger Republic and Chad. It was gathered in Abuja that security reports have indicted the governor for having a "deep" relationship with Boko Haram. Only his immunity has prevented the security agencies from arresting him. However, they are keen on "interacting" with him with a view to laying the facts before him. Said a source familiar with the issue: "The essence of the coming interaction is to unmask those sponsoring the sect.The said governor is already aware and he has been moving here and there including some trips to Niger Republic and Chad. "As a result of the immunity he enjoys,he cannot be directly arrested. But all the details are being assembled and security committee has been constituted to confront him with such details. "Once the evidence is confirmed as incontrovertible, further steps can then be taken to ensure prosecution in line with treason and such charges.

Friday 13 January 2012

~Police save journalist from being set ablaze by hoodlums @ Lekki,LAGOS — Save for the timely intervention of policemen on patrol, a journalist, Mr Charles Akpan with Inspiration 32.5 FM would have been set ablaze, today, when a group of armed hoodlums intercepted him on his way to work. Akpan, who narrated his ordeal to Vanguard, said the incident happened in the early hours of yesterday, at Jakande Estate, Lekki area of Lagos, when he ran into one of the many road blocks mounted by hoodlums under the guise of being fuel subsidy protesters. He said: “The experience was indeed horrible. I thank God for sparing my life. I commend the timely intervention of the police, who saved me from their stronghold. I met several other road blocks from my residence in Ajah. The road blocks mounted were about 100 metres away from each other. At one of the points, the hoodlums, who would not listen to me asked what I was doing on the road when I was supposed to be at home, if I was not a government’s agent. “At that point, they demanded for my identity card when I told them I was journalist working for their interest as a patriotic Nigerian. But they later let me off after extorting me. I was not lucky enough when I got to Jakande Estate, Lekki Bus- stop. The boys there were violent and ordered me to step out of the car as they wouldn’t listen to my plea. “One of them, suspected to be the leader of the group asked for a jar of petrol to be used to set me alight but at that point, the police patrol team raced to the scene and rescued me from their hands. I quickly sped off to the office in shock.”

Thursday 12 January 2012

~Ojukwu’s Body To Tour 4 Countries Before Landing In Anambra For Burial~ STATESMEN are usually given state burial but former Biafran Leader, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, will get more than that. His body will be flown to three African countries and one American country before the final burial in his Nnewi country home, according to his will. Anambra State Governor, Mr. Peter Obi, who gave the indication, yesterday, in Awka said that Odumegwu-Ojukwu listed where his body would be taken to before burial. The countries are nations that supported the Biafran struggle and recognised Biafra as an independent state. They are Gabon, Tanzania, Ivory Coast and Haiti At the end of the civil war, Ojukwu sought asylum in Ivory Coast from where he returned to Nigeria in 1982 when he was granted state pardon by former President Shehu Shagari

Ojukwu’s Burial: Massob Declares Sit-at- home Order « » The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB has declared sit at home order on the day of the burial of the former Biafran warlord, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu. In a statement by the MASSOB Director of Information, Uchenna Madu, the order was a mark of honour and respect to their former leader who would be buried in his country home. “As mark of honour and respect to His Excellency, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu MASSOB has declared sit at home ‘s on the 3rd February for Biafrans. All markets, shops motor parks, schools, airport, banks and offices shall be closed from 7am to 4 pm. Ndigbo residing outside Igbo land are mandated to observe the sit at home order as mark of loyalty to Eze Igbo.” The statement further said “Ojukwu was a greatest Igbo man ever lived, he deserved the most suitable state burial. Ojukwu’s body shall lie in state at his Casabianca lodge, GRA, Enugu on 2nd February. Local and foreign dignitaries including a high- powered delegation of Nigerian government led by President Goodluck Jonathan and some AU/UN delegates will attend the ceremony” “On 3rd, Ojukwu shall be buried at his Umudim Nnewi home after church service and other traditional rites. All who wish to attend the burial shall go to Nnewi on the evening of 2nd February as no movement will be on 3rd February,” he said. Comrade Madu also said that the movement had perfected plans to give adequate security to everyone that will attend the burial ceremony of the former Igbo leader, adding that the recent security challenge in Nigeria will not affect their resolve to give Ojukwu a befitting burial. He called on all Ndigbo in different parts of the world to observe the sit at home as part of last respect to the deceased whom he said was committed to Igbo cause and urged them to always remember him in prayers.

~British Arms Dealer Arrested For Selling Thousands Of Ak47s To Nigeria « ~ A British-based arms dealer helped organise the shipment of thousands of guns from China to Nigeria without the necessary licence, a court has heard. Gary Hyde partly arranged and organised the shipment in 2007 of 80,000 rifles and pistols and 32 million rounds of ammunition. Southwark Crown Court heard he did not receive permission from the relevant government department. Mr Hyde, from Derwent near York, denies the charges. The court was told the shipment involved 40,000 AK47 assault rifles, 30,000 rifles and 10,000 9mm pistols. Profits 'concealed' Prosecutor Mukul Chawla QC told the jury his actions were a "deliberate and calculated breach of the law". "In order to ensure that his criminality, his illegal activities were not drawn to the attention of the UK authorities, he placed and thus concealed profits from his illegal trade into his bank account in Liechtenstein." Mr Chawla said the shipment required permission from the relevant government authority because it had been partly arranged and organised from the UK by Mr Hyde. The prosecutor told the jury Mr Hyde had made a statement through his solicitor in November 2009 which said: "I do not believe that I engaged in any activity in the UK which I understood required a licence but where instead I decided to ignore that obligation." Middle men Mr Chawla said: "The prosecution case is that the claim that he made in November 2009 is palpably false and that Mr Hyde deliberately engaged in activity within the UK which required a licence." Mr Hyde carried out his part in the deals with his business partner Karl Kleber, a German national based in Germany, the court was told. The pair acted as middle men between two Polish companies acting for the Nigerian buyers and Chinese companies, the court heard. Mr Chawla said commission payments for the deals totalled around $1.3m (£840,000). The trial continues.

~200 Pastors Resign From Oyedepo's Winners Chapel~ The Bishop David Oyedepo led Living Faith Tabernacle Church,popularly known as Winners Chapel is alleged to have suffered a huge setback.All of 200 pastors were feared to have resigned enmasse from the blossoming ministry. Information available to us revealed that the exodus occurred shortly before the New Year service. According to our source,this was the fall-out of the general meeting the amiable Bishop had with all the pastors in his ministry during Shiloh 2011 at Canaanland,Ota,from Monday,December 4 to December 11,2011. We learnt he told them that he was planning to re-organise the ministry but he would love to know those who were still commited to his vision and commission. According to our source,he told them that it may not favour some of them. Aside that,he was said to have heard some people were grumbling about his leadership style and that some claimed they have received divine directive to start their own ministry,adding that he would love them to part in peace.He then dropped a bombshell by paying off over a thousand pastors N2 million and above totaling about N4 billion. However,an insider,who pleaded anonymity squealed that out of the money,deductions were made from loans taken by each of them and at the end they went home with left over ranging from N500,000 to N1.5 million. It’s sad indeed that about 200 pastors have resigned from Winners Chapel secretly. They all cut across the branches of the ministry worldwide.I learnt that they were all paid off by Bishop Oyedepo,who informed them that anybody that wished to leave his ministry over one issue or the other could do so amicably without rancor.Thus,few days after,about 200 pastors left.For instance,one of my pastor friends,who was affected complained that he only got N500,000. According to him,they deducted the debt he incurred from the car loan he took. The allegations range from directive to start their own ministry, high-handedness of the church leadership and other personal issues” our source said. Another source informed that Bishop Oyedepo’s action was premised on his past experience.For instance,in 2004,following the reorganization of the headship of the branches of the church worldwide,Bishop George Adjemann,head of the Ghana branch of the church,reportedly resisted his transfer to Ibadan,Oyo State,after he had successfully planted the church in the former Gold Coast and money was rolling in.After a protracted negotiation,the Bishop was said to have offered the recalcitrant minister $100,000.He rejected the offer and took over the church. The Adjemann’s episode led to a massive re- organisation and transfer of key ministers.Non-graduate pastors were sacked.One of those affected in the exercise was Dayo Olutayo,head of Abuja diocese,who was moved to Port Harcourt,Rivers State.He rejected the posting and consequently broke away and set up his own church adjacent,Winners Chapel at Durumi,Abuja. He was said to have offered many of the sacked pastors sanctuary.Another instance was when four bishops and 15 pastors also resigned from Winners Chapel in 2007 following a re-organisation by the founder,Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo. On Saturday,January 7,2012,we contacted the church media officer,Mr. Emmanuel Igban and this what he told us: I am not aware of that.Thank You.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

~SUBSIDY REMOVAL:HOW RITA DOMINIC,MONALISA CHINDA,SEGUN ARINZE,OTHERS SOLD THEIR CONSCIENCE FOR N200,000~ It is no longer news that concerned masses of Nigerian nation are fighting back with everything left in them to ensure that President Goodluck Jonathan will not remove fuel subsidy,which has automatically inflated the price of petroleum products from N65 to N141 per liter. Little do the citizens of this nation know that while they are crying and gnashing their teeth over the subsidy issue,the Federal Government has been busy doling out millions of naira to buy over the conscience of famous and prestigious citizens of this country. On Friday December 30,2011 at Eko Hotel and Suites,Victoria Island,Lagos,it became the turn of Nigeria movie industry to collect their own share of the “Ghana-must-go” loads of naira notes that have changed hands over the fuel subsidy removal. At the very moment when Nigerian “suffering masses” have not forgiven Nollywood stars for campaigning and voting Mr. President into office as a result of all the millions they got,they have done yet another grievous offense by accepting his bags of money to support fuel subsidy removal and keep mute while the poor masses are crying. The closed door meeting took place during the Nollywood Forum entitled,”Understanding Deregulation”.Mr. Oronto Douglas,who represented Mr. President,outlined various promises and millions that will be allocated to various sectors of economy, states and local governments when fuel fuel subsidy removal comes to existence,concluding that economic development will take off through all the billions that will be realized from subsidy. After throwing questions on what all the money that will definitely come to the fat pocket of federal government through fuel subsidy removal will be used for,stakeholders of Nollywood who came en mass promised to support removal on the grounds that President Jonathan will fulfill all his promises to allocate all the money that will be realized to various areas of the economy,states and local governments or Nollywood will be the very first industry that will rise up and revolt against him. We are begging Mr. President because all of us in Nollywood went out of our way to campaign and vote him into office,since he assumed office we have seen ourselves being asked by people to go and meet Jonathan anytime we complain about the situation of things in the country,because they are aware of the things we did during the campaign period. So, Mr. Jonathan should come to our aide and look into the $200 million grant that he promised entertainment industry.Stakeholders stated Even though he answered all the questions,comments and motions as he could,Mr. Douglas did not visit Nollywood film makers empty handed as bundles of money packed in “Ghana-must-go” bags exchanged hands in the venue. We reliably gathered that these Nollywood stars got N200,000 each for supporting fuel subsidy removal.Those present at this close door meeting between federal government of Nigeria and Nollywood stakeholders include; President of Association of Movie Producers,Zik Zulu Okafor,President of Actors’ Guild of Nigeria,Segun Arinze,Zeb Ejiro,Chico Ejiro,Frank Dallas,Mathias Obahiagbon,Peace Anyiam Osigwe,Paul Obazele,Fidelis Duker,Chike Bryan,Sunny Mcdon,Abubakar Yakubu,Rita Dominic,Monalisa Chinda,Florence Onuma,Charles Novia,Fred Amata,Zack Orji,Chairman Actors’ Guild of Nigeria Board of Trustees,Ifeanyi dike,Emma Ogugua, and many others.

Pics of Killed protester @ Ibafo, Lagos

Remains of killed protester been secretly taken out by men on force....i want them to know say socialmedia see them.

~Three Injured As Oyinlola’s Car Rams Into Protesters~ « No fewer than three persons were injured yesterday in Osogbo, the Osun State capital, when a car belonging to the former governor of the state, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, allegedly rammed into some youths protesting the fuel subsidy removal. Nextvoice learnt that the incident happened at about 2pm at Olaiya area of the town. Protesters had barricaded the road and were said to be holding a rally when the former governor’s convoy got to the area. The protesting youths were said to have surged towards the vehicle, when they noticed that it was conveying the former governor. The governor’s vehicle was said to have hit three of the protesters while trying to meander through the barricade in a bid to beat the surging crowd. The driver sped off immediately, while the injured persons were treated at the Government House clinic, Osogbo. Meanwhile, the strike paralysed commercial activities yesterday in the state. Workers stayed away from their offices, as commercial motorists withdrew their vehicles from the roads. Banks, schools and other public institutions were also closed. Youths, who carried placards with various inscriptions, took to the streets, barricading major roads. All markets, shops and filling stations were also closed for business, as protesters made bonfire on some roads. The protesters also marched on strategic areas in Osogbo, while rights activists took turn to address them. Addressing reporters during the protest, the National Vice Chairman of the National Conscience Party (NCP), Amitolu Shitu, vowed that the mass action would continue until the Federal Government rescinds its decision on fuel subsidy.

~Senate Tells Jonathan To Revert To 65 Naira~ «» The Senate after a closed door session yesterday, asked President Jonathan to revert the price of fuel to 65 Naira per litre. This is following a similar call a few days ago by the House of Representatives, the Senate President was asked to convey the Senate’s resolution to the President within 24 hours. This came as the nationwide protest called by the organised labour against the removal of subsidy on petrol which commenced on Monday was hijacked on its second day by hoodlums in Ogun, Kaduna, Oyo and Edo states even as the Nigeria Labour Congress vowed that the protests will continue indefinitely until the Federal Government reverts the pump price of petrol to N65.

~Nigeria Heading For Civil War – Soyinka~ « » Nigeria heading for civil war – Soyinka Nobel laureate Prof Wole Soyinka warned on Tuesday that his country was heading towards a civil war, blaming political leaders who spread religious intolerance. Asked whether he agreed with President Goodluck Jonathan that the current unrest was worse than the 1960s civil war, he told the BBC World Service: “It’s not an unrealistic comparison — it’s certainly based on many similarities. Prof Wole Soyinka “We see the nation heading towards a civil war.” Soyinka was also asked whether the unrest threatened the state of Nigeria itself, and replied: “It is going that way. We no longer can pretend it’s not. “When you’ve got a situation where a bunch of people can go into a place of worship and open fire through the windows, you’ve reached a certain dismal watershed in the life of that nation.” Soyinka said the issues raised by Islamist group Boko Haram, which was blamed for violence targeting Christians in the north of Nigeria and has sparked fears of a wider religious conflict, had been brewing for some time. “There are people in power in certain parts of the country, leaders, who quite genuinely and authoritatively hate and cannot tolerate any religion outside their own,” he said. “When you combine that with the ambitions of a number of people who believe they are divinely endowed to rule the country and who… believe that their religion is above whatever else binds the entire nation together, and somehow the power appears to slip from their hands, then they resort to the most extreme measures. “Youths who have been indoctrinated right from infancy can be used, and who have been used, again and again to create mayhem in the country.” He added: “Those who have created this faceless army have lost control.” Soyinka, a dramatist and essayist, became Africa’s first Nobel laureate in literature when he won the prize in 1986.

~Eagles Play Angola In Abuja (today)~ The international friendly football match between the Senior Men’s Team of Nigeria, known as Super Eagles, and the Senior Men’s Team of Angola, known as Palancas Negras, will now take place at the National Stadium, Abuja on Wednesday, the Nigeria Football Federation has confirmed. NFF General Secretary, Barrister Musa Amadu said on Monday that the Angolan contingent is now expected to land at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja aboard a chartered flight, at noon on Tuesday, January 10. “We have concluded all arrangements to host the match in Abuja. Everything is set. The Super Eagles have intensified their training programme and have promised to do the nation proud in the match,” said Amadu. Wednesday’s game will be the third international friendly that new Coach Stephen Keshi will take charge of, following a 0-0 draw with Botswana’s Zebras in Benin City on November 12 and 2-0 defeat of Zambia’s Chipolopolo in Kaduna on November 15 last year. Presently, the Eagles’ camp brims with 25 highly-motivated and focused players whose commitment to the cause has been hailed by Coach Keshi and the Nigeria Football Federation. Since starting his residential training programme for the home boys in Abuja in December 2011, Coach Keshi’s team has played a range of kick-abouts with some local clubs and on Wednesday, defeated Premier League side, Lobi Stars FC of Makurdi 3-1 at the mainbowl of the National Stadium, Abuja. Amadu said in Abuja on Monday: “It is important that at this time, we should make concerted efforts to employ the acknowledged power of football to unite all Nigerians. “The result of Wednesday’s match is not what is important; what is important is using this match to evoke patriotic fervour in our people, while the home boys will get opportunity to showcase their abilities with a view to being picked for the 2013 African Nations Cup qualifier against Rwanda next month.”

~Rivers Governor Introduces Fuel Subsidy, Cuts Price From N141 To N137~ The Rivers State Government on Tuesday introduced a N4 subsidy on fuel sold in the state. He also announced that the state government would subsidise transport in the state. In a broadcast to the people of the state monitored on Africa Independent Television, Rivers State Governor, Chibuike Amaechi, said the state government had reached an agreement with independent marketers to cut the price from N141 to N137. He said the state government would pay a N4 price differential for every litre of fuel sold in the state. He also said the state government would ensure security for all petrol tankers supplying fuel to filling stations in the state,

Tuesday 10 January 2012

UNBELEIVABLE!!!~Noorsyaidah, an Indonesian woman, claims metal wire has grown from her body for 18 years This is currently big news in Indonesia. Metal wires about 10-20 cm long grow from a woman’s body! Skeptics initially thought that is must be “self-inflicted”. Doctors however, have other theories but have given up on providing any scientific or medical explanations. The woman had this problem for 17 years and currently being investigated by the Ministry of Health. Initial consultation with More..doctors and specialists found that the wires are also inside her body. At this stage, there were no current medical explanations or any case ever exist. Hence, there is but only one other possible consideration… Occult magic. Her name is NOORSYAIDAH. A 40 years old kindergarten teacher from Sangatta, East Kutai. Her first symptoms started manifestating in 1991. The metal wires grew out of her chest and her belly. There was no explanation then (or even now). During the first week wires kept falling off from her body and were gone. A month later, the wires grew back again and from that time onward the wires did not fall. They kept growing! One of her sisters said that she tried to help by trimming the wires. Alas, whenever she trimmed the wires, the wire retreated as if it were hiding and then popped up in another part of Noorsyaidah’s body. There have been 4 Medical Specialists taking this matter seriously and have treated her in several ways. And as the result, doctors can’t figure out what exactly is happening to her. The doctors have taken an X-Ray image from her stomach and found that there are more than 40 metal wires inside her and some of them are bursting out of her skin. They looks like a living phenomenon. The wires are able mobile and therefore can change location at will, Thus the doctors are forced to use a magnet to scan the exact position of the wires. The wires bursted out without any symptoms of Tetanus, but she said that they’re hurting her like when needles sting.

~FUEL SUBSIDY CRISIS:EEDRIS ABDULKAREEM USED F WORD AT D'BANJ AND OTHER PEOPLE THAT CAMPAIGNED FOR JONATAN~Eedris Abdulkareem It is a thing of common knowledge that top showbiz stars endorsed President Goodluck Jonathan and actually mobilized other Nigerians to vote him into office.One of such showbiz peoples from the music sector of the industry was Mohit Records boss,Don Jazzy and his vice cum Mr. Endowed crooner D’banj. The support for President Jonathan’s campaign was so remarkable because D’Banj went a step further and interviewed Mr. President,which generated various rumor that Mo’Hits crew must have collected a large sum of money before taking such step. Few months after all these struggle to get President Jonathan into Aso Rock Villa,removal of fuel subsidy has created different reactions from Nigerian citizens who are insisting that showbiz people like D’Banj,Don Jazzy, Genevieve Nnaji and others should hit the streets to denounce Mr. President. At the peaceful protest against the removal of fuel subsidy in Lagos State yesterday,music icon Eedris Abdulkareem called out the names of all the artistes and other people that campaigned for president Goodluck during the last election. Speaking at Gani fawehinmi park,Ojota,Eedris used the F-word at D'banj and hurled insults at one time president and head of state of the country. He said: The man wey say i dey craze because i sing nigeria jaga jaga where him dey now inside this hardship"Na 2002 I sing Nigeria JagaJaga, na 2012 we dey so o. And all of una wey sing for Goodluck , F*ck that bastard D'banj for collecting Money from Goodluck ,God will punish you.

~POPULAR ACTRESS RAPED IN ASABA ~This is about an ebony-black actress who recently breezed into Asaba,the Delta State capital from Lagos for some roles and how she was raped.She was going to act in a flick about to be shot and walked into a party being thrown by a colleague in the make-believe industry for his birthday. The popular actress from the South-East,said to have been in and out of several marriages,being a party freak and one addicted to Alcohol and Cigarette gently checked into a hotel,dropped her luggage and quickly hopped into the party arena. She,as a star,was hailed and welcomed by almost all present as she stepped in with style.No sooner had she come in that she started in her usual style to start “Condemning” bottles of beer and burning cigarettes. The spirit was high and made higher and higher by the avant-garde music,later vibes issuing out from the mounted speakers.Like one who doesn’t know how to drink but loves drinking,she got drunk and managed to stagger to her hotel room,where she laid sprawled in the bed without remembering to lock her door with the key. A waka pass up-coming actor who was at the party too canvassing for roles and trying to locate the room allocated to him and 3 other boys mistakenly opened the room and the popular actress was lying spread eagled.What greeted his eyes was something he could not resist. Gently,it was gathered,he went in locked the door and settled for the actress with inviting voluptuous curves. The joy of having it off with an actress,super one at that,an actress he never knew if he was even qualified to touch her pants. The boy,with un-staggering determination went in and had it off roughly with the actress,whom we are told was exquisitely groaning as the rough drivers of an up- coming actor rammed into her groove.She woke up much more later to discover that a great battle had been fought in her”forested groove”,by some unknown soldiers and her door,not locked. It is now talk of the town,as the boys still basking in the euphoria of catching a big fish.

~Beyonce, Jay-Z Leave Hospital With Blue Ivy Carter~ She's got an awfully big nursery to break in! Blue Ivy Carter went home from the hospital with mom and dad Beyonce and Jay-Z early Tuesday, Lenox Hill Hospital officials confirmed that. Her fabulous pregnancy The Nextvoice reports that Beyonce, 30, and Jay-Z, 42, dodged photographers by exiting via the uptown NYC hospital's side gate around 1:30 a.m.; two SUVs with tinted windows blocked traffic on East 76th street to allow the passage of a van. (No word yet on which vehicle held the famous family, or whether the procession was a decoy for an alternate departure.)

~Oyo State Govt Declares 7pm To 7am Curfew With Immediate Effect~ The Oyo State government has declared a 12-hour curfew in the state with immediate effect. The curfew would take effect from 7pm to 7am. A statement signed by the Special Adviser on Media to the Governor, Festus Adedayo, said the curfew became necessary in order to protect the security and lives of the people of the state. The government noted that some hoodlums and miscreants, under the sponsorship of some politicians, had been hiding under the present anti-fuel subsidy removal protest to threaten the security of the state, especially at night. The government explained that it had to declare the curfew to protect lives and property in the state.According to the statement, government had instructed security agencies in the state to apprehend and prosecute anyone who contravened the curfew. “While the government appreciates the rights of the citizens to protest, the protection of lives and property of citizens is imperative,” the statement said.

~Tinubu, Otedola On The Run As Protesters Attack Their Properties. ….Police Kills Another Protester In Lagos~The recent protests by Nigerians irked by the announcement of the removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government on January 1, 2012 have taken another toll. What is seen as a mere empty protest is almost gradually following suit what has happened in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. At the day two of the protest for the removal of fuel subsidy holding in Lagos, some angry protesting Nigerians were reported to have visited the houses of two oil merchants, Femi Otedola of African Petroleum (AP), and Bola Tinubu (OANDO Oil), which is in care of Wale Tinubu. The protesters visited the physical properties of the two oil tycoons on the Island in Lagos and were reported to have attempted to vandalize them. According to reports reaching Nextvoice the two business moguls were not around at the time of the visit by the protesters, as we learnt that they had gone into hiding from the fuming protesters. Femi Otedola is a member of the Economic team of President Jonathan. Meanwhile, another protester has been reportedly killed by the police again today at Charity bus stop, Oshodi, Lagos this afternoon. According to information gathered by Nextvoice the protester was shot dead by the police at about 2pm. Reports have it that other protesters have marched to Makinde Police station at Oshodi to show their displeasures over the killings of harmless and innocent citizens by the security agents.

~Tinubu, Otedola On The Run As Protesters Attack Their Properties. ….Police Kills Another Protester In Lagos~The recent protests by Nigerians irked by the announcement of the removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government on January 1, 2012 have taken another toll. What is seen as a mere empty protest is almost gradually following suit what has happened in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. At the day two of the protest for the removal of fuel subsidy holding in Lagos, some angry protesting Nigerians were reported to have visited the houses of two oil merchants, Femi Otedola of African Petroleum (AP), and Bola Tinubu (OANDO Oil), which is in care of Wale Tinubu. The protesters visited the physical properties of the two oil tycoons on the Island in Lagos and were reported to have attempted to vandalize them. According to reports reaching Nextvoice the two business moguls were not around at the time of the visit by the protesters, as we learnt that they had gone into hiding from the fuming protesters. Femi Otedola is a member of the Economic team of President Jonathan. Meanwhile, another protester has been reportedly killed by the police again today at Charity bus stop, Oshodi, Lagos this afternoon. According to information gathered by Nextvoice the protester was shot dead by the police at about 2pm. Reports have it that other protesters have marched to Makinde Police station at Oshodi to show their displeasures over the killings of harmless and innocent citizens by the security agents.

"It was so vivid"he said subbing..."i never share my dreams because before i could wake up i must have for gotten what i dreamt,but this one there is more to it than to be kept personal.So i have decided to share it but not to one person rather to hundreds of them and to as many that can read it...Here is my DREAM:We were in crowded room playing the Pontus Pilate and Jesus Christ just like in the bible so the people were like -crucify him!.So i said, ok i'll take him.And i did but i was given a Book also to go with,but that book,to me looks like a Bible with this unknown image on the cover. I collected it,still trying t o understand the drawn image on it.Suddenly there was this BANG,we all ran out to see what it was behold every Nook and Cranny of the earth was set ablaze(just like aready burnt charcoal with those reddish colour on them)smoke every where and the sky very dark.Then people started disappearing from the crowd,it was as if a force was taking them up towards heaven"it was so fast and terrific".Where i was standing i could see the end of earth because the whole buildings and structures,Big or Small turnd to REDHOT charcoal and have been leveled to ashes.Every where was so RED and SMOKEY.I looked up but then i was crying because i knew what was happening.I saw Rockets going up,space ships,sophisticated jets and Planes hovering the sky... ie poeple were trying to leave the earth with the rockets and spaceships while those in the jets and planes were searching for some where safe-i tell you there was non,no where to hide.Then I saw a white(young boy) very dirty,he just came out from a conner like that,i beckond on him. It was as if i was the only person that knew what was happening,i called them together so that we can start praying.My prayer was for Almighty God to have mercy because i cant imagine myself staying in that uncondusive situation further more.I was just alone,no family or friend.I was crying and Praying"God have mercy"because that was all i could ask for...not wealth,health,or for guildience but for his Mercy.Then i woke up for it was just a dream,but one of a kind.It was so horrible-For that i know was RAPTURE taking place"...GOD!!! May i be Raptured too and as many that reads this may they draw closer to you... In Jesus Name Amen.

Pics Of Occupy Nigeria Protest in Washington DC, USA

~We Didn't Bomb Madalla Church - Boko Haram~The spokesman of Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad otherwise called Boko Haram has refuted claims by the media on the recent killings and bombings of churches in Nigeria saying their jihad is not against the Christians and their places of worship. The spokesman, Abul Qaqa , denied the Christmas day bombing and other attacks carried out in the country all in their name. He also denied the statement that they asked Christians to leave the northern part of Nigeria, as even the prophet of Allah lived with non believers and they had the right to worship. He said they are fighting a just cause as the government have been attacking them and they have the right to defend themselves, alleging that they have only killed security operatives, the police and army in self defence. He said all Christians in the north should not panic, as Islam prohibits attack in places of worship and it is haram to burn or attack a church even during jihad. “Our prophet told us, do not attack the innocent, women, children and the old, only fight back in self defence, this the teaching of our prophet and that’s exactly what we are doing,” he said.

~Family of slain Boko Haram leader gets N100m compensation~ THE Borno State government decided, on Monday, to settle out of court with the family of the late in-law of the deceased Boko Haram leader, Mohammed Yusuf, with the payment of N100 million compensation for extra-judicial killing of Baba Fugu. Baba Fugu was killed by policemen in 2009 after he made himself available at the Borno State Police Command. The family subsequently went to court seeking compensation from the Borno State and the Federal Government for the death of Bata Fugu. Their prayer has since been answered by the Maiduguri High Court, which ordered the state government and the Federal Government, including the Inspector General of Police (IGP), to pay compensation of N100 million, with the state asked to cough up N40 million and the Federal Government and the police paying the balance of N60 million. The Borno State government, feeling unsatisfied went to the Federal Appeal Court, Jos, to challenge the ruling but with yesterday’s decision, the state Attorney- General and Commissioner for Justice, Mallam Zanna Gana, was instructed to withdraw the appeal. Presenting the cheque to the family's solicitor, Mr Anayo Adibe, the state governor, Alhaji Kashim Shettima, said the ceremony was a solemn one and that his heart went out to the family of Baba Fugu and others who lost their lives to the crisis which engulfed the state. He said no amount of money paid to the family could compensate them for the loss of their patriarch and prayed God to continue to grant them the fortitude to bear the loss.

Monday 9 January 2012

~Lagos State Police Command Arrests Ogba Protester Killer Cop~ It has just been confirmed that Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola has called for the immediate arrest of the trigger happy cop who killed a Lagos protester this morning. The state police command has subsequently arrested him and he has been handed over to the state CID,

~D'Banj Finally Opens Up On Attack By Fans,Says "I Feel Pains Of The Masses"~ Just some days ago, Nextvoice broke a story on 'Fans Attack D'Banj For Shooting Oliver Twist Video While Not Joining Nigerians In Protest'. The story, which was hotly reacted to, has generated lots of reactions and debates in the entertainment industry. Diverse views has been seen to the story, as the Kokomaster, as D'Banj is also called, has been alleged by some who reacted to the story of not to being sensitive to the plights of Nigerians, some of who are his fans, on the removal of fuel subsidy by his friend, President Jonathan. In a response to the heated controversies the story has generated, the Koko Lounge boss reacted to the story this way, " Ok so I haven't said anything about the subsidy because, just like every Nigerian citizens, I am as surprised as we all are." Pointing out further, the Sagamu indegene said, "yes I supported Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ) openly and fully, but I haven't been made the special adviser to the president on youths. All I can say about the Subsidy is the obvious truth that my fans, friends, family and we the masses are the ones feeling the pain now," D'Banj concluded. The announcement of the removal of fuel subsidy has caused protests accross the country. The labour has also as a result, called on nationwide indefinite strike, which started today. The House of Representatives has also called on President Jonathan to suspend the removal, After it had an emergency meeting yesterday

KANO, January 9, 2012– Police and protesters clashed in Nigeria’s northern state~ Monday as thousands converged on a governor’s office during nationwide fuel price strikes, leaving 30 wounded, including 18 who were shot. Protesters set two vans ablaze and also sought to set fire to the home of central bank governor Lamido Sanusi in Kano, but were stopped by police. A union leader also said police shot dead a protester in Nigeria’s commercial capital Lagos as thousands of people demonstrated there. Police fired tear gas and shot into the air as thousands of protesters converged on the governor’s office in the northern city of Kano as part of a national strike over fuel prices. A huge crowd of protesters had gathered in Kano, the main city in Nigeria’s north, and clashes broke out with police who pushed them back as they tried to enter the governor’s office. Protesters set two vans ablaze and also sought to set fire to the home of central bank governor Lamido Sanusi in Kano, but were stopped by police. “In total, we have 30 wounded, 18 of them with gunshot wounds,” said Red Cross official in Kano Musa Abdullahi, updating an earlier toll of 14 wounded, half of them shot.

Star Actress, Eucharia Anunobi To Be Officially Ordained Pastor On Easter 2012, In Church By Pastors~ Eucheria:those who know this woman once referred to as an action woman or iron lady, her present life style would come to them as a miracle. The reason for her total change of lifestyle is still a mystery to some of her close associates. To them, UK, as those close to her call her, God must have specially and divinely touched her. Some have even insinuated that her child, Raymond’s sickle cell anemia condition might have made her draw close to God, while others standing in her defense believe that people initially got her acting personality mixed with her real person as Eucharia Anunobi. It was news when it was first reported that this once dressing-to-kill acting goddess of the Glamour Girls fame, where nudity in films almost first started in Nollywood, has become a born again Christian.The story did not stop at that, she was also said to have become an Evangelist in the vineyard of God. What was remaining for her to do then was following the steps of some others before her in the ministry by having her own church.Nextvoice can exclusively report to you the latest step of the estranged wife of Charles Ukwu in serving her heavenly father as a born again Christian and an Evangelist. According to information available to us, Eucharia was anointed by some pastors on Sunday December 18, 2011 at Fresh Oil Ministry, Egbeda, Lagos. She was laid hands on to officially join the soul winning business of God........if she is changed for good,i think she took the right step.Congrats!

~INI EDO,MAMA G CHINWETALU AGU OTHERS GET CHIEFTAINCY TITLES INI EDO,MAMA G CHINWETALU AGU OTHERS GET CHIEFTAINCY TITLES ~veteran actors Chinwetalu Agu,Patience Ozokwor a.k.a Mama G,Hon Richard Mofe Damijo(RMD) and pretty actress Ini Edo-Ehiagwina,top actor Emeka Ike and others were conferred with Chieftancy titles by the traditional ruler of Egbunike,Anambra State. As gathered,these film makers were honored as a result of their excellent interpretation of movie roles that project Igbo traditions to the world.It was also informed that by placing such highly elevated titles on these actors;Egbunike traditional rulers have over the years recognized that Nollywood is one passport that various communities in Nigeria have to the world.

Live protest of Lagos

Sunday 8 January 2012

Pictures of the attacked protesters

It was learnt that police force last night attacked OccupyNigeria protesters in Abuja.though they were injured but no casualty as of the time of getting this report.

Monday 9thJan2012,is the day,(What You Should Know if Arrested While Protesting in Nigeria) 1. Chapter IV, Sections 39 and 40 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria gives you the constitutional right to a freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. This is a guaranteed right and means you may assemble and protest peacefully against the removal of fuel subsidy, as you intend to. 2. You DO NOT, under the constitution, have a right to fight, steal, hit others or engage in any criminal activity or conduct just because you are protesting. Such actions means you can and will most likely be arrested, charged if you are lucky, and prosecuted. If you are unlucky, as many incarcerated defendants in Nigeria’s jails and prisons are, then you could be arrested and detained indefinitely i.e. locked up and the keys thrown away with absolutely no due process accorded to you, despite the due process mandate provided in Nigeria’s constitution. 3. The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), an organization that regulates lawyers and the practice of law in Nigeria, is available, per the decree/order of the NBA President Joseph ’Bodunrin Daudu, to provide free legal services to secure your release and dismissal of charges filed against you; should you be arrested while legitimately protesting against the removal of fuel subsidy. 4. You should have the contacts of the appropriate NBA staff handy. For all contacts visit the NBA here. Lagosians, I have listed at the end of this article, NBA representatives and their contacts to have handy culled from the website. 5. Finally, understand your legal rights and how Nigeria’s Criminal Procedure works when you are arrested. The gist of it is as follows: What Court has the Power to Hear Your Criminal Case if you are Arrested While Protesting? The State Federal High Court where you are arrested. This means, for example, if you are arrested in Lagos, then expect Lagos courts to have jurisdiction (power) to hear your case. Please review the structure of Nigeria’s Legal system here. What Law Governs? Nigeria’s Federal Criminal Procedure Act and the respective state criminal procedure laws. What is Criminal Procedure? It is the rules of the criminal justice system that help your criminal defense lawyer, prosecutors, judges and the police navigate the criminal courts. This is independent from Nigeria’s Federal Penal Code. The Penal Code sets forth the actual criminal violations you allegedly committed. For example, breach of the peace, unlawful assembly, battery, assault etc. What Can You Be Charged with While Protesting? If you do not commit any criminal act, hopefully nothing. If you do, then you can be hit with felony and/or misdemeanor charges. For example, Felony criminal assault, misdemeanor battery etc. What is a Felony? What is a Misdemeanor? When a defendant is arrested, with or without a warrant, they have a right to know what they are charged with i.e. the basis for the arrest. Nigeria’s prosecutors can charge criminal defendants with felony and/or misdemeanors offenses. In Nigeria, a felony carries 3years or more prison term while a misdemeanor carries 6months (at a minimum) to 3years jail/prison term. What Happens When a Person is Arrested in Nigeria? * Nigeria’s Constitution requires when a police effectuates an arrest without a warrant AND the crime is a non-capital offense, they must release the defendant on bail; IF they cannot bring the defendant before a court within 24hours from the time they arrested and detained such defendant. How About Bail? How Does that Work? The police have the broad discretion per the Criminal Procedure Act to determine whether they will grant a criminal defendant bail. The judges/judiciary tend to be passive letting the police basically do whatever they want to do. This creates opportunities of abuse that has been ongoing for decades within the legal justice system, specifically detentions without trials. How Bad Does it Get with Detentions Without Trials in Nigeria? According to data collected by human rights organizations within and outside Nigeria, most of the people who are in Nigeria’s jail/ prison system are persons detained without trial who ended up being detained for 16-40years. The outcry from the international community over these atrocities has been huge but it has not really made much of a difference. I salute and commend all Nigerians fighting for what they believe and will continue to provide as much resources and information as I can that will be helpful to you. Please be safe and understand the issues. You might be asked to articulate your understanding of the issues by a TV reporter or print news media. It would be very helpful if you have a clear grasp of the issues and are protesting because of what you believe because the world is watching.

LATEST: ~Presidency Paid AGN To Mobilise Nollywood Support Fuel Subsidy Removal-~ Segun Arinze and Chief Emeka Ike The recent war that has torn the Nollywood into diffenrent factions because of the fuel subsidy removal seems unending. The Actors' Guild of Nigeria (AGN) faction supports the President on the removal while the Association of Nollywood Core Producers (ANCOP) kicks against the fuel subsidy removal. Alex Eyengho accused Segun Arinze led AGN of collecting money from the Presidency to support the fuel subsidy removal. "They (AGN) shut us out of the roundtable meeting at Eko Hotels on December 30 because they know we would exposed them on how they collected money from the Presidency through Oronto Douglas (Special Adviser to the President on Research, Strategy and Documentation),' Alex said. Alex challenged the AGN to take him to court on his allegation of AGN collecting money from the Presidency to support fuel subsidy removal. He said AGN's position does not reflect Nollywood's stand on the issue.

~Boko Haram sympathisers 'are in government and security agencies'- Goodluck Jonathan, President of Nigeria.~Goodluck Jonathan, the Nigerian president, has claimed that sympathisers of Boko Haram, the Islamist sect responsible for a series of bombings around the country, are present in the government and security agencies. Mr Jonathan, speaking at a church service, said the situation in Nigeria was even worse than the 1967-70 civil war that killed more than a million people. "During the civil war, we knew and we could even predict where the enemy was coming from ... But the challenge we have today is more complicated," he said. Describing the extent of the problem, he said Boko Haram members and sympathisers could be found throughout society. "I remember when I had a meeting with elders from the northeast and some parts of the northwest where the Boko Haram phenomenon is more prevalent," he said. He added that "some of them are in the executive arm of government, some of them are in the parliamentary/legislative arm of government, while some of them are even in the judiciary. "Some are also in the armed forces, the police and other security agencies." There has long been claims of political links to factions of Boko Haram, which has been blamed for intensifying violence that has killed hundreds, including attacks targeting Christians and churches in recent weeks. But it was the first time Mr Jonathan made the case publicly in such strong terms. His comments come with his government under mounting pressure to stop the violence and amid warnings from Christians that they will defend themselves. The violence blamed on Boko Haram has sparked fears of a wider religious conflict in a country whose 160 million population is roughly divided between a mainly Muslim north and predominantly Christian south. Mr Jonathan declared a state of emergency in hard hit areas on December 31, but the violence, including gun and bomb attacks, has only continued and expanded into other locations.

~Beyonce Now A Mother, As Jay Z Paid $ 1.3million To Hospital~ Beyonce, United States' celebrated singer and wife of US rapper, Jay Z, has been delivered of a baby girl. Reports confirm that the first arrival of the celebrity couple came late on Saturday January 7 at the New York's Lenox Hill Hospital. The father of the new arrival reportedly paid the hospital about $ 1.3million to have her wife, Beyonce, give birth to their first child alone on the fourth floor at the hospital and evict every other patients on that floor. The child has been named Ivy Blue Carter. Rihanna broke the news when she tweeted, "Welcome to the world princess Carter! Love Aunty Rih."

Saturday 7 January 2012

The last part of tonite Nija prez Speech****20. In addition, I have ordered the mobilization of contractors for the full rehabilitation of the Port Harcourt – Maiduguri Railway Line and the completion of the Lagos-Kano Railway Line. I have also directed the immediate commencement of a Public Works programme that will engage the services of about 10, 000 youths in every state of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory. This will create an additional 370, 000 jobs. 21. Government has taken these decisions in the best interest of our economy, so that we not only have benefits today, but to ensure that we bequeath even greater benefits to our children and grandchildren. 22. Let me assure Nigerians that every possible effort will be made to ensure that we march forward, with a collective resolve to build a Nigeria that can generate greater economic growth, create and sustain new jobs, and secure the future of our children. 23. This Administration will aggressively implement its programme to reposition and strengthen our economy, while paying adequate attention to the immediate needs of our citizens. 24. I assure you all that we will work towards achieving full domestic refining of petroleum products with the attendant benefits. 25. As I ask for the full understanding of all Nigerians, I also promise that I will keep my word. 26. Thank you. May God bless you; and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR President Federal Republic of Nigeria January 7, 2012.........this one na say beleive to Nigerians.

The continuation of Prez GEJ Speech,line(11-19)***11. I am determined to leave behind a better Nigeria, which we all can be proud of. To do so, I must make sure that we have the resources and the means to grow our economy to be resilient, and to sustain improved livelihood for our people. We must act in the public interest, no matter how tough, for the pains of today cannot be compared to the benefits of tomorrow. On assumption of office as President, I swore to an oath to always act in the best interest of the people. I remain faithful to that undertaking. 12. To save Nigeria, we must all be prepared to make sacrifices. On the part of Government, we are taking several measures aimed at cutting the size and cost of governance, including on-going and continuous effort to reduce the size of our recurrent expenditure and increase capital spending. In this regard, I have directed that overseas travels by all political office holders, including the President, should be reduced to the barest minimum. The size of delegations on foreign trips will also be drastically reduced; only trips that are absolutely necessary will be approved. 13. For the year 2012, the basic salaries of all political office holders in the Executive arm of government will be reduced by 25%. Government is also currently reviewing the number of committees, commissions and parastatals with overlapping responsibilities. The Report on this will be submitted shortly and the recommendations will be promptly implemented. In the meantime, all Ministries, Departments and Agencies must reduce their overhead expenses. 14. We are all greatly concerned about the issue of corruption. The deregulation policy is the strongest measure to tackle this challenge in the downstream sector. In addition, government is taking other steps to further sanitize the oil industry. 15. To ensure that the funds from petroleum subsidy removal are spent prudently on projects that will build a greater Nigeria, I have established a committee to oversee the implementation of the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme. I sincerely believe that the reinvestment of the petroleum subsidy funds, to ensure improvement in national infrastructure, power supply, transportation, irrigation and agriculture, education, healthcare, and other social services, is in the best interest of our people. 16. Fellow Nigerians, I know that the removal of the petroleum subsidy imposes an initial burden on our people, especially the rising cost of transportation. Government will be vigilant and act decisively to curb the excesses of those that want to exploit the current situation for selfish gains. I plead for the understanding of all Nigerians. I appeal to our youth not to allow mischief-makers to exploit present circumstances to mislead or incite them to disturb public peace. 17. To address the immediate challenges that have been identified, I have directed all Ministries, Departments and Agencies of government to embark immediately on all projects, which have been designed to cushion the impact of the subsidy removal in the short, medium and long-term, as outlined in the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme Document. 18. Tomorrow, 8th January, I will formally launch a robust mass transit intervention programme to bring down the cost of transportation across the country. The programme will be implemented in partnership with state and local governments, labour unions, transport owners, and banking institutions, and supported with the provision of funding at zero interest rate as well as import duty waiver on all needed parts for locally-made mass transit vehicles, which will create additional jobs in the economy. 19. We will keep these incentives in place for as long as it takes. I want to assure you that Government will not rest until we bring down the cost of transportation for our people. Let me thank the transporters’ associations that have agreed to reduce transport fares. I have directed the Minister of Labour and Productivity to work with these associations to come up with a sustainable plan to guarantee this within the shortest possible time.

the continuation of Presiident Goodlocks Speech***3. This evening, I address you, again, with much concern over an issue that borders on the national economy, the oil industry and national progress. As part of our efforts to transform the economy and guarantee prosperity for all Nigerians, Government, a few days ago, announced further deregulation of the downstream petroleum sector. The immediate effect of this has been the removal of the subsidy on petrol. 4. Since the announcement, there have been mixed reactions to the policy. Let me seize this opportunity to assure all Nigerians that I feel the pain that you all feel. I personally feel pained to see the sharp increase in transport fares and the prices of goods and services. I share the anguish of all persons who had travelled out of their stations, who had to pay more on the return leg of their journeys. 5. If I were not here to lead the process of national renewal, if I were in your shoes at this moment, I probably would have reacted in the same manner as some of our compatriots, or hold the same critical views about government. But I need to use this opportunity as your President to address Nigerians on the realities on the ground, and why we chose to act as we did. I know that these are not easy times. But tough choices have to be made to safeguard the economy and our collective survival as a nation. 6. My fellow Nigerians, the truth is that we are all faced with two basic choices with regard to the management of the downstream petroleum sector: either we deregulate and survive economically, or we continue with a subsidy regime that will continue to undermine our economy and potential for growth, and face serious consequences. 7. As you all know, the subject of deregulation is not new, we have been grappling with it for more than two decades. Previous administrations tinkered with the pump price of petroleum products, and were unable to effect complete deregulation of the downstream sector. This approach has not worked. If it did, we would not be here talking about deregulation today. I understand fully well that deregulation is not a magic formula that will address every economic challenge, but it provides a good entry point for transforming the economy, and for ensuring transparency and competitiveness in the oil industry, which is the mainstay of our economy. 8. As a President, elected and supported by ordinary Nigerians, and the vast majority of our people, I have a duty to bring up policies and programmes that will grow the economy and bring about greater benefits for the people. Let me assure you that as your President, I have no intention to inflict pain on Nigerians. 9. The deregulation of the petroleum sector is a necessary step that we had to take. Should we continue to do things the same way, and face more serious economic challenges? Or deregulate, endure the initial discomfort and reap better benefits later? I want to assure every Nigerian that whatever pain you may feel at the moment, will be temporary. 10. The interest of the ordinary people of this country will always remain topmost in my priorities as a leader. I remain passionately committed to achieving significant and enduring improvements in our economy that will lead to sustained improvement in the lives of our people.

~Here is the advance copy of another national broadcast slated for 9:00 PM Nigerian time by President Goodluck Jonathan tonight.~ Dear Compatriots: 1. A week ago, I had cause to address Nigerians on the security challenges we are facing in parts of the country, which necessitated the declaration of a state of emergency in 15 Local Government Areas in four states of the Federation. That course of action attracted widespread support and a demonstration of understanding. With that declaration, government had again signaled its intention to combat terrorism with renewed vigour and to assure every Nigerian of safety. 2. The support that we have received in the fight against terrorism from concerned Nigerians at home and abroad has been remarkable. We believe that it is with such continued support that progress can be made on national issues. Let me express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has expressed a commitment to support us as we strive to improve on the country’s security situation, and build a stronger foundation for the future. The recent mindless acts of violence in Gombe, Potiskum, Jimeta-Yola and Mubi are unfortunate. I urge all Nigerians to eschew bitterness and acrimony and live together in harmony and peace. Wherever there is any threat to public peace, our security agencies will enforce the law, without fear or favour.

~Christians flee attacks in northeast Nigeria~ MAIDUGURI, Nigeria - Hundreds of Christians have begun to flee northern Nigeria after dozens were killed in a series of attacks by Islamist militants who issued an ultimatum to Christians to leave the mainly Muslim region or be killed, witnesses said Saturday. A Nigerian newspaper Tuesday published a warning from Boko Haram, a movement styled on the Taliban, that Christians had three days to get out of northern Nigeria. Since the expiry of that ultimatum, attacks in towns in four states in northeastern Nigeria have left at least 37 people dead and hundreds of Christians are fleeing to the south, according to residents and a Red Cross official. Gunmen armed with Kalashnikovs have targeted church congregations and a group of mourners in a church hall. Witnesses said some shops run by Christians from the Igbo ethnic group in towns hit by the violence, including Yola and Mubi, were closed Saturday and residents started to pack their belongings onto buses heading to southern regions. There are fears of reprisal attacks on Muslims. Christian groups have asked their followers to remain peaceful but they concede that there is a risk of further violence. "We are very worried by the persistent killings. We have asked youths to remain calm. We stand for a united Nigeria but there is a limit to human tolerance," a spokesman for the Christian Association of Nigeria said.

~Gunbattle Between Nigerian Police and Assailants Force People to Flee~ Witnesses in northeastern Nigeria say a gunbattle between unknown assailants and police early Saturday had scores of residents in the town of Potiskum fleeing their homes for safety. There are reports of gunfire around a police station and other sections of the town in Yobe State, with unconfirmed reports of casualties. Potiskum is among 15 regions in northern Nigeria where President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency last week after days of deadly attacks.

Friday 6 January 2012

~Fans Attack D'Banj For Shooting 'Oliver Twist' Video While Not Joining Nigerians In Protest~'I go vote for Goodluck Jona, na the right man we need, to make us succeed, oh ha, ... Jona, Jonah my friend, he is good for Nigeria, Bobo to good o, o nice o, o ni luck o...' The above is excerpt of lyrics of Dapo Oyebanjo's, who is well known as D'Banj, campaign song for President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ) during the 2011 elections. President Jonathan on January 1, 2012 announced the total removal of fuel subsidy by his government. This announcement has been greeted with wide public outcry and protests by Nigerians both in and outside the country. It has created tension in the polity since then. At the first protest held in Lagos earlier this week, artistes like Banky W, Eldee, Seun Kuti, and other came out to protest the government's stand on the matter. Hours later, D'Banj's boss, Don Jazzy made his mind known by regretting voting for GEJ as the country's President. It was a big shock to the fans of the Kokomaster, as D'Banj is fondly called, when Mohits' video director, Sesan tweeted, 'D'Banj Oliver Twist video shoot tomorrow, it is going to be CRAZY.' This infuriated a fan who quickly replied, 'you(Sesan) and D'Banj are mad, despite the brouhaha in the country, [you are shooting a video]. At least, D'Banj na (is his) son. Another fan asked, 'is D'Banj not a Nigerian'? Speaking with NigeriaFilms.Com, a top artiste who prefers to be anonymous said, 'I can't speak for him, but he should know that this present issue is very delicate. I saw the way people reacted to your previous stories on this issue about Don Jazzy and Genevieve bearing their minds, the people are emotional about it. So, they expect us (the celebs) to be on their side.' The support of GEJ at the election by D'Banj and other top Nigerian celebrities had been called to question by some Nigerians. Some believed it was just like the Abacha for president rally of the 90's.

~ South- South Governor's wife bars actress from Government House~ A very controversial actress from that same region was publicly disgraced and barred from the State’s Government House, by the enraged First Lady. The very embarrassing incident happened recently during a state function that held elaborately inside the banquet hall. According to those who witnessed the ugly show of shame that is still being discussed openly in Nollywood, the actress would have been thrown out of the venue if not for urgent intervention from some top dignitaries present at the occasion. We reliably gathered that the pretty, married and very controversial entertainer was invited by the State’s government alongside some of her colleagues. Upon arrival, she vehemently refused to sit at the place designated for them with her colleagues and kept perambulating the entire hall in her skimpy attire, for the Governor to notice her. And unknown to this actress who recently premiered her recent movie in this same state, the First Lady had been inundated with stories of her alleged secret romance with her husband, the Governor. When the First Lady who had all these while been watching the actress walking aimlessly round the hall and distracting the attention of all the men, including her husband, could no longer take the insult, she decided to confront her. She sent for her through one of her orderlies and publicly shouted at her to leave the vicinity and made it clear to her that she does not want to see her around the Government House again. Immediately, our star actress, who was helpless and full of embarrassment hurriedly carried her bag and ran as fast as her legs could take. We later learnt that the ban had been temporarily lifted after the disgraced actress apologized and swore that she didn’t have anything to do with the philanthropic gov.......the first lady supose flog am.

~MASSACRE OF CHRISTIANS: 20 KILLED AS BOKO HARAM ATTACKS IGBO TOWN HALL MEETING IN ADAMAWA STATE~Islamist group Boko Haram attacked a town hall Today in Adamawa state killing at least 20 people who had gathered for a meeting. The attack at noon targeted a town hall where Christian Igbo people were holding a meeting, with gunmen chanting “God is great” as they fired rifles. The attack occurred in Mubi in Adamawa state as Igbo traders held a meeting before opening up their shops for business, local police commissioner Ade T. Shinaba said. “We started hearing many gunshots through the windows,” said Okey Raymond, 48, who attended the meeting. “Everyone scampered for safety, but the gunmen chanted: ‘God is great God is great’ while shooting at us.” Raymond said he hid under a table and escaped out a back door. The gunmen also carried knives and machetes, the police commissioner said. No arrests have been made in the attack, which left at least another 15 people wounded. Friday’s attack comes after gunmen attacked a church in the northeast Nigeria city of Gombe during a prayer service Thursday night, spraying the congregation with gunfire and killing at least eight people including the pastor’s wife, local medical officials said. Boko Haram spokesman, claimed responsibility for the attacks in Gombe and Mubi. “We want to prove to the federal government of Nigeria that we can always change our tactics,” the spokesman said...........hmmmmmm.,dats is spelling Jihad.

Nigerian singer /Producer, Martins Okey justice popularly known as J Martins got married to his lover Nnezi Mbila on january 2nd,2012 . The traditional wedding took place in Ohafia ,Abia state . The event attracted dignitaries from all walks of life including entertainers and politicos. J martins has been dating Nnezi who is an abuja based banker for a while and the couple got engaged last year . Congratulations to the family!congrats man, i no easy.

The Man Who Saw Tomorrow

Talk of the man who saw tomorow,:.....na Late Dim OJukwu you will mention.he was of a very great significant for the Igbos of south easthern part of the country.....what i want to ask is What he foresaw is it coming to past.i need ur comment.

BBC E-mail: Gunmen shoot 'southern' Nigerians

tochi saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Gunmen shoot 'southern' Nigerians **
At least 10 people from southern Nigeria are killed by masked gunmen who targeted a town hall in Mubi in the north-east of the country, residents say.
< http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/world-africa-16442960 >

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Thursday 5 January 2012

~Gunmen kill five in latest attack on Nigerian church~ Gunmen kill five in latest attack on Nigerian church In response to the escalating violence, President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in four states. Gunmen burst into a church in northern Nigeria on Thursday, killing at least five people in the latest attack of a coordinated campaign against the country's Christians. The assault came after a warning by the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram, which said it would begin attacking Christian civilians if they did not flee the predominantly Muslim north by Wednesday night. Pastor Johnson Jauro said that several men attacked his Deeper Life Church in Gombe during a prayer service, killing five worshippers including his wife. "I was leading the congregation in prayers. Our eyes were closed when some gunmen stormed the church and opened fire on the congregation," he said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility but suspicion fell on Boko Haram, which has killed more than 500 people in the last year including at least 50 who died in a church bombing near the capital Abuja on Christmas Day.....dey don coome again!

~Justin Timberlake's Grandma: Yes, He's Engaged to Jessica Biel~:): Granny knows all!nextvoice learnt that it was aired on Wednesday that Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel were engaged. Now, the 30-year-old singer- actor's grandmother, Sadie Bomar, is going public with the good news! JT and Jess through the years "He called me on Christmas day and told me he's engaged," Bomar tells Gossip Cop. According to the site, Timberlake asked her not to discuss the news with anyone until after the holidays. She tells Gossip Cop, "the family loves Jessie… she's a very sweet girl." Sources also said that Timberlake popped the question to Biel, 29, in the mountains of Jackson, Wyoming. The couple began dating in 2007. After a brief three-month split in 2011, Biel made it clear that she wanted to spend her life with the Social Network star. "When they reunited, they had a conversation about taking the next step." Who else has Justin romanced? Another Timberlake insider adds that he's "never been happier" with the New Year's Eve actress. "He knew it was the right time to propose.":........carry go my man,wish you all the best.

~Nigeria arrests Islamist sect suspects after attack~ - Two suspected Nigerian Islamist sect members were arrested on Thursday after an attack which killed two people, the military said, as authorities stepped up a crackdown on the increasingly violent group Boko Haram. President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in the northeast and two other regions in Nigeria on Dec. 31, in an effort to contain the growing insurgency from Boko Haram, which wants sharia law more widely applied. "We have arrested two of the Boko Haram members who killed a man and his son in Dala on Wednesday night. They left behind their handsets through which we were able to trace them," said Colonel Victor Ebhemele, operations officer of the joint task force operating in Borno state. Dala is a ward in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno, a remote dusty region which sits on borders with Cameroon, Niger and Chad. These borders have been closed as part of Jonathan's emergency measures. Ebhemele said there were three bomb blasts in Maiduguri on Wednesday evening but there were no casualties.

~Genevieve Throws Weight Behind President Jonathan On Fuel Subsidy,Says The Move Is Right~ The Nollywood fraternity has been under serious attack lately from the public owning to the fact that they sang support for the present government during the electioneering campaign era. One of the recent beneficiaries of National Honours by the present government,nextvoice gathered that Genevieve Nnaji, has opened up on her view on the removal of fuel subsidy by President Jonathan. Throwing her weight behind President Jonathan, the sultry actress stated, "I still can't help but feel [that] it [fuel subsidy removal] is the right move at the wrong time. There is tension and unease [everywhere]." When asked if she would join other Nigerians in protest, this make-believe queen with an MFR National honours said, "I own quite a few things that consume a whole lot of fuel, so, yes. I am a concerned citizen. "Someone tried to explain the positive impact the removal [of fuel subsidy] would bring to the economy, just like GSM did. I could see the point but I don't think a proper explaination was given to the public,' this mother of one concluded.i no blame her,she get mouth to talk cos her soup dey ok for her.

Seventy two people were killed in a wave of bombing targeting Shiites in Iraq.The devastating blast come amid sectarian tensions which have risen sharply since the last American troops left the country in mid December........they want make dey come back?

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FACEBOOK SMACKDOWN WITH MR PRESIDENT: Goodluck Jonathan reels under Facebook attacks Fuel price hike Nigeria -nextvoice observed that the popular social media network 'Facebook' may have served Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan well during his electioneering campaign, but it has now turned to a double-edged sword for the Nigerian leader. In the wake of his administration's hike in the price of petrol on 1 Jan., the President's personal and official Facebook pages have been turned to theatres of abuse against him. Hundreds of President Jonathan's 'friends' on the Facebook, angered by the decision to withdraw fuel subsidy, are hauling unprintable insults at the leader who, hitherto, had enjoyed some level of support on the network. On his personal Facebook page, one of such 'friends', Emmanuel Degema Ophiemu, played on the President's first name, calling him 'Badluck Jonathan'. 'Let me tell you, Boko Haram inflicted pains on Nigerians on Christmas day, you still went ahead to inflict pains on Nigerians in the New Year. You and Boko Haram must be removed from office. Nonsense,' Ophiemu wrote. Another 'friend' of the President, Jonathan Emmanuel Attah, simply wrote: 'You have failed us. No more hope on you. In just two days, a bag of rice is 50,000 naira (US$322). What do you think you are doing?' On his official Facebook page, one Segun Pearse wrote: 'Mr President, try to practise what your preach, be more sensitive to the plight of your people. Remember you campaigned there was a time you had only one (pair of) shoes, but now you have millions and you don't remember that people don't have any. Revert the pump price and regain the confidence of your people, otherwise......' The government's decision to withdraw fuel subsidy has shot petrol prices sky-high, with a litre of the product now selling for as high as 200 naira (US$1.3) in some states, up from 65 naira (0.4 cents) before deregulation. Nigerian workers' unions have announced Monday as the start of an indefinite strike to force the government to revert to the old fuel price.:........Hope he sees those post.

2012:Lagos Alerts On Heavier Rainfall » The Lagos State Government has alerted the populace to expect heavier rainfall this year and has begun intensive preparation to ensure that history never repeat itself:.......if we can recall,Lagos State experienced unprecedented rainfall last year that led to the lost of lives and property worth millions of Naria.please the Lagos State Govt. Shouldn't let it happen again.

~Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days~ A construction crew in the south-central Chinese city of Changsha has completed a 15-story hotel in just six days. Six days. That’s how long it took to build this level 9 Earthquake-resistant, sound-proofed, thermal-insulated 15-story hotel in Changsha, complete with everything, from the cabling to three-pane windows. The foundations were already built, but it’s just impressive. Despite the frenetic pace of construction, no workers were injured — and thanks to the prefab nature of the process, the builders wasted very few construction materials.

~Nick Cannon Transported to L.A. Hospital After "Mild Kidney Failure"~ Keep sending those good vibes to Nick Cannon! Mariah Carey confirmed on Twitter Wednesday that her 31-year-old hubby was hospitalized for "mild kidney failure" in Aspen, Colorado. Later in the day, Cannon tweeted he was "currently being transferred to a hospital in L.A." Celeb health scares "Thank you for all your love, prayers and concern," he added. "You know me. I will be a'ight." A witness tells nextvoice that Cannon, Carey and their 8-month-old twins Moroccan and Monroe were transported via private jet, adding, "Nick looked pretty frail and weak, but Mariah was helping him."

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Two blasts hit northeast Nigeria, shootout kills 1:MAIDUGURI, Nigeria - Two bomb blasts shook the northeastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri on Wednesday, and a gun battle in another town killed at least one civilian, police said, the first uptick in violence since President Goodluck Jonathan imposed a state of emergency on Saturday. Heavily armed troops and tanks have been patrolling parts of northeast Nigeria since Jonathan decreed a state of emergency there in an effort to contain a growing Islamist insurgency led by shadowy group Boko Haram.The state of emergency covers the northeast, the conflict-prone central city of Jos, and part of Niger state near Abuja. Borders with Cameroon, Chad and Niger in the northeast have been shut. A nextvoice witness heard two blasts on Wednesday evening in Maiduguri, heartland of the Boko Haram insurgency. A security source, who could not be named, said two bombs had hit the perimeter fence of the Nigeria customs facility near the Gamboru vegetable market, but caused little damage and no injuries. Earlier, a girl was killed in the crossfire of a gun battle between security forces and suspected Boko Haram militants in the town of Birnawa, in the northeastern state of Jigawa. Jigawa state police commissioner Hashim Salihu Argungu said: "Our men were able to confront them. Only one girl was killed by stray bullet and one of our men was shot in the leg and he is receiving treatment.

Make una see landlord wahara :.....Landlord Batters Tenant’s Wife Over Sex~ A Lagos landlord, Nuru Rasaki of 7, Michael Adeboye Street, Idimu Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria, has been arraigned before Ejigbo Magistrate’s court for allegedly beating his tenant’s wife, Mrs Biola Ajani after she allegedly denied him sex on Chrismas Day. Mrs Ajani said in the open court that the landlord claimed that he has right over his tenants including their wives to do his wishes and therefore wanted to sleep with her. The landlord, who hails from Kwara State, is now facing a charge of assault. He was alleged to have sneaked into Biola’s house when her husband was not around and attempted to have sex with her. It was learnt that the woman refused and raised an alarm that attracted their neighbours. He reportedly tore her clothes and unleashed blows on her before she was rescued by the neighbours. Mrs Ajani said that Rasaki has been pestering her for sex since she packed into the house. She said that when his pressure became unbearable, she told her husband, Musbili what was happening. She said her husband pleaded with her to be patient for them to get another accommodation before this incident happened. Musbili confirmed what his wife said, adding that he did not want to take laws into his hands and that was why he reported the matter to the police. The landlord denied that he attempted to sleep and assulted her. But he could not explain how the woman sustained injury on her eyes and what he was doing in her apartmet when her husband was not around. He said that he assisted the woman and her family in the past. Rasaki said that she was ungrateful and wanted to pay his good deeds towards her with bad. The action of the landlord has landed him in trouble because he was arrested and charged to court where he pleaded not guilty.

Former TV Presenter, Frank Nero Dead: nextvoice~has it that former TV presenter of Video Wheelz showing on Silverbird TV and other TV stations, Frank Nero, is dead. According to information gathered, Frank died on January 2, 2012 while at his grandfather's burial in Bauchi State. He was said to have slumped and died shortly afterwards. Details of the cause of his death is still not yet confirmed. He was before his death aged 29. He was also the head of Nure TV, a media outfit that deals with various media services. This is the first recorded death in the entertainment industry in 2012 after many record deaths in 2011...bad eggs in their misdt.

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LATEST: I Regret Voting Goodluck Jonathan As President, He Deceived Us ---Don Jazzy: If u can remeber,Before the last general elections held in April 2011, those in the showbiz industry in Nigeria mobilized for and endorsed President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan as Nigerias next President after the death of President Yaradua.President Jonathan gained the sympathy of many Nigerians based on how he rose to power, especially from a poor background.In one of his pre- election campaigns, one of Mohits members, D Banj, interviewed the President who was then an acting president.One of such is the boss of Mohits crew, Michael Elebeli Collins, who is well known as Don Jazzy, he said, "I hardly regret decisions I make. That my one vote added to put the current government in power is one decision I regret with all my heart." Bearing his mind further, this Delta State talented music producer said, "what I don't know is if the man we all voted for deceived us knowing [that] he would turn out like this or he is not the one leading us. May God help us. "God knows that government has not given Mohits any penny like I have always told you guys. I am boldly putting [it] out here for anybody to contest. We all voted for the guy [President Jonathan] because at the time, we thought and believed he would be the one to move the country forward. My conscience is clear," he concluded...Very soon others too go confess and he never give then the loan he promised.

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-Check out the Increased price of commodities in Lagos state- Coke is now selling for 100 Naira Pure water is selling for 10 Naira. Bread is selling for 100 Naira ( use to be N40) A derica of beans costs N250 ( use to be N120) Transport fare from Yaba To Ojota used to be N100, it now costs N300 The standard of living in Nigeria today is too high for an average family. How can someone earning N10, 000 survive with all these. A mother of 3 earning N15,000 will definitely have to starve to take care of her children. Sadly, these crazy politicians don’t buy fuel (they use official car), they don’t pay house rent, they don’t pay bills ( they reside in official quarters ) they don’t buy food, water is free, hospital bill is free, official cars, air fare grants, everything is free for them. A big shame on these dumb ass government.

– Frank Edoho On The Verge Of Losing His Job; He was spotted Deep-Kissing Lover At A Wedding Ceremony in Yaba Lagos. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Nigeria presenter, Frank Edoho is currently in hot soup over his alleged affair with his lover Sandra. Nextvoice learnt he’s not officially divorced from his estranged wife, Katherine. According to SocietyNow Nigeria Magazine, investigations revealed that in the face of public furore generated by the public exposure of celebrated presenter, Frank Edoho kissing his new lover, Sandra at wedding recently - his employment remains unthreatened. Frank Edoho’s employers- the promoters of the must watched programme Who Wants To Be A Millionaire- remain consistent in their stance on issues relating to Edoho’s matrimony- it is a private matter. This is even in the face of campaign by some within the organisation attempting to leverage on the development to replace the popular presenter with ‘another favoured candidate.The ‘sack Edoho’ group within and outside the organisation hinge their moves on claims of ‘irresponsibility’ on the part of the presenter. They premise this on interpretation that he was caught kissing his new lover at a public place, when he is yet to fully divorce his wife. The allegation is that as a brand ambassador of the programme- his action portrays it in bad light. Pro Edoho’s faction had countered these claims with the revelations that ‘the issue of irresponsibility doesn’t come into play’ That he is still very much responsible for the upkeep of his wife and his three children. He is said to just pay her house rents and increase their monthly allowance. They were on two hundred and fifty thousand naira monthly allowance- the increment is yet to be ascertained. Aside this- Edoho is said to just make provisions that will take the stress of taking the children to and from school off kathrine. According to his supporters ‘he is trying to make them comfortable and happy like he is trying to be on his new romance’ They stretched the argument further that ‘it takes a responsible man to do that- that those attempting to create an issue out of a kiss with a fiance, his parents approved are just being mischievous’ Other sources claim the decider that strengthened his employers resolve to be consistent in their stand on the issue is Edoho’s competence. It is generally agreed that- he knows his job. Sources close to the presenter revealed that though the move to get him sacked is yet to be totally eradicated- there are strong indication that because of the need not to contradict official position against the background of caring for his estranged wife and children, Edoho will escape with only ‘a strong warning- until he commits professional blunder ‘

Tuesday 3 January 2012

EMEKA IKE EMERGES CELEBRITY GUILDERULTIMATE SEARCH's WINNER..he just added 7.5m in his bank wallet.The Celebrity Showdown sponsored by Nigeria Breweries, bottlers of Guilder lager beer and other premium products, Celebrity Guilder Ultimate Search which has been on for weeks now has finally come to an end today and has awarded Emeka Ike, an actor in Nollywood the title of the Celebrity Guilder Ultimate Man. The handsome Igbo actor emerged as the Ultimate Man beating Daddy Showkey and Dare Art-Alade to it. The eventful event which was held at the beach resort in Ikegun owned by the Ondo born American returnee icon of culture and tourism in Nigeria, Wanle Akinboboye, La Campagne Tropicana ended on a laughter mood with the comedienne, Princess, one of the contestants dazzled all with her rib-cracking jokes. Other artistes who contributed to the success of the show include, Banky W, Muma G, Obesere, Weird MC and Dare Art- Alade Emeka Ike is N7.5M richer with a Jeep to compliment his new status as the first celebrity to emerge in the maiden edition of the Celebrity Showdown. More details later. Genevieve Nnaji achored the show beautifully meanwhile, we shall serve you very soon the full behind- the-scenes stories of how Rita Dominic, Ramsey Nouah, a former beauty queen and others withdrew their interests when they discovered that Genevieve was going to anchor the show and how Genevieve declined to be a contestant with the small amount of N7.5M tagged to the show and how she later became the anchor. We shall also present to you a copy of Emeka Ike's form he filled inside Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos as an alternative to Ramsey Nouah. It's hot! It's authouritative! and It's also juicy. Stay glued to this site. Emeka who stormed the place with his beautiful wife was overwhelmed with the funfair that later took place shortly after his victory. Everything was in excess, food, drinks, small shops, asun to mention but a few.

Monday 2 January 2012

Nigerian Christians warned to flee Women weep over loved ones who were among the 37 killed in the Christmas Day bombings in Nigeria. A terrorist group linked to al-Qaida has set a deadline for Christians in Nigeria to flee before it responds in force to the government's state of emergency. Book Haram warned Christians living in the predominantly Muslim north that they had until the end of Wednesday to "move away" before attacks on the community. Abul Qada, the spokesman who claimed responsibility on behalf of the group for the Christmas Day bombings that killed at least 50, threatened Nigerian soldiers deployed to quell violence in the north. "Soldiers will only kill innocent Muslims in the local government areas where the state of emergency was declared," he said. President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency on Saturday in four areas hardest hit by increasing violence. Under the president's orders, security forces operating in Borno, Plateau, Niger, and Yobe states were given expanded powers to make arrests and conduct searches in an effort to track down Boko Haram insurgents. Security forces have arrested "hundreds" of "foot soldiers" in connection with the bombings last weekend, police said last Thursday, but the masterminds of the violence remain at large. Boko Haram, which means "Western education is forbidden" in the Hausa language, has staged attacks in Nigeria since 2009......na so the order reach?.......lol