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Saturday 31 March 2012

HBD Tocci......B Day wish from NextVoice.

You're not getting older, you're getting
May this year bring with it all the success
and fulfillment your heart desires.
Wishing you all the great things in life, hope
this day will bring you an extra share of all
that makes you happiest.
Happy Birthday, and may all the wishes and
dreams you dream today turn to reality.

May this day bring to you all things that
make you smile. Happy Birthday!

Your best years are still ahead of you.
Birthdays are filled with yesterday's
memories, today's joys, and tomorrow's
You'll always be forever young.

Cheers! Drink beer and live longer...SURE???

Up until you're 21, you're told that drinking
alcohol is bad. Then you're suddenly told
that, really, it's drinking alcohol and driving
that's bad. The latter is definitely true. But
the former? Scientists aren't so sure.
Case in point: During a five-year period,
lifetime alcohol abstainers were 19 percent
more likely to die than regular drinkers,
defined as having one or two drinks, three
or more days a week, say Virginia Tech
University researchers.
Those who never touched the bottle were
also roughly 56 percent (!) more likely to
experience coronary heart disease than
regular drinkers, found the scientists, who
crunched data from a government survey of
nearly half a million Americans.

So what power does alcohol hold, besides
making you awesome at karaoke? Past
research has shown that alcohol can raise
good cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, and
can reduce those blood problems that lead
to clogged arteries. It can even lower your
risk for diabetes.
But don't start pounding half-a-dozen RBVs
every night. (For one thing, mixing energy
drinks and alcohol is a bad idea.) The
Virginia Tech study shows that heavy
drinking, defined as at least three drinks,
three or more days a week, is even worse
for you than abstaining. (Although not by
much, and non-drinkers were more
susceptible to heart disease.)

Friday 30 March 2012

6 Filipino boys in trouble over Facebook kiss photos.

MANILA, Philippines — A Philippine Catholic
school is witholding the diplomas of six
high school boys who uploaded Facebook
photos that appear to show them kissing
each other, an education official said Friday.
A day earlier, a Philippine court rejected
another Catholic school's decision to bar five
girls from graduation ceremonies because
they had posed in bikinis for photos posted
on Facebook . The cases test the limits of
privacy in a conservative Catholic nation that
is also among the world's most prolific
users of social networking sites.
Department of Education officer Samuel
Mergenio said in a interview that the six
boys told him they had taken prank photos
to make it appear that their lips touched.
One of the boys uploaded the pictures on
Facebook and mistakenly made them
available to others, Mergenio said.
The pictures were not taken at the boys'
school, Infant Jesus Academy in the Manila
suburb of Marikina, but the students were
wearing school uniforms, he said.
Mergenio said the school's chancellor
informed the department late Thursday that
the boys will be allowed to participate in the
graduation ceremonies but "the release of
their diplomas will be delayed." He said the
school did not say when the diplomas will
be handed over and that he was awaiting a
formal written report from the school.

Stranded man survives 10 days on snow; friend dies.

LAS VEGAS — A 76-year-old diabetic
Colorado man survived 10 days in the
remote Nevada desert by melting snow and
using skills he learned as a Boy Scout, but a
friend who was with him and ventured
away to get help died.
James Klemovich and Laszlo Szabo, 75, went
to scope out some mines in the state when
their car became stuck on a lonely road with
no cell phone service, Klemovich's wife,
Joanne, said Thursday.
The men tried unsuccessfully to dislodge the
car, and lit flares and started fires in hopes
somebody would see them in northwestern
Nevada's Pershing County, an area where
less than 7,000 people are spread over
6,000 square miles.
They used a towel in the car to strain ditch
water and snow into water bottles, but,
after four or five days, Szabo left to get help.
Joanne Klemovich began to worry when
several days passed without a phone call
from her husband.
"I figured maybe they'd had an accident and
they were stranded," she said. "I thought
maybe they were in a mine shaft. All kinds of
things were going through my head."
Joanne Klemovich said she was expecting
the worst when authorities called Tuesday
night to say her husband had been found by
military personnel who were holding
training exercises in the area.
"I thought it was bad news, but it was very
good news," she said by telephone from the
couple's home in Littleton, Colo. "I didn't
know what to even do or say."
James Klemovich has diabetes, wears a
pacemaker and had a triple bypass heart
surgery, his wife said.
He told her he wasn't panicking while he sat
for days waiting for Szabo's return, she said.
He kept a journal, noting how much water
he drank and what he did each day. And he
wrote a letter each day for her.
Drinking regularly was likely the biggest
factor in his survival despite the diabetes
that could have sent his blood sugar
dangerously out of whack, according to Rita
Kalyani, who teaches endocrinology at the
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
in Baltimore.
During a fast, she said, the body can draw
glucose from the liver or from fat stores to
keep levels from dropping too low. But
having enough water is essential to flush
out excess glucose and prevent levels from
rising too high.
When the military personnel found
Klemovich, they gave him a banana, two
oranges and three boiled eggs, he told his
Szabo, of Lovelock, Nev., was found dead
about a mile and a half away. An autopsy is
being performed.
Klemovich said her husband hasn't been
talking much about his friend and that she
doesn't know whether Szabo has any close
"When I first talked to him I could tell he'd
been through an ordeal," she said. "When he
called back, he sounded pretty good."
James Klemovich is still in Nevada, waiting
for the car to be recovered before returning
home. He was treated and released from a
Joanne Klemovich said she knows the first
words she'll say to her husband of 48 years
as of Wednesday: "Happy belated

JAMB releases 2012 UTME results, 3 score above 300.

The result of the 2012 UTME has been
released by the Joint Admissions and
Matriculations Board, with only 3
candidates of the 1,503,931 registered
candidates scoring above 300 while
the results of 27,266 candidates across
eight states were withheld.
The JAMB Registrar/Chief Executive, Prof.
Dibu Ojerinde, who stated this at a news
conference in Abuja, listed Abia, Benue,
Cross River, Delta, Imo, Lagos, Nasarawa
and Rivers as the affected states, due to
malpractice such as extortion of money
by some examination officials.
“In 2012 UTME, we had some disturbing
news of extortion of money from
innocent candidates by greedy
proprietors and supervisors all these
persons will be brought to book,” he
said, adding that the outcome of
investigation would determine if more
results would be released.
According to Professor Ojerinde, 72, 243
scored 250 and above while 336,330
scored below 170.
“For the 2012 UTME, Imo had the
highest number of applicants with
123,865 candidates; Delta came second
with 88,876 candidates while Anambra
placed third with 84,204 candidates and
FCT recorded the lowest number with
3,380 candidates…the University of
Lagos recorded the highest applicants
with 83,865 candidates; Nnamdi
Azikiwe University came second with
82,148 candidates and the University of
Benin came third with 80,048
candidates.”he said.
He also said arrangements have been
made for candidates to check their
results online using JAMB web site,

Thursday 29 March 2012

Acid victim commits suicide: Pakistan.

The 33-year-old former dancing girl — who
was allegedly attacked by her then-husband,
an ex-parliamentarian and son of a political
powerhouse — jumped from the sixth floor
of a building in Rome, where she had been
living and receiving treatment.
Her March 17 suicide and the return of her
body to Pakistan on Sunday reignited furor
over the case, which received significant
international attention at the time of the
attack. Her death came less than a month
after a Pakistani filmmaker won the
country's first Oscar for a documentary
about acid attack victims.
Younus' story not only drives home the
woeful plight of many women in
conservative Muslim Pakistan, it is also a
reminder of how the country's rich and
powerful operate with impunity. Younus'
ex-husband, Bilal Khar, was eventually
acquitted, but many believe he used his
connections to escape the law's grip — a
common occurrence in Pakistan.
More than 8,500 acid attacks, forced
marriages and other forms of violence
against women were reported in Pakistan in
2011, according to The Aurat Foundation, a
women's rights organization. Because the
group relied mostly on media reports, the
figure is likely an undercount.
"The saddest part is that she realized that
the system in Pakistan was never going to
provide her with relief or remedy," Nayyar
Shabana Kiyani, an activist at The Aurat
Foundation, said of Younus. "She was totally
disappointed that there was no justice
available to her."
Younus was a teenage dancing girl working
in the red light district of the southern city
of Karachi when she met her future
husband, the son of Ghulam Mustafa Khar, a
former governor of Pakistan's largest
province, Punjab. The unusual pairing was
the younger Khar's third marriage. He was
in his mid-30s at the time.
The couple was married for three years, but
Younus eventually left him because he
allegedly physically and verbally abused her.
She claimed that he came to her mother's
house while she was sleeping in May 2000
and poured acid all over her in the presence
of her 5-year-old son from a different man.
Tehmina Durrani, Ghulam Mustafa Khar's ex-
wife and his son's stepmother, became an
advocate for Younus after the attack,
drawing international attention to the case.
She said that Younus' injuries were the
worst she had ever seen on an acid attack
"So many times we thought she would die
in the night because her nose was melted
and she couldn't breathe," said Durrani, who
wrote a book about her own allegedly
abusive relationship with the elder Khar.
"We used to put a straw in the little bit of
her mouth that was left because the rest
was all melted together."
She said Younus, whose life had always
been hard, became a liability to her family,
for whom she was once a source of income.
"Her life was a parched stretch of hard rock
on which nothing bloomed," Durrani wrote
in a column in The News after Younus'
Younus' ex-husband grew up in starkly
different circumstances, amid the wealth
and power of the country's feudal elite, and
counts Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina
Rabbani Khar as a cousin.
Bilal Khar once again denied carrying out
the acid attack in a TV interview following
her suicide, suggesting a different man with
the same name committed the crime. He
claimed Younus killed herself because she
didn't have enough money, not because of
her horrific injuries, and criticized the media
for hounding him about the issue.
"You people should be a little considerate,"
said Khar. "I have three daughters and when
they go to school people tease them."
Younus was energized when the Pakistani
government enacted a new set of laws last
year that explicitly criminalized acid attacks
and mandated that convicted attackers
would serve a minimum sentence of 14
years, said Durrani. She hoped to return
someday to get justice once her health
"She said, 'When I come back, I will reopen
the case, and I'll fight myself,' and she was a
fighter," Durrani said.
Durrani had to battle with both Younus' ex-
husband and the government to send her to
Italy, where the Italian government paid for
her treatment and provided her money to
live on and send her child to school.
Pakistani officials argued that sending
Younus to Italy would give the country a bad
name, Durrani said.
Younus was happy when Sharmeen Obaid-
Chinoy won an Oscar for her documentary
about acid attack victims in February, but
was worried about being forgotten since
she wasn't profiled in the film, said Durrani.
Durrani said Younus' case should be a
reminder that the Pakistani government
needs to do much more to prevent acid
attacks and other forms of violence against
women, and also help the victims.
"I think this whole country should be
extremely embarrassed that a foreign
country took responsibility for a Pakistani
citizen for 13 years because we could give
her nothing, not justice, not security," said

Man Falls Off Elevator At WAEC Building.

WAEC Building HOUSE:

A man identified as an employee of the Odi-
Olowo Local Council Development Area,
Lagos, died on Wednesday after falling off a
moving lift on the eighth floor of the 12-
storey building of the West African
Examinations Council (WAEC).
The spokesman of the Lagos State Police
Command, Mr Joseph Jaiyeoba, who
confirmed the incident to newsmen, said
that the mangled body of the deceased was
recovered from the ground floor of the
The victim, Fatai was said to have stepped
out of the lift when the doors opened
midway on the eighth floor.
Fatai assumed that the lift had reached its
destination, and he stepped into the air, fell
off from the eight-floor till he hit the ground.
However sources gathered that the
elevators were not in proper shape.
The remains of the deceased had been
deposited at the mortuary while police
investigation continued into the matter.

I wonder what he was thinking when he was still mid-way in the air.RIP

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Pic Of Nigeria's N5000 Note.."guess whose image is on it ?"

Could this be figment of Nigerians imagination or a new development yet to unfold...your guess is as good as mine.


Lady Disqulified From Miss Universe For Being Male/Female

Jenna Talackova

Should transgender women be allowed to
compete in female beauty pageants?
That's the question at the center of a heated
scandal involving one Canadian pageant
contestant. Jenna Talackova, 23, was born
male but has identified as a female since age
4. She began hormone therapy at 14 and
underwent gender reassignment surgery at
On Friday, Talackova, a Vancouver resident,
was booted from the Miss Universe Canada
competition "because she did not meet the
requirements to compete despite having
stated otherwise on her entry form," the
organization said in a statement. "We do,
however, respect her goals, determination
and wish her the best."
RELATED: Transgender Beauty Queen.
According to The Province newspaper,
Talackova was selected among 65 finalists
for the 2012 competition. She was removed
from the competition despite there being no
mention of rules regarding sex changes, The
Province reports.
"I am very disappointed with the decision
taken by the Miss Universe ... organizers,"
Talackova said in a statement released
Monday. "However, I will look to turn this
situation into a positive so that other people
in a similar situation are not discriminated
against in the future."
In a 2010 interview for Thailand's Miss
International Queen, a pageant for
transgendered women, Talackova was
asked whether she regards herself as
transgender or as a woman. "I regard
myself as a woman … with a history," she
'Rules Very Clear'
But the head of the pageant says there are
rules regarding a contestant's gender at
birth. The national director of Miss Universe
Canada says that Talackova indicated on her
registration form that she was born a
female but later admitted that she was born
a male, India Today reports.
"She feels like a real girl and she is a real girl.
She didn't expect people to question it,"
Denis Davila told the publication. "She was
hoping we could put her back in the
competition, but the rules are very clear, and
there's no way we can go back on it."
Reactions to Talackova's story have been
mixed. Detractors maintain that only natural-
born women should be allowed to compete
in traditional women's beauty pageants. But
the ousted beauty queen also has her
supporters – more than 20,000 of them and
A change.org petition has netted 20,171
signatures in an effort to reverse the
decision to disqualify Talackova from the the
Donald Trump-owned pageant. Talackova is
expected to release a statement this week
after speaking with her lawyer.
In a statement Monday afternoon, the Miss
Universe Organization said: "As with any
competition, the Miss Universe pageant has
rules which apply to all of its franchises
around the world. Such rules include, but
are not limited to citizenship, age, and
marital status requirements. Additionally, the
rules currently state that all contestants must
be naturally born females. After review,
organizers discovered that Jenna Talackova
falsified her application and did not meet
the necessary requirements to compete in
the 2012 Miss Universe Canada pageant."

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Bobby Brown Arrested.

Just days after the coroner's announcement
that Whitney Houston died of accidental
drowning, her ex-husband Bobby Brown
was arrested for driving under the
Brown, 43, was pulled over at 12:20 p.m.
Monday in the San Fernando Valley for
talking on his cell phone, and then failed a
field sobriety test, says California Highway
Patrol Officer Mike Harris.
The R&B singer was released on his own
recognizance about two hours later from
the Van Nuys police station jail, a Los
Angeles Police Department spokesperson
Brown, who was divorced from Houston in
2007 after a tumultuous 14-year marriage,
has acknowledged a long history of drug
and alcohol abuse and related troubles with
the law.
Houston, 48, who was found unresponsive
in the bathtub of her Beverly Hilton suite on
Feb. 11, died of accidental drowning with
contributing factors of heart disease and
cocaine abuse, the coroner announced last
If you can recall Brown was in Nigeria for a show sometime last week.

Monday 26 March 2012

T-R-A-G-E-D-Y: Sheep Gives Birth To Half Human, Half Sheep.

A sheep has allegedly given birth to a ‘half-
sheep half-human’ baby in Sokoto, Nigeria.
Local newspaper the Daily Sun reported that
after vets delivered the odd-looking lamb at
Fakon Idi Veterinary Clinic
on 22 January, thousands of curious
onlookers were drawn to the clinic.
The “mutant” sheep caused outrage among
the gathered locals, reported the paper,
believing the bloated "half-sheep half-
human" to be the result of bestiality or
Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps
(NCDSC) had to step in to disperse the
crowd, who were demanding the owner of
the sheep to identify himself.
However “mutant” looking lambs have been
birthed before, notably in Turkey, when a
sheep was helped by vets deliver a baby
with a head that appeared to have human
features. Although the lamb remained alive
for some hours, spooked locals eventually
slaughtered the animal.
In Nigeria, Vets from the Fakon Idi clinic
were far more rational in their explanation
for the lamb’s appearance
Dr Ismail Usman, who helped deliver the
lamb, described the rumours going round
about the baby as “embarrassing”.
“It was a surprise that people’s perspective
could be so negative when it comes to
scientific reasoning and thoughts," he told
the Daily Sun.
He said it was more likely the lamb looked so
strange because the sheep had been two
days overdue and had suffered problems
during the pregnancy.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Bishop David Oyedepo Launches New Airline -'DOMINION AIR'

Nigeria’s richest pastor and self-styled
bishop, David Oyedepo, has made a
glistening addition to his business
empire by floating an airline called
Dominion Air.
Oyedepo, who a few years ago ignited
debate on flamboyant Christianity by
acquiring his fourth private jet, is the
owner of Dominion Publishing House,
Covenant University and an elite
secondary school called Faith Academy.
Listed by Forbes as Nigeria’s wealthiest
pastor with a net worth of $150 million,
David Oyedepo is a preacher and
founder of Living Faith Church
Worldwide, more popularly known as
Winners’ Chapel. Besides his four private
jets, Forbes also mentioned the
preacher’s luxury homes in London and
the United States.
Sources within the Corporate Affairs
Commission (CAC), the agency charged
with business registration in Nigeria,
confirmed the registration of Dominion
Air with David Oyedepo as its chairman.
Another source within a Lagos-based
insurance firm known to handle most
of Oyedepo’s businesses said the airline
project had been in the works for six
years and was only made a reality this
The broker who balked at putting
figures to the number of aircrafts so far
purchased authoritatively said none of
them is on lease.
If Oyedepo’s entry into the airline
business is creating exciting buzz in
Nigeria’s stock exchange, the same
cannot be said with the Christian
community, especially the Pentecostal
congregations, where the so-called men
of God have been criticised for
alienating their poor followers with
their flamboyant lifestyle.
Money laundering
According to Lawrence Ofili, a member
of the Save Nigeria Group (SNG), the
social movement that staged days of
protest over this year’s controversial
fuel price hike, Nigerian pastors are
increasingly acting like politicians who
put themselves first before the people.
“Pastor Oyedepo by his choice of
businesses has severally demonstrated
a disconnect between himself and
hundreds of thousands of poor
Christians who he claimed to have come
to deliver. About 90 per cent of public
schools in this country were built by
early Christian missionaries; today
Oyedepo has Covenant University but it
is for children of millionaires,” says Mr
“Even with the high school called Faith
Academy, I am aware that most children
in his congregation dream to be
educated there but their parents who
probably pay tithes and offerings
cannot afford the school fees. His Faith
Tabernacle accommodates 50,000
worshippers every Sunday; how many
of them are going to fly Dominion Air?
Honestly this project is not for the poor.
He should have settled for mechanised
farming to engage unemployed men
and women.”

Friday 23 March 2012

7 Female Students Fell Into A Well At Ambrose Ali Uni, Ekpoma. 2 Died -

* Student Rescuers at Work after the accident*

Tragedy struck early this morning at the
Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, after seven
female students fell into a well located inside
one of the hostels inside the school
compound while fetching water and doing
other things around the well.According to
eye witnesses, three girls were washing on
top of the well, which is the hostel's only
source of water, while the remaining four
were sitting on its top, when all of a sudden
the well collapsed beneath them. All seven
girls fell into the well.
Other students around the hostel when the
incident occurred rescued 6 of the alive.
Unfortunately one died inside the well.
Another one died on the way to the hospital.
The remaining five are receiving treatment
at the hospital.

QOUTE: No mo’ hits! 10 reasons it’s Don Jazzy who will lose the most!

1. Dbanj has Kanye (at least as far as the
eyes can see)
Going by the release of today’s Oliver Twist,
we are at least certain that D’banj is still in
cahoots with the almighty, Kanye West. Do
you really think he can lose with the
mystique and power of Kanye behind him –
will Kanye allow his latest African
experiment fail? I doubt it seriously.
2. D’banj is the performer
People always forget that the love that fans
have for performers is strong even if the
performers screw up – reference everyone
from Michael Jackson to Whitney Houston.
Check this out – 9ice allegedly cheated on
his wife, betrayed the friend that discovered
him and abandoned his producer, but do
his fans love him less? Hell no. The day after
the disastrous Sahara Reporters interview,
did D’banj have a sold out concert in New
York no matter what anyone, including
YNaija said? Hell yeah! Morale? As long as he
continues to give the public the ‘Koko’, it is
fine – and D’banj has it.
3. Don Jazzy’s losing it
Don Jazzy’s biggest power is his mystique.
Over the past three months it has steadily
gone. There is that weird interview with
Genevieve magazine, there’s the even
weirder interview with Hip Hop World
Magazine, where he appeared to diss
rappers and then ran to his website to give
a watery apology. Then there was his limpy
Jonathan repudiation and his When-I-speak-
they-read-it-in-Aso-Rock nonsense. Then
there’s the fact that he is attending too
many events, and worse off: that forgettable
live performance with Tiwa Savage. Don
Jazzy, backing up Tiwa?! Without D’banj by
his side in any of these – the superstar
power from which he feeds off – Don Jazzy
has only been diminished.
4. Dbanj is also an astute businessman
The big mistake we’ve made is to stereotype
D’banj. We’ve always assumed he is the
entertainer and Don Jazzy is the
entrepreneur, but is that truly the case? No.
Insiders will tell you that just the same way
Don Jazzy has multitasked as Producer-and-
Businessman, D’banj has also multitasked as
Performer-and-Businessman. It’s a mistake
people also make with Chocolate City and
EME where they think MI and Banky don’t
know the business. Not true. Those guys get
the business – and D’banj is no pushover.
5. Was Don Jazzy really the boss?
So yes, in the public eye, every time D’banj
wanted to say something, he had to first
have Don Jazzy whisper into his ears, so he
just had to be Don Jazzy’s boy, right? Oh
please. Do you really think Don Jazzy was
telling him anything they hadn’t already
discussed and rehearsed at home? It’s
show-business! It’s an act! D’banj wasn’t
Don Jazzy’s boy – they were business
partners. Just because he held the
microphone to his crotch every chance he
gets doesn’t make him dumb.
6. Get off the stage!
I know I have mentioned this before – but
still, why is Don Jazzy diluting his brand by
performing? And why was he backing up
Tiwa Savage? No one began to admire him
because of his performance; we admired
him exactly because he did not perform. He
doesn’t dress well, doesn’t speak well, has a
croaky voice and frankly isn’t easy on the
eye. He needs to go back to the background
fast. Seriously.
7. The ‘H’ word
So I always hear this funny story about how
Don Jazzy is so humble. You know, because
he used to give out credit on Twitter, he
responds to fans on Twitter and whatever
else. And so, people say, this humility will
serve him well as opposed to D’banj’s
insufferable arrogance. Dear Lord, save us
from the dangers of image-making. In fact,
for those who have actually worked with
the man – or tried to book him for an
interview – you know this is just too funny.
I’ll just move on before I say more.
8. Don Jazzy has magic fingers, we all say
But does he really? We always assume his
beat is so unique that it has transformed the
careers of Dr. Sid, D’Prince, Wande Coal and
K-Switch. Let’s analyse this urban legend.
First, D’Prince and K-Switch still have no
careers – that is unless you consider
hanging around Don Jazzy or D’banj a
career. Wande Coal’s power is his voice not
his producer. Dr. Sid has just about one or
two hit songs. So, perhaps we over-estimate
Don Jazzy’s prowess. Did this famous
prowess transform Ikechukwu’s career? Not
that I can remember. Did it make of the
songs he produced for Naeto C, heavy hits?
Not that I know of. Did it make Darey’s music
any more hits than those produced by
others? Not in the least. So what are we
9. Don Jazzy is boring
Seriously, how is he going to manage to
interface with the public without D’banj?
Have you heard Don Jazzy speak? Have you
sat down for 30 minutes with the man? At
least D’banj can quickly start talking of
Kokolets and Babylets and Mamalets and any
lets that can let him avoid answering
intelligent questions. But Don Baba J?
There’s fire on the mountain oh.
10. Do you really care for Mohits without
Take your time and think about this. Would
Mo’ Hits be a compelling label with Dr. Sid,
Wande Coal, K-Switch and D’Prince alone
(why am I even calling K-Switch’s name in
this matter?)? You know the truth is no. The
magic of that team has always been D’banj.
No one wants to see any yeye ‘Mo’Hits All
Stars’ without D’banj. When they perform,
D’banj makes the difference. D’banj is the
icing on the cake. D’banj is also the flour in
the cake. In fact, D’banj is the cake.
So there you have it – and please do not tell
me both will succeed. Who’re ya trying to
fool? Every time there is a break up,
someone wins and someone loses. 2face
won and Faze lost, 2face won and Blackface
lost, 2face won and Kennis lost, Olu Maintain
won and what-his-name lost, Tony Tetuila
won, and then Eedris won, and Eddie is still
losing, 9ice won and ID lost (I love Toni
Payne, so we’ll leave her out of this). I can go
on and on. Someone will get the short-end
of the stick in this case. And my money,
sadly, is on Don Jazzy.
But I’d be glad to be proven wrong. Oh so

Late MC Loph’s Fiancee Gives Birth To Baby Boy.

The late rapper's fiancee, Nkiru, who he was
in the process of marrying before he died in
a fatal accident onhis way to their traditional
wedding six months ago, has put to bed.
Nkiru, who was pregnant at the time of the
accident and was also in the car, but
survived, gave birth to a baby boy today,
who I hear looks exactly like the late rapper.
God takes. God gives. May it be well with this
little boy, always!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Player Dies On Pitch.

•Late Venkatesh being carried away after
collapsing on the pitch yesterday.

The first class pitchside treatment received
by Fabrice Muamba was thrown into sharp
relief yesterday by the death of a footballer
who collapsed while playing in India.
In a shocking incident that again brought to
light the poor medical facilities provided for
local football tournaments, a 27-year-old
player died on Wednesday after he collapsed
at the Bangalore Football Stadium during a
league match.
Times of India reports that Venkatesh, a
midfielder for A-division side Bangalore
Mars, came in as substitute in the 73rd
minute before collapsing in the dying
minutes of the match. The Bangalore District
Football Association, which annually
organises the Super, ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ divisions,
allegedly did not have a doctor present on
the field. A physio and players rushed in and
tried standard medical procedures on
Venkatesh, who by now was having fits,
teammate Janardhan said.
Then came the crunch – no ambulance.
Though some BDFA members denied the
allegation, team manager Shiva, who is also
a BDFA member, said there was a tempo on
standby at the eastern wing of the stadium.
“The only reason we couldn’t get it out in
time was that there were many two
wheelers parked around it,” he said.
Players and officials carried Venkatesh in
their arms off the field, hired an auto
rickshaw and rushed him to Hosmat
Hospital, where he was declared dead.
“There was no pulse or respiration. We gave
him CPR and defibrillator shocks, but it was
too late,” Hosmat vice-president Dr Ajith
Benedict Royan said.
Preliminary post-mortem reports agreed
with Dr Royan’s suggestion that Venkatesh
died of cardiac arrest. “There were no
external injuries. This is also known as
Sudden Death Syndrome, which is common
among footballers. Maybe if he had been
given oxygen or proper medical care at the
time of the incident, he could have stood a
chance,” Dr Royan added.
Venkatesh has represented Karnataka at the
junior and sub-junior levels and has been
with Mars for the last five years.

Tchidi Chikere Opens Up On Sophia, Nuella Marriage Story** Says, My Decision Is Final And Shuned The Bigmouths.

Some days ago, news broke of collapsed
marriage of top Nollywood actor cum
producer and director, Tchidi Chikere and
his actress wife, Sophia, produced three
Another dimension was brought into the
story when another actress, Nuella Njubigbo
was alleged to be the woman responsible
for Tchidi's marriage break up.
It was another shocker when news filtered
that Nuella was already pregnant and would
soon marry Tchidi.
After earlier releasing a statement on the
break up with Sophia, Tchidi has opened up
in reaction to the criticisms the news has
generated since the news broke.
According to Tchidi, "For all the idi*ts who
went online to say craps about me and
the lies being peddled on the internet, I
want you to know I am not the kind of guy
that backs down.
You are fo*ls! Envious demons. I am
successful, and won't stop being
successful. You can go and die.
Just because I am in the public career
don't mean I have to live according to
your whims! We will rise to the challenges
I won't be blackmailed, I won't be
intimidated . My vindication comes from
God, not from man. Folks want to force
you to live in unhappiness, they want to
make you feel guilty for things you didn't
But you wear the shoe, you know where it
pinches. For reasonable people out there,
stay blessed. For idi*ts out there, stay so
forever. May you receive the same
judgment you give out."
Will this lay everything to rest?

Masturbation Not A Sin, Oyakhilome Insists.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of the Believers
Love World, popularly known as Christ
Embassy, has insisted that masturbation is
not a sin.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
He also said the issue should not be
regarded as his personal opinion but as a
resolution from the Bible concerning it.
Pastor Chris, as he is popularly called, was
reacting to more questions from members
of the public who seemed to be confused
about the story going round that he
declared that masturbation is not a sin.
As reported in NEXTVOICE weeks ago, the
Pastor said the act in itself was not a sin
against God but that Satan uses it to
oppress people of God making them feel
ineffective an inefficient in the things of
He also said God is not offended by the
practice but by any habit that takes hold of
one’s mind and this had resulted in
widespread condemnation.
In a recently posted video in which he
reacted to many questions emanating from
his previous teaching on masturbation,
Pastor Chris maintained that people should
rather see the issue from biblical perspective
rather than seeing it as his personal
While answering a question from one
Timothy based in Russia, who said he was
confused by the teaching about
masturbation not being a sin because there
is no way one can effectively masturbate
without having evil thoughts, Pastor Chris
said the first question that should come to
mind in the issue is: “what is sin?
“What I find in many Christians is that not
many of them even have an understanding
of the concept; what is sin.”
He referred the public to one of his
teachings on the concept of sin, saying it
would help the people understand what sin
really is, adding that “sin is not what we say
it is but what God says it is.”
Reading out an another question from a
Zambian, who said the Pastor’s previous
teachings had inspired him, but wondering
why he actually taught that masturbation
was not a sin, Pastor Oyakhilome asked the
Zambian to bother himself more with what
the Bible said about it.
He asked: “Why are you concerned with
whether I said it or I did not say it? The
question is, what does the Bible say?
“Have you ever studied the Word for
yourself? Now whatever you think, the first
thing you should do is to go to the word of
God and study it for yourself.”
Using an illustration, he said: “if a man stole
a loaf of bread from a shop and ate it, does
that mean that eating of bread is sin?
“Where was his wrong? Did he go wrong
because he ate bread? Does that mean that
eating of bread is wrong?
“The problem is not the eating of bread. The
problem is that he stole the bread that he
He emphasised that Jesus actually said
whoever looks at another woman lustfully
has committed adultery in his heart, adding
that means “the sin was committed in the
“If you say that imagination goes with
masturbation, then where is the sin?
“The sin is therefore your imagination of
sin,” he added.
He further quoted Matthew 15 verse 16
saying that out of the heart proceeds evil
In analysing it therefore, the Pastor said: “it
is not what you did with your hand that is
the problem; it is what caused whatever you
did. That means your sin begins from your
“Jesus makes us know it is not what you did
with your hand that is the problem; it is
what you did with your heart.
“You can have these imaginations while
reading a book, you can have these wrong
imaginations while eating your food.
“So the evil conceptions of your heart is
where you got a problem, so what do you
clean-your hands or your heart?”
He however advised that it is not
compulsory for people to accept something
because someone said it, but that they
should get materials that would help them
to understand such issues better.

Teacher Found Naked on top of Female Pupil.

A 29-year-old Mr. Seun Oyeleke, Mathematics
and Social Studies graduate of a college of
education, and teacher in one of the Private
nursery and primary schools along Church
Street in Osogbo, Osun State has been
caught red handed, inhumanly on top of a
seven- year old female pupil in a toilet
during one of the tutorials held in the school
The suspect who goes by the name Oyeleke
had organized a tutorial in the area for the
pupils where most parents allowed their
kids to attend, but nemesis caught up with
him when one of the pupils’ mother, Mrs.
Ajiboye reliably gathered from her son, who
also attends Oyeleke’s tutorials with her five-
year-old sister, that Oyeleke would always
take the girls out of the classroom to an
undisclosed location, and return them to the
class afterward.
“I told my brother, who is a policeman, and
he urged me to be patient. My brother then
devised a plan with which we caught the
teacher,” she said.
Ajiboye had earlier planned with her son to
run to the house to inform her when the
teacher takes his sister or any other girl
away from the class.
The truth became glaring on Saturday when
Oyeleke took another girl to the toilet on the
school premises and the boy who adhered
to the mother’s instructions ran home to tell
her mother about the development.
The mother who ran to the school
immediately, was shocked when she found
the teacher in the toilet, pant down with
one of the female pupils.
Disclosing the incident to journalists, she
said, “When my children were leaving for
the tutorials on Saturday morning, I told my
son to rush back home whenever the
teacher takes any girl to the toilet.
“At about 11:30am, my son rushed in to
inform me that he had taken another girl
out, I quickly rushed to the school, went to
the toilet and forced the door open, I met
him on top of the little child.
“I was very furious and I began to shout
and wail. I called on neighbours to come
and see what was happening. He was
subsequently taken to Dugbe Police Station
in Osogbo.”
“He took me to the bathroom in the building
and removed my pant and lay on me and
later asked me to wear my pant back and
return to the class,” the little girl said.
The teacher who regretted his action at the
police station said, “Please, spare me; I
didn’t know what came over me. The effect
of what I did just dawned on me. I did not
rape them. I only had sex with them. It’s the
devil’s work.”
However, the school proprietress, Mrs.
Amoke Alao, had contrary to the general
notion denied that Oyeleke was known for
his notoriety saying that he was perceived
prior to the incident as God fearing
individual who was diligent and committed
to his work.
Admitting that her children are also pupils of
the same school, she claimed she would
have thrown him out since, if he had a
single knowledge of such crime as heinous
as this in relation to the man that teaches
her pupils.
The proprietress also claimed she was not in
the know about the tutorials organized by
Oyeleke, stating that only two of her pupils
were found to have attended Oyeleke’s
tutorial as the rest were external pupils.
The two girls caught with Oyeleke have
been taken to police clinic at Oke-Fia,
Osogbo, where a medical check-up was
carried out on them. Result however
showed that there was no penetration, but
there are indications that the organ touched
the pubic areas of the girls.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Lagos Herbalists Embrace Internet Divination .

"The procedure is to visit the website and fill
a consultation form online. It is stipulated
that one need not indicate his problem as
the priest will use the bio data supplied to
consult, identify the trouble and proffer
When Asabe Bello first heard the
advertisement on radio that she could have
her problem solved by a Babalawo without
actually visiting one, she was surprised, as
all her life, she had thought that to get Ifa
intervention to any problem, one must see
an Ifa priest physically before she could
consult and get such problems solved.
She, however, had a change of heart when
she actually got in touch with one via a
website and was given an identification
code after filling a consultation form and
told to pay a certain amount.
She was told what to do and given vivid
directions on what to do to solve her
problem which was described as a spiritual
attack and she did. The consultations and
the solution proffered gave her an
understanding that contrary to
expectations, Babalawos have moved on
with the times and have embraced cyber
"I know many Nigerians in the course of
their daily work have embraced the use of
technology but I was still surprised that
even Babalawos now consult on websites.
My idea of an herbalist is a dirty man in an
unkempt environment with various
hangings and dirty clay pots, so the
experience was an eye opener," she said.
Oya nah

Pink-haired student invited back to school.

A school that barred a sixth grader after she dyed her hair pink with her parents' blessing to celebrate her good grades lifted its ban on Tuesday following an outcry from
civil rights advocates.
After missing three days of classes, pink-haired Brianna Moore headed back to Shue-Medill Middle School in Newark, Delaware, on
Tuesday after administrators reversed their
decision after a call from the Delaware
branch of the American Civil Liberties Union
"We're on our way right now," said Kevin
Moore as he drove his 12-year-old daughter
to school.
At his daughter's request last week, he
helped dye her hair a shade called crimson
storm, which has a pink hue, as a reward
for improving her grades.
But when she showed up for school the
next day, she was sent home and told not to
return until her hair met school policy
mandating a "natural color, brown, blond,
black, natural red/auburn."
The ACLU soon got in touch with attorneys
for the school district and asked, "Don't you
think this is unconstitutional?" said Kathleen
MacRae, ACLU executive director in Delaware.
Moore was invited back to school with
assurances she would not be punished, said
Wendy Lapham, school district
"The hair is not going to be an issue,"
Lapham said.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


Otujnba Isaac Durojaiye the former
bodyguard and chief security officer to late
Bashorun MKO Abiola is dead.
The founder and managing director of DMT
( A mobile toilet business company died
today, Tuesday March 20th after a brief
May his soul rest n peace!


They were excitedly the happiest men on
planet earth when American music
superstar,Kanye West signed them into his
G.O.O.D Music.
The Nigerian entertainment industry and
music pundits within and outside Nigeria
celebrated with them…but little did they
know that their new union would crumble
the rosy relationship that has existed
between them over the years.
This is the story of a successful and awards
winning entertainer,Dapo Oyebanjo
popularly known as D’Banj and his long-time
friend and producer,Micheal Collins
Ajereh,better known as Don Jazzy,both
founders of renowned Mo’hits crew.
When the news of the duo’s possible break-
up came up last week,it became worrisome
to some pundits,especially their fans,seeing
the two closest friends finally parting-
ways,while others believe that it might be a
publicity stunt designed to achieve a
targeted goal.They described D’Banj and Don
Jazzy as “ joint product” that cannot be
separated for whatever interest.
Sources revealed that D’Banj was becoming
too arrogant to everybody including Don-
Jazzy, and efforts to curb him had been
Coming out to lay the rumour to rest was
Don Jazzy. He took to his twitter page and
tweeted, "Good day friends. So sorry I have
been away for long as I have been going
through some changes in my life.
It is with a heavy heart that I announce
the end of a long Era and the beginning of
a new One
Some of the Rumours you have all heard
recently are sad but true. The way
forward now is to make sure I keep
bringing you guys more of the beautiful
music you all love to dance to.
And to end d old era, I will be donating the
proceeds of my production catalogue from
day one till date to five charity
organizations. Thanks. IDJA
There have been quite a lot of speculations
on what could have led to their
In this report, Nigeriafilms.com gives you a
detailed account of the fight between the
D’Banj’s egocentric attitude,we gathered is
one of the reasons the duo fell apart.
According to information reaching us,D’Banj
has been acting funny lately and always
disregards any decision made by Don Jazzy
and any other Mo Hits Crew concerning how
they run the company.
D’Banj is naturally one person that is
egocentric but one person he respects a lot
is Don Jazzy.He has always been the face of
the brand because Don Jazzy is more
preoccupied with technical work but of late
he doesn’t even regard Don Jazzy
anymore.This is because they have been
having issues.There was even a time he told
Don Jazzy that without him,there will be no
Mo’Hits Records.
No one can really tell what has got into him
but the fact remains that he has allowed
certain things to get to him which has
obviously affected his relationship with Don
There has been a sharing formula on
whatever D’Banj makes as an artiste.A
certain percentage is expected to be
remitted to Mo’Hits account from any show
and endorsement deal any artiste on the
label gets.
Don Jazzy,being the producer makes no
money from shows and hardly produce any
other artiste,but lives on the money the
artistes make from shows because he is the
President of Mo Hits.
The issue of money started about 4 years
ago when D’Banj got the Globacom
Endorsement deal.D’Banj is said to have
refused to remit the company’s percentage
and based on the fact that there is no
written agreement between them Don Jazzy
could not question his decision.
There are too many issues to start talking
about how money got in between
them.Most notable ones are the Globacom
deal and Presidential election campaign deal.
Remember Don Jazzy said it clear on Twitter
that he never collected any money from the
president.Though D’Banj has been the one
financing most of their projects but it is
believed that he should be remitting certain
back to run the company.
D’Banj’s mother is one person that has been
the backbone of Mo Hits record from the
For certain reasons,sources disclosed,she
got displeased with Don Jazzy and other
members of Mo’Hits Record allegedly
encouraging D’Banj to move on without
D’Banj’s mother,we learnt has been the one
in control of their activities lately and is not
in any way pleased with what he gives back
to the label having been the one making all
the money.
The deal between MoHIts records and
G.O.O.D music owned by American
Rapper,Kanye West,is one of the best things
to ever happen to the Nigerian music
industry.While many people celebrated the
deal,little did they know it will eventually
cause a rift between them.
Details of what went wrong is yet to be
ascertained but our source alleged that
“Don Jazzy was more favoured in the deal
than D’Banj.
Don Jazzy,reports say,has already produced
a track for Good Music.
During the removal of fuel subsidy protest in
Lagos,Don Jazzy made a comment on
Twitter disregarding the action of the
president to have increased fuel price.
He also noted that he never collected any
money for the presidential campaign done
by D’Banj in 2011.
The statement,we gathered got D’Banj very
upset and cause a big rift between them.
Sunday Are the CEO of List Entertainment has
been the manager of D’Banj for years and he
also runs the management company for
MoHits record.
Sometimes in 2009,Bankuli who has been
their close friend for many years came into
the picture and rather than refer to Sunday
Are as his manager,he started associating
more with Bankuli.
Late last year,he made it known that he
wanted to have a change of manager and
chose Bankuli,but Don Jazzy disagreed and
decided to keep Sunday Are as the manager
of MohIts Records.
Right now Bankuli has taken over the
management of D’Banj while Sunday Are
remains the manager of other Mo’Hits
The delay of the release of Wande Coal’s
album,sources disclosed,was initiated by
Just like he delayed the release of his first
album M2M for his last album,D’Banj,insiders
disclosed intends not to have Wande release
any album until he releases his own.
After much pressure on Don Jazzy to release
Wande Coal’s album,he dropped three
singles which D’Banj according to sources
was not happy about.
Wande has always been a threat to D’Banj
and he believes Don Jazzy should put more
energy on his own work rather than Wande
or any other artiste on Mo’Hits.
That Don Jazzy released three singles from
Wande’s forthcoming album may have been
the final straw that broke the camel’s back
and that is one big reason they fell apart.

Friday 16 March 2012


Star actor Segun Arinze is in at the centre of
a growing controversy.
The outgoing president of the Actors` Guild
of Nigeria, AGN, is accused of being the
father of a 10 years old girl (he does not
associate with).
We learnt the alleged love child is a product
of one night stand.
Amara Obiefuna, young lady said to be in
her late twenties claimed Segun Arinze is the
father of her child.
According to Enquirer, Segun had been
invited to a movie location in Enugu
where Amara lives with her parents. Like
every normal human being, Segun we
gathered had been so randy on this
fateful day and had seen the young lady
who was an undergraduate of the
University of Calabar. And before you
could say Jack Robinson, the actor had
swept the young lady off her feet and the
wrestling bout that ensued on that day is
the product of the innocent little girl who
has been denied fatherly love and care.
Further findings revealed that the alleged
love child is Segun’s carbon copy but he has
refused to be financially or emotionally
committed to her upkeep.
Amara was quoted to have said he`s a very
mean person, he switched off the phone
he gave me after our first meeting and
I`ve also met him where we discussed the
issue of the pregnancy...TORY!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Bobbi Kristina: Mom Whitney Houston Talks to Me in Spirit.

Oprah Winfrey (left) and Bobbi Kristina

The night after Whitney Houston died, her
daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown could not
bring herself to sleep in her mother's Atlanta
That all changed the next morning.
"I woke up and I heard her say, 'All right,
come home now,' " Brown told Oprah
Winfrey in a TV special Sunday night. "And
when I came back home, I felt humble, I felt
The singer's only child, 19, says she's now
comforted by the spirit of her mother, who
died last month at age 48.
"I can hear her voice in spirit talking to me,
'Keep talking to me. I got you,' " says Brown.
"She's always with me. I can always feel her.
I can always feel her with me. She always
asked me,'Do you need me?' And I caught
myself, out of nowhere, I didn't even know I
said it, I said, 'I'll always need you.' "
Brown – Houston's child with her ex-
husband Bobby Brown – says she spent her
mother's last day alive in her embrace.
"It was so early in the morning. I went to go
get her and I said, 'Come lay with me,' " she
says. "She stayed with me all night and all
day. She was just rubbing my head and
holding me. I just slept in her arms."
Houston, whose cause of death has not yet
been officially determined, was found
unresponsive in water in a bathtub in her
suite at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Feb. 11
and later pronounced dead.
"I have to carry on the legacy," says Bobbi
Kristina. "We're going to do the singing
thing. Some acting, some dancing."

Behold, Nigeria's New Police Uniform - See Pix.

The Inspector General of Police, Alhaji M. D.
Abubakar, has said his appearance in the
new police camouflage is a process of mock
display of the uniform, as one of the
operational outfits of the Nigerian Police.
The president, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, has
approved a mock display of a camouflage
dress for the police as one of their
operational attires.

IGP displays new police camouflage

Alhaji Abubakar, on Tuesday, said the new
dress was in line with the transformation
agenda of the Federal Government and the
desire of the police management team to
reform the security outfit.
The camouflage, which is an admixture of
black, white and ash colours, will serve as an
operational dress for the police, with some
inherent advantages when fully integrated
and confirmed as one of the official police
The new police camouflage is cost effective,
durable, customised with security features
to forestall impersonation and
environmentally friendly.
The IGP called on the general public to
constructively criticise the new police
camouflage, so that public opinion would
be given adequate consideration.

Sunday 11 March 2012

» Christian Youths Kill 10 People In Reprisal Attack In Jos.

Christian youths killed at
least 10 people in reprisal attacks after
a suspected suicide bomber hit a
Catholic church in the central Nigerian
city of Jos on Sunday, killing three
people, authorities said.
"The situation is bad," Sati Dakwat,
health commissioner for Jos, told
Reuters. "Several were killed in the
reprisal attacks, more than 10."
A Reuters reporter at the scene of the
church bombing was unable to gain
access, as the police had cordoned off
the area around Finber's Catholic
Church in the Rayfield suburb of Jos.
"We haven't got actual figures of
injured yet, but at least three people
have been confirmed dead by our men
attending the scene of the blast," the
Jos coordinator for the National
Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)
Al Hassan Aliyu said.
But he later added that "the situation is
calm now", after the initial reprisals by
Christian youths.
Earlier NEMA called it a suspected
suicide bombing, but Aliyu said this was
not yet confirmed.
Islamist sect Boko Haram has claimed
responsibility for a wave of bomb
attacks on churches across Nigeria
since Christmas Day. The bombing
campaign has raised fears that the
group is trying to ignite sectarian
conflict in Africa's most populous
country, split roughly evenly between
Christians and Muslims.

Bomb Blast In Jos: St Finbarrs Catholic Church, Rayfield!

A suicide bomber blew himself
up outside a Catholic church in Jos, the
Plateau state capital on Sunday, killing at
least three people attending mass, the
emergency services said.
The man drove his car towards St
Finbar’s Catholic church in the city before
setting off a large explosion, killing
himself and at least three churchgoers,
emergency agency spokesman Yushau
Shuaib told AFP.
“Three confirmed dead,” said Shuaib,
adding that several others were in a
critical condition.
“The bomb exploded before he could get
to the church,” he said of the bomber.
Earlier Shuaib said three people had
been injured in the attack and only the
bomber had been killed.
Mark Lipdo, a resident of the Rayfield
area of the city where the church is
located, told AFP that security forces had
cordoned off the area.
The attack was similar to a February 26
suicide bombing of another church in
Jos, which killed three people, including
a toddler.
Responsibility for that attack was
claimed by Islamist extremist sect Boko
Haram, which warned of more such

Friday 9 March 2012

18 Corps Members Die In Auto Crash:

Unconfirmed reports say that at least 18
fresh graduates of Imo State University,
Southeast Nigeria, have all died in a road
They were said to be travelling to Taraba
State, Northeast Nigeria when the incident
The corps members are said to be for Batch
A, NYSC orientation camps.
Apparently, these students who got their
call-up letters very late yesterday from IMSU,
chartered a small bus not very conversant
with that long, bad road for a night trip in
order to meet registration deadline.
The identities of the victims could not be
ascertained at the time of filing this report.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Boobs exhibits At Big Brother Audition.

It was a battle of boobs among the
hundreds of ladies, who thronged the
Lagos, Nigeria open casting/auditions of
contestants for the season seven of the M-
Net Africa’s hit television reality show, Big
Brother Africa, tagged ‘Double Up’ yesterday.

•One of the prospective contestants at the
BBA audition in Lagos, yesterday.

At the early morning auditions held at
Protea Leadway Hotel, Maryland, the
excitement was infectious as many of the
applicants, especially the female folks,
dressed in revealing attires with their
cleavages pouting as if intended to create a
‘boob factor’ during the casting.
However, the audition was a thrilling
experience, full of excitement and
abundance of display of talents, according
to an executive of M-Net Africa, who
witnessed the open casting and audition.
The producers had announced that entrants
would have to double up to compete.
According to a statement, “Whether you
enter with your best friend, boyfriend,
girlfriend, mom, dad, brother, sister, boss,
husband, wife, neighbour, hairdresser,
whomever…you must just make sure that
you enter as a pair. So who will take the
journey of a lifetime with you? Remember
you may have to spend a long time with
them in the house so choose carefully!”
And so, while many came with their
partners, others came with their aunts and
some with friends. Some who were
auditioned kept to the instructions not to
discuss their experience with the media,
others shared their optimism of making it to
the BBA House when the show commences.
Dr. May Blossom Brown, a grandmother,
who came to the audition with her nephew,
Munachinso Ejiofor, as partner for the show,
said she had a wonderful time with the
other younger contestants who came for
the auditioning and very positive that they
will make it to the finals of the series.
Another contestant who simply called
herself Gabriella was at the auditions with
her friend, Tope. They are looking forward
to be selected and be part of the show main
show itself.
M-Net has announced that it will be another
91 days full of drama, action and
unimaginable entertainment when BBA 7
hits screens in May. Also, the bounty for this
year’s edition has been increased to a
staggering $300,000.
Biola Alabi, Managing Director, M-Net Africa,
said the show is definitely a high demand
property that draws and holds audiences
from start to finish.
She adds that viewers should expect
something different from past editions as
the show tries to always re-invent with each
new edition.
“We’ve had positive feedback from BBA fans
who love the challenge of entering in pairs.
It’s great to see them embrace the change
so enthusiastically,” said Alabi.
Nigerian Karen Igho emerged winner of the
last edition of Big Brother Africa in 2011
alongside Zimbabwean Wendall Parson.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Nigeria Deports 28 South Africans As RowDeepens

Fed Govt demands review of Yellow Fever
certificate policy
NIGERIA hit back at South Africa last night.
Twenty-eight South Africans were denied
entry into Lagos – a Bosom for tat that has
deepened the row between the two
South Africa last Friday deported 125
Nigerians from the Oliver Tambo
International Airport in Johanesburg after
denying them entry into the country for
allegedly possessing fake yellow fever
certificates. The Federal Government
frowned at the action.
The 28 passengers flew into the Murtala
Muhammed International Airport in Lagos
aboard a South African Airways flight at
about 9.30pm.
They were expected to be deported last
night or this morning.
A source said: "The Federal Government
decided to deny these 28 South Africans
entry because of invalid documents and
relevant health certificate clearance.
"We are also deporting them back to South
Africa. The Presidency has been notified of
this action.
"We will no longer overlook certain
procedures which we have condoned in the
spirit of African brotherhood."
Earlier yesterday, Nigeria had threatened to
retaliate South Africa’s maltreatment of
Interior Minister Albo Moro said: "I want to
assure you on one thing. The Federal
Government has the capacity to reciprocate
appropriately if it is found that (the
deportation) was not done in good faith."
He added: "At the moment, Nigeria
maintains a very cordial diplomatic relations
with South Africa and I can assure you that
we will react appropriately if it is found that
South Africa has taken unfriendly action
against Nigeria.
Moro spoke to reporters at the Presidential
Villa in Abuja.
Also yesterday, the Federal Government
summoned the South African High
Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr. Kingsley
Besides, the House of Representatives
Committee on Foreign Affairs asked the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Olugbenga
Ashiru, to appear before it today to clarify
Nigeria’s relationship with other African
The Chairman of the House of
Representatives Committee on the Diaspora
Affairs, Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, asked the
Federal Government to apply the principle of
reciprocity in dealing with South Africa.
Mambolo was at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs to explain why South Africa
maltreated Nigerian travellers last Friday.
According to sources, when he got to the
Ministry at about 3pm, Mambolo was asked
to see the Permanent Secretary, Ambassador
Martin Uhomoibhi, instead of the Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
A source, who spoke in confidence, said:
"When the South African High Commissioner
got to the Ministry, the Permanent Secretary
was directed to ask him to explain why 125
Nigerians were deported without diplomatic
"He spent about an hour interacting with
the Permanent Secretary, but Nigeria was
not convinced about the explanation given
by South Africa.
"We are demanding unreserved apology
from South Africa for this ill-treatment of
Nigerian travellers or else, we will take more
drastic actions."
Ashiru confirmed the invitation of the High
Commissioner but he declined further
The Minister is to appear before the House
Committee today to clarify Nigeria’
relationship with its African countries.
The Chairman of the Committee, Hon.
Nnenna Elendu-Ukeje, said it was disturbed
by the series of negative attacks on
Nigerians and its embassies, especially in the
sub region.
Elendu-Ukeje recalled the recent lock-up of
some Nigerians in Togo without any
explanation to the Nigerian government.
She said: "We are indeed worried about all
these indignation and scorn Nigerians are
subjected to all over the world, especially by
sister African nations. This calls for a review
of our relationship with these countries.
"So, we have invited the Minister of Foreign
Affairs to a meeting on Tuesday to come
and explain to us, our relationship with
these countries and why Nigerians are
being subjected to ridicule all over the
world," she said.
To Mrs Dabiri-Erewa, the illegal deportation
of 125 Nigerians by the South African
government is "inhuman".
In a statement in Abuja, she faulted the
"continuous unwarranted hostilities against
Nigerians by the South Africa government".
She said: "It is pathetic that 125 Nigerians,
the highest so far, which include women
and children, were delayed for 24 hours
without water and food in an inhuman
condition before being bundled back to
"Do Nigeria ask South Africans to fill Yellow
card when coming to Nigeria? Even then,
passengers must have passed through this
process while applying for visa in the
Embassy. Why treat Nigerians with scorn
and indignation. This is really appalling.
"Is this the way to pay Nigeria back with
their kind gesture? This is unfair and un-
Mrs Dabiri-Erewa also recalled how South
African businesses, such as MTN and Multi-
Choice – owner of DSTV - among others, are
thriving in Nigeria better than any part of
Africa without any form of molestation from
Nigerian government.
The lawmaker recalled how the South
African government stopped charging
Nigerians deportation fees when Nigeria
Embassy in South Africa under the High
Commissioner Mohammed Marwa
introduced it.
She said: "I call on the Federal Government
to protect her citizens by applying the law of
reciprocity to South Africans coming to
Nigeria by introducing the same stringent
treatment meted to Nigerians going to
South Africa."
Speaking on Nigeria’s Porous border, Moro
said: "It is unfair to say that we don’t know
the category of persons that enter Nigeria.
Nigeria, like any other big country, has this
problem of border porousity. I agree with
you that Nigeria’s border as vast as it is, is
porous to some extent but that is not to say
that we don’t know the category of people
that enter Nigeria."

Monday 5 March 2012

Teen Dies While Facebook-Chatting When Driving.

Bright, outgoing college teen Taylor Sauer
proved in the last minutes of her life she
knew right from wrong — but still
committed a fatal mistake.
Sauer was making a late-night, four-hour
drive from the Utah State University campus
in Logan to visit her folks in Caldwell, Idaho.
She passed the time along I-84 messaging a
pal on Facebook about the Denver Broncos
football team. But she stopped short, writing
in her final missive, "I can't discuss this now.
Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha."
Moments later, Sauer, going more than 80
mph, slammed into a tanker truck that was
slowly creeping up a hill at 15 mph. She was
killed instantly; investigators saw no signs
that she applied the brakes before the fatal
crash. And in checking her cell phone
records, they learned Sauer was posting
about every 90 seconds during her drive.
"I think she was probably (texting) to stay
awake, she was probably tired," Taylor's
dad, Clay Sauer, said. "But that's not a reason to do it,
and the kids think they're invincible. To
them, (texting) is not distracting, they're so
proficient at texting, that they don't feel it's
distracted driving."
Clay and Shauna Sauer, still grieving over
their 18-year-old daughter's Jan. 12 death,
have become lobbyists in their home state
to urge the state legislature to pass a ban on
texting while driving. Idaho is one of 13
states in the U.S. that has no such law in
Taylor Sauer's future seemed a sky-is-the-
limit proposition: She graduated high school
last year with a sparkling 3.9 grade point
average, was class salutatorian, played first
base on her softball team and was active in
community charities. After she was named a
National Merit Scholar, she told a local TV
station, "I want to go even further and take
on the world."
But her mom told Curry that Taylor was also
in many ways a typical teen who got caught
up in the modern-day, multi-tasking world.
"There was a time when we were all able to
get into a car and drive, and listen to the
radio or talk to our family," Shauna Sauer
said. "Now, we feel like we've got to get just
everything done in the car, and I just think
we need to be a little bit...simpler."
"I think every state should have the (texting
ban) law," he said. "It might not make
changes right now, but (for) the younger
generations it will be an educational tool,
just like the seat belt (law).

Fresh Gun Battle At Chiranchi Quarters In Kano - 3 Policemen Dead.

At least three policemen were confirmed
dead in Kano state when some unidentified
gunmen on Monday afternoon stormed the
residence of the Imo state Commissioner of
Police at Chiranchi quarters of Kano.
The police officers were on duty manning
the commissioner’s residence, when it came
under heavy attack with a heavy gunfire.
The people of the area immediately
scampered for safety as the shootout lasted.
The Chiranchi quarters has been cordoned
off by the police for stop serious search in
apparent in an effort to track down the
The police Image maker in Kano, ASP Magaji
Musa Majia confirmed the incident but was
unable to give details, stating that the area
has been cordoned off in search of the
It would be recalled that Kano state has
witnessed different attacks in the past
months and have lost many of its citizens to
the incessant bombing and shootings
including 188 people who lost their lives in
Multiple bomb attack that hit the state in

Saturday 3 March 2012

The End...is NIGH!

"It was so vivid"he said subbing...,but this one there is more to it
than to be kept personal.So i have
decided to share it but not to one
person rather to as many that can read this...:We were in crowded room dramatising Passion of Jesus Christ
just like in the bible so the people were
like -crucify him!.I said, ok i'll take
him.And i did but i was given a Book also
to go with, it has this unknown image on the
cover. I collected it,still trying to
understand the mysterious image on
it.Suddenly there was this BANG,we all
ran out to know what it was. Behold the earth surface was set
ablaze (just like burning charcoal
with the those reddish colour).
Smoke Filled the sky and it was very
dark.Suddenly people started disappearing
from the crowd,it was as if a force was
taking them up towards heaven"it was
so fast and terrific". Where i was
standing i could see the end of the earth
because the whole buildings and
structures,Big or Small turnd to REDHOT
charcoal and have been leveled to
ashes. I looked up, crying
because i knew what was happening.I
saw Rockets going up,space
ships,sophisticated jets and Planes
hovering the sky... That means poeple were trying
to leave the earth with the rockets and
spaceships while those in the jets and
planes were searching for some where
safe-i tell you there was non,no where to
hide.Then I saw a white(young boy) very
dirty,he just came out from a conner, i beckond on him. It was as if i was
the only person that knew what was
happening, i called people together so that
we can start praying.My prayer was for
Almighty God to have mercy because i
cant imagine myself staying in that
eccentric condition any further. I
was just alone,no family or friend.I was
crying and Praying"God have
mercy"because that was all i could ask
for...not wealth,health,or for guidience
but for his Mercy.Then i woke up for it
was just a dream. It
was so horrible-For that i knew was
RAPTURE"...deviate from evil and sin today my friends. GOD loves you. May i be
Raptured Lord and as many that reads
this may they draw closer to you... In
Jesus Name Amen.

Explosion At Bomb Factory Kills BokoHaram Members -

Residents of Kaleri ward in London Chiki
area of Maiduguri Metropolitan Council were
again thrown into confusion at about
10:30a.m when explosions were heard at a
residence close to the fence that divides
University of Maiduguri and Kaleri ward.
Saturday Tribune correspondent, who was
at the scene, can authoritatively report that
the blast killed three of the sect members,
who were suspected to be preparing the
bomb for possible attacks in the state
The house, which the sect members used as
their bomb making factory, was completely
destroyed as its roof was scattered all
around the environment.
Also, the bodies of the sect members which
were torn into pieces were all over the place
while Improvise Explosive Devices (IEDs)
which were yet to be detonated were also
seen at the site of the blast.
Saturday Tribune reports that residents have
since deserted the area following the blast
as none of the family members of the sect
members were seen around.
Women and children’s wears were also
scattered all over the place.
Speaking with Saturday Tribune, the Field
Operation Officer of the Joint Task Force on
Operation Restore Order in Borno State, Col.
Victor Ebhaleme said, “This is what we are
faced with everyday in ensuring that peace
returns to Borno State. But many people do
not know this. Therefore, it is your duty now
to tell the whole world so that they would
understand what we have to be contending
with day in day out.”
He said, “One wonders the kind of
technology the sect members are using as
they appeared unschooled but dangerous,
making an unimaginable weapon of
“You can see how they are making the
explosives and attaching a wristwatch to it
as the timer. This is to show you that they
have gone far in this their operations, but
thank God the thing is exploding with
According to him, the sect members have
been going round robbing people of their
funds to come and build houses at the
outskirt of town only to turn their homes
into bomb making factory, adding: “They
are the same the people that are going
round town to set fire on school buildings
of recent.”
“You know, when you come around here,
you cannot know that such thing is going
on. You see them as labourers working, or
people who have run away from trouble
areas. But these same people are the ones
going about taking innocent lives and
destroying people’s properties. Who knows
where they would have taken this
explosives to? All the same, they are finished,
their hands led them to their death,” he said.

Boko Haram: Jamb May Cancel Exams In Borno, Other Volatile States.

Boko Haram: JAMB may cancel exams in
Borno, other volatile states
The Registrar of the Joint Admissions and
Matriculation Board (JAMB), Prof. Dibu
Ojerinde, has said there will be no Unified
Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in
the volatile states in northern Nigeria.
Ojerinde made the announcement on Friday
in Abuja while speaking with reporters at
the 58th National Council on Education (NEC)
According to him, JAMB will be forced to
cancel the examination if the Boko Haram
attacks on primary and secondary schools in
Borno State continue.
“When we reviewed the situation in volatile
states, for instance Borno, we realised that
some of the schools are being bombed, but
our investigations showed that only primary
schools are affected and not secondary
“The board will be left with no option than
to tell the candidates to go elsewhere to
write the exams if schools which serve as
centres are attacked.’’
The registrar regretted that the
development could be quite unfortunate for
the students.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls
that Boko Haram had on February 28
attacked four primary schools in Maiduguri,
setting the Gomari Costain Primary School
and a section of the Maiduguri Experimental
School, Kawanar on fire.
They also set ablaze Budum Kulo Gomna
Primiary Schools and Abba Ganaram Primary
School also in Maiduguri.
Meanwhile, three suspected Boko Haram
members died on Friday after an explosion
at a bomb factory in Kaleri, Maiduguri.
Col. Victor Ebhaleme, the Field Commander of
the Joint Task Force (JTF) on Operation
Restore Order (ORO), told newsmen in
Maiduguri that the incident happened at
about 10.30 a.m.
He said residents of the area were attracted
by the big sound in a residential area at
Kaleri and they alerted the JTF.
“On arrival, our men discovered mutilated
bodies of three persons suspected to be
Boko Haram militants. Apparently, they died
while preparing the bombs.”
Ebhaleme added that several unexploded
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) were also
found in the house, which was completely
destroyed by the blast.
“Several bomb making apparatus were also
found in the house,’’ he said.

Friday 2 March 2012

2 Lovers Die In Lagos Multiple Crash.

It was a gory and pathetic sight as two
unidentified lovers died in a multiple crash
along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, near
Otedola Estate, Lagos this morning.

•Scene of today’s multiple crash in Lagos.

The accident involved seven vehicles
including a fully loaded truck with
registration number XZ 437 MUS. Others
include an 18-seater inter-state commuter
bus with plate number XN 547 LSR, Honda
Accord (FKJ 645 AG), Volkswagen Golf (DN
504 EKY) and a Toyota Sienna (GR 304 LND)
branded by Joint Juice.
It was gathered that the accident
occurred at about 6 a.m. today. While the
body of the two lovers who occupied the
front seat of the commuter bus were still
trapped under the truck as at the time of
filing this report, other victims of the
multiple crash have been rushed to the
Lagos State Emergency Centre located a few
metres away from the scene of the accident.
A witness said that last night a
truck conveying heavy iron pipes had an
accident, leaving one of the iron pipes
covering a part of the expressway. It was
the pipe that caused the multiple accidents
this morning.
The witness, who blamed the incident on
the nonchalant attitude of concerned
authorities, said if the heavy pipe had been
removed or safety signs created to alert
motorists, the accident would have been
“It is so unfortunate because since
yesterday, government officials didn’t come
to remove the pipe from the express road or
create awareness for motorists. But I am
sure if it was a vehicle that broke down
here, they would have come to tow it,” the
witness lamented.
The affected vehicles were said to be on
high speed, not suspecting that the iron
pipe was already covering the service lane
of the expressway. While trying to
manoeuvre, the truck driver was said to
have crushed other vehicles, before falling
on the commuter bus, thereby trapping the
two lovers.
Speaking at the scene of the
accident this morning, the boss of Lagos
State Emergency Management Agency
(LASEMA), Dr. Oluwafemi Osanyitolu
confirmed that there are two mortalities,
while nine injured victims have been taken
to the accident emergency unit for
“It is quite unfortunate, but as you can see,
all hands have been on deck to restore
normalcy. Everything is under control,” he
Wife of the Ogun State governor, Funmi
Amosun, who was driving by with her
entourage this morning also stopped to
sympathise with the accident victims.
The accident caused heavy traffic on both
sides of the expressway, but officials of the
Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), LASTMA,
Civil Defence and Police have arrived the
scene to salvage the situation.

Checkout Nollywood actor EmekaIke’s daughter (photo)

Here is the first ever photograph of
Oluwakemi Adanna Ike — the pretty 8
months old daughter of Grade A Nollywood
actor Emeka Ike — to ever grace a
magazine’s page.
We thank the Ike’s family for sharing this
lovely pic with NextVoice readers.

Drop a Coment....And click on Follow,To stay closer.Thanks

Stella Damasus: When Is It Enough?..A must Read For Every Woman!

It was 8 o’clock that morning and I was
already dressed in my black dress, black
shoes and no make-up, with my brushed
hair in a pony tail. I was heading to Yaba for
a friend’s funeral.
She was 35 and beautiful, a mother of two
beautiful children. I really did not want to go
because I was not sure of how I was going
to react. I was not sure if I could pull myself
Anyway, I got to the church and it was filled
with people who knew her and who had
heard of her. As I approached the church, I
was already battling with the huge lump in
my throat, making sure that I could at least
sit through the service. I managed to get
inside, and then the ushers took me up-
front to sit with the family. I saw her mother
and siblings who were weeping
uncontrollably, so I tried to console them
while battling with that same lump in my
throat. I did all I could until the kids walked
into the church with the nanny. Oh my
goodness, now that lump has melted into
liquid, the flood gates were flung open and
the tears started gushing out. It was not a
very pleasant sight as the choir leader could
not continue the song.
This is to give you an insight into the kind of
person my friend was and the life she lived.
She was extremely intelligent, kind, simple
and most of all was in love with God and His
Well, as I tried to calm down, he walked in
I am sure by now you are thinking I would
run to console him since I was very close to
her and he knew me. Instead, I stood up
and walked to the other side of the church
and sat down. That was when I knew how
much respect I had for the church and the
If I could, I would have locked him up in the
coffin so he could go with her; after all, he
put her there in the first place.
We had all begged, prayed, complained,
reported, and fought, just to get him to stop
beating her. I was tired of seeing the black
eye, the swollen face, the bruised arms and
the constant headaches. It was so bad that I
had to tell him that one day he would do
something really bad to his wife and end up
behind bars. Little did I know that the day in
question was fast approaching.
He had beaten her so much for sending her
own money to her mother without telling
him, and when she tried to protect herself
by pushing him off her, he got infuriated
and hit her head on the wall.
This time no black eye, no bruise to worry
about, she just did not wake up.
When her sister called me in the middle of
the night, I was not sure whether to cry or
get angry or scream. My whole body was
shaking and all I could say was “no… no…
no… please God, no, no, no… please”.
I started to feel guilty, “maybe I should have
moved her out of there” but then again who
am I to move her out of her husband’s
house when she herself refused to move. It
really hurt, so much that even as I am
writing this I am still crying.
The case was taken to court and was
dismissed, because according to the courts
the evidence was not enough, and so he
was discharged and acquitted.
In a country where an accurate autopsy
cannot be carried out, let alone thoroughly
investigate a crime, what do you expect?
She is dead and gone but the killer is
walking free, and as usual, he has custody of
the children whom he has passed on to his
new wife.
My heart has been bleeding ever since
because I know that this is happening to so
many women. Some are still alive today to
tell their stories, some are afraid to cry out
for help; some cover up when they are
asked questions about their black eye; some
believe that there is no justice for the
abused woman because other cases they
have heard of, have always favoured the
man, and lastly, some are no longer alive to
speak up.
As sad as this is, it is still happening even as
I write.
Now it has progressed to acid baths, body
mutilation, and other unthinkable things.
In anger, I stormed to the church we all
attended and demanded to see the head
pastor. When he came out, I screamed and
yelled and people came into the church to
hold me down. Please, do not think I
disrespect men of God. Oh, far from it, in fact
I respect them so much because without
some of them who have mentored me, I
would not be the person I am today.
Truth of the matter is, my late friend’s sister
told me that a few days before she died, she
had gone to meet the pastor in fear because
she had another fight with her husband
who told her that he was ready to kill her
and nothing would happen to him. He kept
saying in pidgin English: “na naija we dey o
and when you die your dead body no go
come prove to the court say na me kill you”.
My late friend then called her sister to tell her
what had happened and that she was going
to see the pastor.
I asked her sister: “Why pastor? Why not
The sister laughed and said: “Do you know
how many times she tried that? The
policeman she met on duty laughed and
said, ‘madam na domestic matter be dis
abeg, husband and wife must fight, go beg
your husband’ ”.
When her husband found out, he laughed
and asked if she thought she was in
America, then he beat her some more for
even attempting.
So, she went to the pastor and told him
everything again because that was not the
first time she went to him to complain and
ask for help. As usual the pastor said: “My
daughter, there is nothing God cannot do.
Please, prayer is what you need. Keep
praying to God to touch his heart, he will not
kill you and he will not harm you. Go back
home and maintain peace, please;
remember that God hates divorce so you
cannot leave your home and children”. She
left there feeling so dejected and scared,
and so she called her sister and told her
what the pastor had said.
I tried to think about what could have been
going on in her head everyday of her life,
thinking that there is no SAFE HAVEN. The
man who swore to love and protect you is
the one who is killing you; the parents who
gave you to him in marriage will tell you not
to leave your home because it is not a family
trait and it will bring shame upon the family.
You are too ashamed to even let people
know you are going through domestic
violence for fear of being stigmatized; you
are not protected by law enforcement
agents nor the law because some of them
do the same thing to their wives; then the
only place which is the house of God also
tells you to go back to the place where you
are being destroyed.
My heart broke and that was when I wept
the most, because no one knows what she
could have gone through alone.
So, I looked at this pastor and said ‘I hope
you are happy now, I hope you are satisfied
that she listened to you and got killed in the
I am not saying I support separation or
women running out of their homes, but I
insist that there must be temporary
measures to take the woman to a safe place
until things can be resolved. She has to, at
least, be alive first before any reconciliation
or anything can even take place.
My question today is: what does the church
do in cases like this? Is it saying that
because of doctrines women should remain
there and die? Is it saying that apart from
prayer there is no other way to help?
I poured out my heart to the pastor and
asked him a question directly without any
apologies, “If your daughter came to you,
bruised everyday, threatened and battered,
would you tell her to go back there and
pray? What if she does and gets killed? What
would your reaction be? Will you be able to
live with yourself?”
Then I calmed down and said God bless you
pastor and thank you, I hope this means she
will go to heaven.
He could not utter a word, so I walked out.
Call this ranting, lamenting, disrespectful, but
one thing is for sure. We need answers, we
need to shout it out loud, we need to
educate women and let them know they can
cry out for help.
I can’t stress this enough, if you are going
through any form of violence, especially
domestic violence, you can get help. Please
don’t die for nothing. Make that call to
Project Alert now 01-4737270,
08052004698 or send an email to
projectalert@projectalertnig.org, log on to
their website www.projectalertnig.org.
Enough is enough; the time to act is now.
Say No To Domestic Violence.
This piece is dedicated to all the women
who have lost their lives through domestic
May their souls rest in peace.