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Tuesday 20 March 2012


They were excitedly the happiest men on
planet earth when American music
superstar,Kanye West signed them into his
G.O.O.D Music.
The Nigerian entertainment industry and
music pundits within and outside Nigeria
celebrated with them…but little did they
know that their new union would crumble
the rosy relationship that has existed
between them over the years.
This is the story of a successful and awards
winning entertainer,Dapo Oyebanjo
popularly known as D’Banj and his long-time
friend and producer,Micheal Collins
Ajereh,better known as Don Jazzy,both
founders of renowned Mo’hits crew.
When the news of the duo’s possible break-
up came up last week,it became worrisome
to some pundits,especially their fans,seeing
the two closest friends finally parting-
ways,while others believe that it might be a
publicity stunt designed to achieve a
targeted goal.They described D’Banj and Don
Jazzy as “ joint product” that cannot be
separated for whatever interest.
Sources revealed that D’Banj was becoming
too arrogant to everybody including Don-
Jazzy, and efforts to curb him had been
Coming out to lay the rumour to rest was
Don Jazzy. He took to his twitter page and
tweeted, "Good day friends. So sorry I have
been away for long as I have been going
through some changes in my life.
It is with a heavy heart that I announce
the end of a long Era and the beginning of
a new One
Some of the Rumours you have all heard
recently are sad but true. The way
forward now is to make sure I keep
bringing you guys more of the beautiful
music you all love to dance to.
And to end d old era, I will be donating the
proceeds of my production catalogue from
day one till date to five charity
organizations. Thanks. IDJA
There have been quite a lot of speculations
on what could have led to their
In this report, Nigeriafilms.com gives you a
detailed account of the fight between the
D’Banj’s egocentric attitude,we gathered is
one of the reasons the duo fell apart.
According to information reaching us,D’Banj
has been acting funny lately and always
disregards any decision made by Don Jazzy
and any other Mo Hits Crew concerning how
they run the company.
D’Banj is naturally one person that is
egocentric but one person he respects a lot
is Don Jazzy.He has always been the face of
the brand because Don Jazzy is more
preoccupied with technical work but of late
he doesn’t even regard Don Jazzy
anymore.This is because they have been
having issues.There was even a time he told
Don Jazzy that without him,there will be no
Mo’Hits Records.
No one can really tell what has got into him
but the fact remains that he has allowed
certain things to get to him which has
obviously affected his relationship with Don
There has been a sharing formula on
whatever D’Banj makes as an artiste.A
certain percentage is expected to be
remitted to Mo’Hits account from any show
and endorsement deal any artiste on the
label gets.
Don Jazzy,being the producer makes no
money from shows and hardly produce any
other artiste,but lives on the money the
artistes make from shows because he is the
President of Mo Hits.
The issue of money started about 4 years
ago when D’Banj got the Globacom
Endorsement deal.D’Banj is said to have
refused to remit the company’s percentage
and based on the fact that there is no
written agreement between them Don Jazzy
could not question his decision.
There are too many issues to start talking
about how money got in between
them.Most notable ones are the Globacom
deal and Presidential election campaign deal.
Remember Don Jazzy said it clear on Twitter
that he never collected any money from the
president.Though D’Banj has been the one
financing most of their projects but it is
believed that he should be remitting certain
back to run the company.
D’Banj’s mother is one person that has been
the backbone of Mo Hits record from the
For certain reasons,sources disclosed,she
got displeased with Don Jazzy and other
members of Mo’Hits Record allegedly
encouraging D’Banj to move on without
D’Banj’s mother,we learnt has been the one
in control of their activities lately and is not
in any way pleased with what he gives back
to the label having been the one making all
the money.
The deal between MoHIts records and
G.O.O.D music owned by American
Rapper,Kanye West,is one of the best things
to ever happen to the Nigerian music
industry.While many people celebrated the
deal,little did they know it will eventually
cause a rift between them.
Details of what went wrong is yet to be
ascertained but our source alleged that
“Don Jazzy was more favoured in the deal
than D’Banj.
Don Jazzy,reports say,has already produced
a track for Good Music.
During the removal of fuel subsidy protest in
Lagos,Don Jazzy made a comment on
Twitter disregarding the action of the
president to have increased fuel price.
He also noted that he never collected any
money for the presidential campaign done
by D’Banj in 2011.
The statement,we gathered got D’Banj very
upset and cause a big rift between them.
Sunday Are the CEO of List Entertainment has
been the manager of D’Banj for years and he
also runs the management company for
MoHits record.
Sometimes in 2009,Bankuli who has been
their close friend for many years came into
the picture and rather than refer to Sunday
Are as his manager,he started associating
more with Bankuli.
Late last year,he made it known that he
wanted to have a change of manager and
chose Bankuli,but Don Jazzy disagreed and
decided to keep Sunday Are as the manager
of MohIts Records.
Right now Bankuli has taken over the
management of D’Banj while Sunday Are
remains the manager of other Mo’Hits
The delay of the release of Wande Coal’s
album,sources disclosed,was initiated by
Just like he delayed the release of his first
album M2M for his last album,D’Banj,insiders
disclosed intends not to have Wande release
any album until he releases his own.
After much pressure on Don Jazzy to release
Wande Coal’s album,he dropped three
singles which D’Banj according to sources
was not happy about.
Wande has always been a threat to D’Banj
and he believes Don Jazzy should put more
energy on his own work rather than Wande
or any other artiste on Mo’Hits.
That Don Jazzy released three singles from
Wande’s forthcoming album may have been
the final straw that broke the camel’s back
and that is one big reason they fell apart.

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